Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 153 You don’t treat us as human beings either

"What's going on???"

Wang Yuan was full of questions.

When the group of people from the Invincible Kindness heard what the Gentleman said, they also quieted down, looking at the Gentleman as if they were looking at a fool.

Good fellow, who is this guy? He came up and said that the gentleman in front of him was going to be in big trouble.

Don't you know who this gentleman is?

Where he is, only others will be in big trouble.

"NND, how come this grandson is more charlatan than me?"

Chun Ge behind Wang Yuan heard what the Gentleman said and showed a disdainful tone: "Are you going to say that Brother Niu's forehead is black next?"

"It's hard to say..." The other three skeletons looked solemn.


Seeing Wang Yuan and others' disdain and doubt, the gentleman hurriedly said: "You are being targeted by the Temple of Light! St. Peter is on a mission to hunt you down."


Chun Ge was stunned: "I used to only dare to say that others were recently in trouble, but the damn thing actually brought up the Temple of Light... It's true that the back waves push the front waves!"

"Chun Ge, you are the back waves." Ma Saner quickly corrected.

"Really? It's true that the front waves push the back waves." Chun Ge couldn't help but sigh.

"Who are you talking about?"

When the gentleman said this, Renzhe Wudi and others immediately got up from their seats excitedly.

"The Temple of Light, the Grand Deacon of the Heretic Inquisition, St. Peter." Seeing the excitement of everyone, the gentleman said with a serious expression, and at the same time he was secretly happy.

What he wanted was to find an effect to scare the other party so that he could recruit them better.

"Fuck! Awesome!"

However, just when the upright gentleman thought that Renzhe Wudi and Wang Yuan's group were frightened by the news he brought, who knew that Renzhe Wudi and his group looked at Wang Yuan with admiration and shouted: "Brother Niu is mighty and domineering!! Come on, let's toast to the awesome Brother Niu!!"

"Brother Niu, are you a piece of shit? Why do people step on you wherever you go?"

"Damn, you were directly ordered to be killed by the Inquisition... You are worthy of you, you are worthy of you..."

"What did you do again?"

Everyone was convinced by Wang Yuan.

This guy's attributes are unknown. Wherever he goes, he destroys everything and can make a big news at any time.

In Thunderstorm City, all kinds of demons are fine.

I went to Holy Light City for a stroll yesterday, and when I came back, I was ordered to be killed by the Inquisition, the highest violent organization of the Temple of Light... What the hell.

The group of "Great Power Makes Miracles" was so impressed.

How can ordinary people make such a big mess?

"No, no, no... Saint Peter, that old dog, just wanted to steal my equipment." Wang Yuan was so humble and low-key that it made people sick.

"Saint Peter stole your equipment?"

"You can say such shameless words!"

"It has to be Brother Niu!!"

Everyone was excited and incoherent again.

Look, look at him, what is the meaning of talking and laughing with great scholars and no ordinary people, Saint Peter's equipment of this level can be stolen from him, is this what a person can say?


Looking at the excited group of people in front of him, the gentleman was stunned.

Damn, what kind of guys are these?

If someone else was issued a hunting order by the Heretic Inquisition of the Temple of Light, they would have panicked by now, but these guys in front of them were not only not panicked, but also full of excitement.

Don't these guys know what the Heretic Inquisition does?

"Everyone, listen carefully, it is a hunting order issued by the Heretic Inquisition!" The gentleman thought that everyone didn't understand what was going on.

"Got it! Thank you for the news, come and have a drink." Wang Yuan handed over a glass of wine.


Seeing the wine glass, the gentleman was stunned.

Good guy, Chiyan Yuying, one gold coin per glass, the gentleman quickly greedily sipped.

"Good wine, thank you Brother Niu."

"You're welcome, it's not my treat anyway." Wang Yuan spread his hands.

Death: "..."

"Brother Niu, the task has been sent to our guild, and our president didn't take it, so I came to inform you and discuss countermeasures with you." The gentleman said.

"Your president? Who?"

Wang Yuan was puzzled.

"Dragon soars all over the world!!" The gentleman said: "Everyone knows Huaxia Dragon Teng, right?"

"Huaxia Dragon Teng? Brother Niu, do you know the president of Huaxia Dragon Teng?"

The benevolent is invincible and everyone was shocked again.

Anyone who is an old gamer has heard of Huaxia Longteng. It is the world's largest guild and has been the boss of the national online game circle for more than 20 years. It is a well-deserved top-tier overlord.

Everyone really didn't expect that Wang Yuan actually had an intersection with the boss of Huaxia Longteng, Longteng Sihai, and even sent someone to inform Wang Yuan.

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Zhengrenjunzi felt a little relieved.

"I don't know him!"

Wang Yuan shook his head and smiled faintly: "Haha, thank you for the concern of President Longteng. Since he asked you to come, he must have prepared a countermeasure, right?"


Zhengrenjun laughed and said, "Brother Niu, you are a master, and we won't beat around the bush. At present, this task has only been assigned to our Huaxia Longteng, so our president will send me to find you. I hope you can cooperate with our Huaxia Longteng."

"Cooperation? How to cooperate?" Wang Yuan looked at Zhengrenjun with a smile.

The group of Renzhe Wudi also pricked up their ears, curious about what kind of shady deal Longteng Sihai was going to make with Wang Yuan.

"It's very simple!"

The gentleman said: "As the saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to roost in. A great master like you should not stay in such a deserted place, in a small rubbish guild."

"A deserted place?"

"A small rubbish guild?"

"A good bird chooses a tree to roost in?"

As soon as the gentleman said this, the faces of all the people in "Miracle of Great Power" darkened.

"Brother, from what you said, you want to steal someone's girlfriend." The Invincible Benevolent stared at the gentleman and said.

Everyone is an old player, and they are all masters. Naturally, none of them is an idiot who can't figure things out.

The meaning of the gentleman's words is very clear.

He wants to pull Wang Yuan into Huaxia Longteng.

The mood of the Invincible Benevolent group can be imagined.

It's okay to be poached in front of them, but the one poached is the boss of the guild...

This is simply not treating the "Miracle of Great Power" group as human beings.

"What else?"

However, facing the questioning of the invincible benevolent, the gentleman did not hide his intention at all, but raised his eyebrows and said confidently: "You are all friends of Brother Niu, and you should also think about Brother Niu. You may also know that masters are made with resources. As the first guild in the country, we have plenty of resources, but we lack masters like Brother Niu. Brother Niu has no future with you. Only by joining us, we can both benefit from each other and get better and better, instead of being buried by a small group."

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