Thunderstorm City, Hans Tavern.

On the most conspicuous table, a group of extremely obscene-looking guys were staring at a female player in the corner and pointing.

These guys are naturally the ones who "make miracles with great force".

"Damn! She's really a beauty!" Benevolent Wudi stared at the girl with eyes wide open.

"Damn it, when did your eyesight get so good?" Brave Warrior Wushuang frowned.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!" Shui Linglong sighed.

"Sir, give me the money quickly!" Xiaowei was so excited that he reached out for money.

"Hope, come on! Go and get your contact information." Everyone took out their money and turned to look at Hope.

As the most slutty one in the guild, everyone has pinned all their hopes on Hope's beauty trap.


"I want it, uncle! Others asked for it from me. I haven't taken the initiative to ask for it from others." Hope said that she had no experience in taking initiative.

"I'll go!" The God of Death volunteered and stood up, with a serious look on his face: "I have experience."

"Forget it, forget it!" Everyone pulled the God of Death to persuade him: "I just look good, and this is not my crime."

"I'll fuck you...!!" The God of Death gritted his teeth.



Just as a few people were scratching their heads, suddenly the door of the tavern opened.

I saw a familiar figure walking in.

"Brother Niu! It's Brother Niu!"

Seeing the player coming in, everyone was excited: "Are you here to see the beauty too?"

"Come on! Let's play rock, paper, scissors. Whoever loses will ask for their contact information." Random shooting can be said to be a quick thinker in this regard.


Wang Yuan's head was filled with questions.

"Brother Niu! This way!"

However, at this moment, the female player in the corner suddenly waved to Wang Yuan.



Suddenly, the whole tavern fell silent.

"No...Brother Niu, do you...know him?"

After the miracle happened with great force, everyone looked up at Wang Yuan in front of them, and they were already as respectful as a god.

What's going on! !

This guy isn't handsome either. How come every good-looking woman knows him.

What method did you use?

" friend specially invited me to drink."

Wang Yuan nodded and walked over.

"Specially invite Brother Niu to drink...I'll wipe it!!"

Everyone almost cried when they heard this.

Especially Hope, who sighed with emotion: "Drink, if a woman invites a man to drink, that is giving him a chance."

"Damn! I'm so envious!" The benevolent man was invincibly excited.

"I admire you! Brother Niu, take me with you!" The brave man was envious.

"Uncle Niu! You will be my only idol from now on." He casually bowed in admiration.

"Why! Why!!" The God of Death clenched his fist and smashed the table.

"This..." Everyone glanced at the God of Death and fell silent.

"There is no good thing in a man!" Shui Linglong sat aside and stared at Wang Yuan, in a very unhappy mood.


"Do you recognize those strange shapes?"

Seeing Wang Yuan chatting with Benevolent Wudi's group, Dahai Wuliang frowned and asked, "These guys have been staring at me with malicious intent since they came in. I thought they were people from Huaxia Longteng."

"Ha ha!"

Wang Yuan laughed and said: "They are all my friends. They have no ill intentions. They are just staring at you and want to be friends with you."


Dahai Wuliang breathed a sigh of relief.

This unlucky kid was harassed by Huaxia Longteng's group of bastards even in Holy Light City.

"Of course you can make friends!" Dahai Wuliang said with a smile: "Brother Niu's friends are definitely not bad people."

"Haha... I don't even know if you are scolding me." Wang Yuan looked embarrassed, then waved to everyone and said: "Come here and introduce a new friend to you!"

"Damn it! Is it true, foster father?!!"

When they heard that Wang Yuan was going to introduce the girl to him, everyone's voices trembled with excitement.

"As expected of Brother Niu!! The benefits never fail us."

"From now on, I will be Brother Niu's pawn, riding the horse for Brother Niu!"


"This Lao Deng is an invincible benevolent person!" Wang Yuan introduced them one by one after Dali performed a miracle and several people came over.

"Unmarried!" Benevolent Wudi hurriedly added.

"This kid shoots randomly!"

"I'm single too!"

"This handsome guy is hope."

"Hello, beauty!" Hope posed in a pose that she thought was very handsome.

"This sister's name is Shui Linglong!"


"What about this one?"

After Wang Yuan introduced everyone, Dahai Wuliang suddenly glanced at the God of Death, who had his head lowered and a mask hanging on his face.

"He is the God of Death! He is also a mage. I guess you don't want to know him." He shot casually.


Dahai Wuliang ignored the random shots, stretched out his hand to the God of Death and said, "My name is Dahai Wuliang."

"Big...infinite sea?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Dahai Wuliang's name and looked at the God of Death covering his mouth and snickering.

"What's wrong?" Dahai Wuliang looked confused.

"His name is Dahai." Wang Yuan explained.

"What a coincidence?" Dahai Wuliang said excitedly: "Add me as a friend!"


The God of Death's eyes were as wide as bells, his face full of disbelief.

I have lived for decades, and a girl actually took the initiative to add me as a friend...and she was a beautiful girl.

"Damn it, damn it!"

"Why..." In the guild channel, everyone's mentality collapsed.

This woman is so short-sighted. There are so many handsome guys, but she picked the ugliest one.

"Brother Niu... I'll buy you a drink." Death excitedly took out his purse.


Everyone's eyes lit up, ready to vent their dissatisfaction on Death's wallet and rip him off.

"Whoever orders the most expensive, I'll kill him!!" Death's face was full of murderous intent.

"Okay! Let's order the second most expensive."

"You guys go to hell, okay?" Death was depressed.


Dahai Wuliang saw these guys making such a fuss, and laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

This group of live treasures became even more excited.

"A bunch of bitches." Shui Linglong sighed with her hand on her forehead.


[System prompt: "Gentleman" requests to add you as a friend. 】

Wang Yuan just picked up the wine glass, and suddenly a friend request appeared in front of him.

There was also a note under the application: I want to cooperate with you.


Wang Yuan was slightly stunned and casually accepted the friend request.

"Brother Niu, where are you?"

The next moment, the other side sent a message.

"The tavern!" Wang Yuan said: "What do you want to cooperate with? Do a dungeon or a boss?"

"Something else! Let's talk face to face!" Zhengren Gentleman said and closed the message bar.

Ten minutes later, a player dressed as an assassin appeared in the tavern.

"Who is Niu Dali?"

After the assassin walked into the tavern, he asked directly.


Everyone looked at Wang Yuan.

"It's me! What's wrong with you?" Wang Yuan raised his hand and motioned the assassin to come over and talk.

"My name is Zhengren Gentleman, you can call me Lao Zheng!" The assassin said: "I am the agent of Huaxia Longteng, and I came to you to inform you! You are in big trouble!"

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