Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 163 I will take the blame, you guys get the benefits

"What group? What group?"

Long Xing Tian Xia is very efficient.

In less than ten minutes, Wang Yuan was pulled into a temporary chat group by Long Xing Tian Xia.

At this time, the players in the group were greeting each other with question marks on their heads.

"Damn! Old Donkey, why are you here! Last time, the players of your guild killed the monsters of our guild, how do you explain it?"

"Dog group! Why are you a dog! The deep forest is your home? Why can't we kill monsters?"

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"Flying Cat, come out and fight! I see you!"

"Just you? Are you qualified?"

"Grand Mud Horse, you bunch of idiots!!"


Looking at the chaos in the group, Wang Yuan was full of black lines. The relationship between the guilds in Thunderstorm City was really harmonious. It has reached the point where they fight as soon as they meet.

"Everyone, be quiet. Who created the group?" At this time, a president named Shiguangsha stood up to stop everyone's friendly communication.

"It's me..." Long Xingtianxia also popped up.

"Brother Long? What's going on?"

It must be said that Long Xingtianxia is still very intimidating in Thunderstorm City.

Seeing that it was Long Xingtianxia who pulled everyone into the group, everyone wanted to scold him, but now all their tempers were taken back.

"Brother Niu has something to do with us." Long Xingtianxia said.

"Brother Niu? That Brother Niu?" Everyone was confused.

"Who else could it be? How many Brother Niu can we have in Thunderstorm City?" Long Xingtianxia asked back.

"Could it be... Could it be Niu Dali?"

Everyone quieted down.

"It's me!" Wang Yuan sent a message lightly.

"Oh my god! It's really Brother Niu!!" Seeing Wang Yuan pop up, everyone started to swipe the screen at the same time, with a lot of "worship" emoticons.

Especially Shi Guangsha, who flattered: "Fuck, Brother Niu, your reputation is well-known. You are the hero who eliminates harm for the people in Thunderstorm City!"

"Ahem!" Long Xingtianxia coughed awkwardly: "Don't talk nonsense! Brother Niu has something important to talk to us about."

"What is it? Is Brother Niu going to deal with the Black Dragon Society again?" Shi Guangsha looked happy.

"Take one of us with you when the time comes." Another player named Liufeng Huixue also echoed excitedly.

"Damn! You two are bastards!!" Long Xingtianxia was furious.

These two people are the presidents of Fenghuaxueyue and Suiyueliuguang, and they are also the guilds in Thunderstorm City that are most dissatisfied with the Black Dragon Society.

These two people will disgust Long Xingtianxia when they get the chance.


Wang Yuan laughed and said, "We are all brothers in Thunderstorm City. How can we keep fighting in our nest? We must look outside."

"Oh? What does Brother Niu mean?" Everyone was immediately interested after hearing this.

"That... I think our Thunderstorm City is not well-known enough now. We should have a big iconic guild like other main cities."

"Hiss, a big iconic guild!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this: "So what? What should we do? Should all guilds unite to create a super guild?"

"I refuse! I will never cooperate with the Black Dragon Society!"

"We refuse too! If we cooperate with the Black Dragon Society, who will be the president in the future? We don't want to be the younger brother of others. If you let me be the boss, I can consider it."

"Bah! Who are you? Are you worthy of being the boss?"

"You are not that strong! Do you want to challenge me?"

"Come on! Let's open a room in the arena! Fight to the death!"

Instantly, the group became lively again.

Everyone was very determined. It was impossible to unite unless they made themselves the president.

"No need to unite!" Wang Yuan waved his hand.

"Oh? No need to unite, how can we become famous?" Everyone looked confused.

"Challenge whoever is the most famous!" Wang Yuan said.

"Who is the most famous? Brother Niu, are you going to challenge Huaxia Longteng?" Everyone was shocked.

"Fuck! It can't be? That's the number one guild in the national server! How can we have that ability!!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Everyone expressed doubt.

"You guessed right! Now if we want to get ahead quickly, there is only one way, that is to defeat Huaxia Longteng!" Wang Yuan said.

"Brother Niu, don't joke! We all know our own strengths and weaknesses. How can we challenge Huaxia Longteng?"

All the guild presidents said.

With the quality and size of Huaxia Longteng, so far, no guild can be compared with it, let alone challenge it.

Black Dragon Club is powerful, right? It is domineering in Thunderstorm City, but when it comes to Huaxia Longteng, it is the difference between a local rich man and a famous family in the village. It is not the same at all.

A group of guilds that are not even as good as the Black Dragon Club want to challenge Huaxia Longteng. Isn't this nonsense?

"That's why I called everyone here." Wang Yuan said, "Huaxia Longteng currently has only tens of thousands of people. All our guilds together have at least hundreds of thousands of people, and we also have the advantage of time and place. We may not be a match for Huaxia Longteng."


Hearing the data given by Wang Yuan, the guild leaders were immediately a little excited.

In the game, fighting is usually about who has more players and who dares to fight.

Why is Huaxia Longteng so powerful? It's because they have more people and more power.

Now that everyone has united, they have several times more troops than Huaxia Longteng, so there is no reason to be afraid.

The players of Huaxia Longteng are human beings, and the players of Thunderstorm City are also human beings. In the early stage of the game, everyone is still in the novice stage. What is there to fear under the absolute pressure of numbers?

If they win... they will become famous directly, at least equivalent to the development of the guild for five years.

But if they lose...

"Brother Niu, cooperation doesn't matter, but who will be the initiator at that time?"

To be the president, these players are naturally not stupid.

Challenging Huaxia Longteng requires the guild to initiate.

In this kind of thing where the gun shoots the first bird, whoever dares to take the lead will be the shield, and will inevitably die first. If Huaxia Longteng holds a grudge against him, he may have no place to stand in the game in the future.

Cooperation is not difficult, but who will be the first bird to come forward.

"No problem! Of course it's me." Wang Yuan couldn't hide the thoughts of these guys.

"If you win, will your "Great Power Miracle" be the face of Thunderstorm City in the future?" Everyone asked again.

Risks and benefits coexist. If you lose, you will be the target of public criticism. If you win, you will get a lot of money. Everyone does not want to be the first to stand out, nor do they want to make wedding clothes for others. They want to get benefits, but they do not want to be targeted.

"Of course not!"

Wang Yuan said: "Let's go by contribution. Whichever guild contributes the most will become a well-known guild in Thunderstorm City in the end. However, the party that becomes a well-known guild must give some benefits to other guilds as labor fees. What do you think? If everyone agrees, we "Great Power Miracle" can act as notaries!"

At this point, Wang Yuan continued: "Presidents, rest assured! If someone does not abide by the agreement, I will directly take action to satisfy everyone!"

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