Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 157 Feng Wu Jiu Tian's careful consideration

"We don't bring more people, for fear that they won't know how powerful we are. Isn't that what you said! Didn't we do the same in the past?" Huxiaoshanhe asked doubtfully.

As the largest guild in the national server, it is common for China Longteng to have friction with other guilds.

Normally, whenever there is a need for a guild battle, Fengwu Jiutian will try his best to recruit as many people as possible. The more people, the better.

In the words of Feng Wu Jiutian, asking for war shows weakness, avoiding war shows strength. If you want to fight the most cost-effective guild war, you have to surrender without fighting.

At this time, when we need to start a war with "Strength Works Miracles", this guy actually said that he can't bring so many people and can't take matters into his own hands. Isn't this contradictory?


Feng Wu Jiutian glanced at Huxiao Shanhe and said: "This time is different from other times. The opponent is different, the nature is different, and the fighting mode is also different."

First of all, in the past, Huaxia Longteng's opponents were all big guilds that were about the same size as itself. This kind of guild war was about who had more strength.

Tens of thousands of Chinese Dragon Tigers are rushing to that station, and they can show their skill and strength. Both opponents and bystanders will be amazed by the power of Chinese Dragon Tigers, so that they can win the guild war with minimal losses. , and it can also make others feel that Huaxia Longteng wins with strength.

And "Strength produces miracles" is just a small group with less than ten people. Under such circumstances, tens of thousands of people are mobilized to mobilize troops. What is this called? This is called bullying! Huaxia Longteng himself may feel that it is very exciting, very awesome, very crushing and crushing.

But for a big guild like Huaxia Longteng, reputation is very important.

You have to be famous in every fight! All have to be reasonable.

Inexplicably besieging a small guild with less than ten people, in the eyes of others, this is bullying.

It won’t be glorious even if you win! As long as it suffers a little loss, Huaxia Longteng will be nagged for the rest of its life.

Secondly, in the past, the reason why guild battles required all-out efforts was to frighten the opponent into surrendering or to lower his momentum.

But now this "strong force can bring miracles" dares to directly kill China Longteng's number one manager, which proves that these guys don't buy China Longteng's account at all. People know how awesome you are, but they still don't take you seriously. If so many people go there, not only will they not scare people, they may even make them laugh.

Finally, there is the issue of combat mode.

A big guild versus a big guild is a head-to-head confrontation. You send out 10,000 people and I send out 10,000 people to attack each other's lair to see who can't hold on first.

When a large guild meets a small group, it's a completely different style. Guerrilla warfare and street fighting are the ultimate fighting methods.

With such a bloated battle group of tens of thousands of people, fighting guerrilla warfare with seven or eight people, the flexibility and mobility are not at the same level at all. When the time comes, they will not be able to defeat the opponent, and they will be disgraced by the opponent. The shame will not be thrown back to their hometown.

Furthermore, Thunderstorm City is the home ground of "Strength Works Miracles", and the terrain is more familiar to people. If tens of thousands of Chinese Dragon players show up in Thunderstorm City to kill people, there is a high probability that "Thunderstorm City" players will resist.

Players are all local-conscious. When outsiders come to us to kill people, they clearly don’t take us seriously. When the time comes, hundreds of thousands of players from the entire main city will gather around to fight at home. Maybe they will have to completely annihilated.

"Is there such a thing?! How come I haven't seen it before?"

After listening to Feng Wu Jiutian's analysis, not only the tiger roaring mountains and rivers, but also the dragon rising all over the world couldn't help but turn pale.

Feng Wu Jiutian is the chief think tank of Huaxia Longteng. Basically, what he said was carefully considered. He never expected that there would be so many dangers.

"Did a small group of ten people provoke us before?" Feng Wu Jiutian asked.

"Ah this..."

Everyone was silent.

Indeed, Huaxia Longteng cannot be said to have reached the peak just after debuting. At least it started with a few thousand people, and guilds of average size would not dare to provoke it easily.

Later, the more mixed up, the better and the bigger the development. Normal people would be frightened when they hear the name "Chinese Dragon Teng". Who the hell dares to take the initiative to provoke? Even a large guild with tens of thousands of people has to be able to live up to its reputation. Things like stabbing the core manager of China Dragon to death over a disagreement must not happen, at least it shouldn't happen.

Who would have thought that a small group of less than ten people could do such outrageous things.

Not only Huaxia Longteng didn't expect it, but Fengwu Jiutian was also confused now.

This is so unconventional...

"Then what should we do? Continue to let them go?" Huxiao Shanhe asked through gritted teeth.

Huaxia Longteng has been in the online gaming industry for so many years, but it has never been treated like this.

"Of course not!"

Feng Wu Jiutian snorted coldly and said: "To deal with such a small group, we don't need to make a big show of it. We must use magic to defeat magic!"

"Can you fucking explain it more clearly?" Huxiao Shanhe yelled urgently, he was tired of such pretense.

"Dragon Squad!" Feng Wu Jiutian said lightly.


As soon as Feng Wu Jiutian said this, everyone was stunned.

"Dragon...Dragon Team?!"

Even a gentleman can't help but show a surprised expression: "Dragon Team? Just those few people? As for that?"

"Old Jiu! Do you think too highly of those people?" Long Teng Sihai frowned.

"Old Jiu, you're crazy!" Huxiao Shanhe said even more exaggeratedly: "Just find me a few elites and let me lead the team. That's it. You're just a wild player in a small main city. As for moving the Dragon Team out? "

Players are divided into four levels.

The lowest level is professional players, who make a living by working for ordinary players.

Low level is ordinary players, commonly known as wild players, who have no big guilds, no advanced equipment, and are also average in strength. They are mainly a group of players who kill time. Most players belong to this category.

Medium level is guild players, who have guilds and fixed teams, and whose equipment strength is stronger than ordinary players. They are collectively called elite players.

High level is professional masters! These people can be said to be the top layer among players, which is what we often call professional e-sports players.

Their job is e-sports. They form teams in the name of major guilds and represent guilds and even countries to fight.

These are players who are truly superior to ordinary players, and they are also gods in the eyes of ordinary players.

Even top guilds such as Huaxia Longteng serve professional players.

Huaxia Longteng's "Dragon Team" belongs to Huaxia Longteng's special organization. All members are retired professional players. They usually serve as sparring partners in the team club and do some dirty work for the guild when necessary.

From assassinating the core masters of the opponent's guild to breaking the dungeon record to annoy others, etc., these are all extremely difficult technical tasks.

Under normal circumstances, they will not be used.

Even Long Teng Sihai, who has been the president of Huaxia Longteng for five years, has only called on the Dragon Squad a few times.

For a small group, the "Dragon Squad" has to be dispatched. Long Teng Sihai's mood at this time can be imagined.

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