Dahai Wuliang is from Holy Light City and was once invited by Huaxia Longteng.

Naturally, he knew better than anyone what would happen if he rejected the Chinese Dragon Soaring.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭

When Wang Yuan met her before, she was being harassed by Huaxia Longteng's people.

Those were just some ordinary players, but they made it impossible for masters like Dahai Wuliang to survive in Holy Light City.

Gentleman is one of the core executives of Huaxia Longteng.

Being stabbed to death at this time, the consequences are simply unimaginable.


However, Wang Yuan chuckled when he heard Dahai Wuliang's words.

"Ha ha!"

Others also smiled.

"You..." Seeing everyone's smiles, Dahai Wuliang couldn't help but be stunned.

These guys didn't seem to be afraid at all.

"Little sister, you are a nice person!" Benevolent Wudi's favorable opinion of Dahai Wuliang increased sharply.

That is the core player of Chinese Dragon Teng. Everyone knows what happens if someone offends Chinese Dragon Teng. Especially Boundless Sea or someone from Holy Light City who knows the character of Chinese Dragon Teng better. If this matter had been done by someone else, he would have been with Wang Yuan a long time ago. People have distanced themselves from each other, but Dahai Wuliang said "we" instead of "you."

It was obvious that although she was scared, frightened, and knew she was in trouble, she did not put herself out of it.

"But don't look down on us, the Chinese Dragon Teng is nothing." The benevolent person picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, then threw the wine glass on the ground.

"Exactly! What's wrong with Huaxia Longteng, who is just a fool, so he offended them? Can he follow the network cable and hit me?"

"We are not made of dough! As long as they dare to come, we will bite off a piece of their flesh before we die!"

"That's right!"

Everyone said.

For a moment, the atmosphere at the wine table was filled with excitement. Everyone drank a glass of wine together, and then imitated the benevolent invincible and threw the glass to the ground.


Dahai Wuliang looked at the people in front of him, his eyes filled with tears of emotion.

This is friends, this is brotherhood, this is called playing games.

Dahai Buliang is not a coward, she is even a very daring person to resist. Otherwise, she would have been forced to join the Chinese Dragon Soarer when she was in Holy Light City. The reason why she is so miserable is precisely because of Wang Yuan's group of people who dare to resist. A friend who fights for himself.

Yes, they are all playing games. Why should I be afraid of you? You may be very good at your first move, but my sword is not bad at all.

We will never let your so-called big guilds bully the weak.

Dahai Wuliang suddenly felt like he had found a place where he belonged. He also picked up a glass of wine, drank it down, and then threw it to the ground.

"I want to join you too!" Dahai Wuliang said excitedly.

"Welcome! We will all be brothers from now on!" Everyone was even more excited.

"Um..." At this time, a cold voice came from the bar, and the tavern owner, Uncle Hans, said calmly: "This is a small business in our shop, and the wine glass costs one gold coin!"


Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and all looked at the God of Death.


Death burst into tears and said: "They are not my brothers!"

Wang Yuan: "..."

Just when Mr. Hans broke up the brotherhood between Wang Yuan and others with a few gold coins, the gentleman also returned to Huaxia Longteng's office.

"Manager Zheng, how are things going? What did Niu Dali say?"

Seeing the gentleman return, several people from all over Longteng gathered around him eagerly.

In their eyes, Wang Yuan was not only a master, but also the only master with a territory.

Being able to bring Wang Yuan to the meeting will definitely be a huge benefit to China Longteng.


It's okay that Long Teng Si Hai didn't ask. This question made the gentleman's anger directly rush to his forehead, and he opened his mouth with swear words.

"He didn't agree?" Feng Wu Jiutian frowned slightly.

"Did he make a condition?" Longteng Sihai was also very puzzled.

A gentleman, you can tell by his name what kind of person he is in ordinary life. It cannot be said that he is gentle and elegant, at least he is a scholar. At this time, when he heard Wang Yuan's name, he started swearing when he opened his mouth. This shows that this trip was not very successful.

"He won't hit you, right?" Huxiao Shanhe said even more exaggeratedly.


The gentleman shook his head.

"Damn it! I just said it wouldn't be..." Several people in Longteng Sihai quickly wiped away their sweat.

"He killed me!!" The gentleman gritted his teeth.




"make you……"


As soon as the gentleman said this, the expressions of the people in Longteng Sihai were exactly the same as the expressions of the gentleman when he was first resurrected.

First there was shock, then confusion, then disbelief, and finally anger.

When the two countries went to war, they didn't kill the envoys. Huaxia Longteng sent someone to invite Wang Yuan to join the guild and cooperate together, but Ya actually killed the inviter.

This is so... so rude! !

"Not only did he kill... the dog, but he also insulted me." The gentleman told Wang Yuan about blacklisting him again.

"Ci'ao!! This guy is so shameless!!" Huxiaoshanhe slapped the table and stood up: "Don't worry, Lao Zheng, I'll cut off his head right now!"

"Damn it!!!" Long Teng Sihai was also furious.

In fact, in China Longteng, the highest status person is not the several presidents of Longteng Sihai, but Lao Zheng.

Although Zhengrenjunzi is not strong, he is the general manager of Huaxia Longteng. Huaxia Longteng can become so big because of the investment he has brought in.

It can be said that without Zhengrenjunzi, there would be no Huaxia Longteng.

In the eyes of Longteng Sihai, Zhengrenjunzi is the most important core of this guild.

It is also because of this that when encountering such important matters that need to be negotiated, Longteng Sihai will hand them over to Zhengrenjunzi, which is also the tacit understanding between them.

But who would have thought that Zhengrenjunzi, who had been successful in the past, would suffer such a big loss from Wang Yuan.

Not only was he slaughtered, but he was also humiliated and blocked.

This is fucking! It's just that the uncle can tolerate it, but the aunt can't! !

"It fits his style." Feng Wu Jiu Tian touched his chin and said, "He dared to steal even St. Peter's things, so killing Lao Zheng is probably not a big deal for him."

"What should we do now? Should we kill him now!!" Hu Xiao Shan He couldn't hold back any longer: "I'll kill him now! The damn Hua Xia Long Teng has never suffered such a loss!"

"Fuck! Shameless thing! He has to wait until I kill him! He kneels down like a dog, right!" Long Teng Si Hai was also furious.

"Don't get excited, and don't mess around!"

Feng Wu Jiu Tian frowned and said, "It's better not to make a big deal about this!"


"Lao Jiu, what do you mean? Are you scared?" Hu Xiao Shan He said angrily.

"Scared of shit! I said not to make a big deal, but I'm not not going to deal with them!!" Feng Wu Jiu Tian said, "I mean it's not suitable to bring so many people over."

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