
Seeing Shui Linglong stabbed the pretentious criminal to death, Dahai Wuliang couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

His eyes started to sparkle again.

This girl likes tough guys. She saw Wang Yujie like this before.

"Well done!"

"Lingzi is so handsome!"

Others cheered. As expected of the person with the worst temper in the guild, Shui Linglong couldn't stand the self-righteous idiot like Zhengrenjun.

"This girl is good! I like her!"

Even Chun Ge couldn't help but sigh: "I like women with this kind of temper."

"Me too! Chun Ge, you can't compete with me!" Ma Saner shouted.


"What the hell are you two fighting for!"

Erbai was speechless. He was already a skeleton, but he was still thinking about things that didn't exist.




At this moment, in the resurrection point of Holy Light City, Zhengrenzi was full of question marks.

His face was full of shock, confusion and disbelief.

Don’t look at Zhengrenzi being polite to Wang Yuan, that’s because Huaxia Longteng coveted the guild station of “Great Power to Make Miracles”, so he tried his best to say nice things to deceive.

But after being exposed by Wang Yuan, Zhengrenzi immediately changed into a different person, and his tone became very tough.

Why is it like this?

Because Zhengrenzi is also a very arrogant person in essence.

After all, he is the agent of “Huaxia Longteng”.

He is a person with a say in the top management of the largest guild in the country, which is basically equivalent to one of the top leaders of the top domestic Internet companies.

Wang Yuan and others may not feel his high status, but for others, he is definitely an existence to be admired.

To be honest, with his status as a gentleman, he doesn't need him to recruit people to join the guild. The reason why he went to Thunderstorm City to find Wang Yuan in person is that Longteng Sihai attaches great importance to Wang Yuan, and secondly, Wang Yuan has the only guild station in the entire game.

In fact, the gentleman doesn't think highly of Wang Yuan himself.

There are many masters in the game, and Huaxia Longteng is not short of one or two. The only thing that makes him feel valuable about Wang Yuan is that he has a guild station, not to mention the other people of "Great Power".

Therefore, in the eyes of the gentleman, his status and Wang Yuan's group are extremely different.

With his status, he is always being flattered wherever he goes. Now he has condescended to come to Thunderstorm City to win over a few idle people.

As a result, he was stabbed before he finished speaking...

What the hell! ! The gentleman's mood at this moment can be imagined.

First, I couldn't believe that someone of my status and position would treat me like this. Then, I was filled with anger and shock.

I thought highly of you, so I came to win you over, but you killed me without saying a word... Damn it!!! Thousands of words were condensed into one sentence: "Niu! What do you mean!"

"Sorry, that's how we do things!" Wang Yuan smiled and said, "Just be thankful that she still held back! She never stabbed me in the waist before!"

"Good! Very good! Is this your attitude?" The gentleman said angrily, "Then you just wait!! Dare to go against our Huaxia Longteng! It is definitely the biggest mistake of your life!"

"Oh..." Wang Yuan replied with an "oh", and then casually put the gentleman on the blacklist.


Seeing Wang Yuan's reply, the gentleman, who was already full of anger, was furious.

What does "oh" mean?

I threatened you in the name of Huaxia Longteng, but you just said "oh", a simple word, full of disdain and contempt from top to bottom.

Huaxia Longteng has never been looked down upon like this.

However, when Zhengrenzi sent a message again, the system replied humorously: [Sorry, you have been blocked]

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Zhengrenzi was stunned for three seconds, and then he looked up to the sky and roared with frustration and anger.

From adding Wang Yuan as a friend, to being killed, to being despised, and finally being blocked...

Zhengrenzi's mentality was exploded at this time. He has been in this industry for so many years, but this is the first time he has been treated like this, and he was directly hit with a set of "combination punches".

Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable.

At the resurrection point, other players retreated when they saw the angry gentleman, thinking to themselves: "Oh, how hungry this kid must be, he didn't forget that thing in the game... I don't know what game has this kind of business..."


"Brother Niu, are you really not considering it? You don't have to make a choice for us."

At this time, in the tavern of Thunderstorm City, Renzhe Wudi came to Wang Yuan with a glass of wine.

Renzhe Wudi is the oldest among all the people, and he is more mature in his way of doing things. He naturally knows the benefits of Wang Yuan joining Huaxia Longteng at this time.

Although Huaxia Longteng wants a guild station, to be honest, a luxury like a guild station has no meaning for a small guild with only seven or eight people.

It can't even complete the guild mission, let alone develop the guild.

In fact, joining Huaxia Longteng with a guild station may not be a bad thing.

Besides, what kind of treatment does Huaxia Longteng have? Ordinary players have a monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan. With Wang Yuan's strength, he still brought in capital to invest, at least he must be a core senior executive, and his generous treatment is naturally incomparable to the current one.

At least from now on, Wang Yuan will never worry about his livelihood again.


Hearing what Renzhe Wudi said, Wang Yuan laughed and said, "It's just a game, why take it seriously! Besides, isn't having fun the essence of the game?"


Renzhe Wudi was slightly stunned.

Indeed, the essence of playing games is to have fun, but with the popularity of online games, the market is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more utilitarian things, and many people have lost their original intentions.

If a person treats playing games as work, is it still playing games?

Only when you have fun, that is playing games.

Renzhe Wudi looked at Wang Yuan with a little more respect in an instant.

Before, Renzhe Wudi thought that Wang Yuan was just strong and cunning, but now he found that Wang Yuan's game realm is not ordinary.

"You are all players who play for fun. I prefer to play with you. We can feel relaxed when we are together." Wang Yuan said, "Don't you think so?"

"Yes!" Renzhe Wudi nodded, "We are the same kind of people. Even if we can improve our material life by forcibly integrating into other people's lives, we may not be happy."

"That's right!"

Wang Yuan said, "Besides, the world is changing. It is very likely that you will usher in a new world in the next moment."

"New world?" Renzhe Wudi looked puzzled, even a little puzzled. Suddenly, he felt that he could no longer understand what Wang Yuan said.

"Brother Niu, this old Zheng is the core senior executive of Huaxia Longteng. If we kill him, I'm afraid we will get into big trouble!" At this time, Dahai Wuliang also came over.

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