
Seeing Wang Yuan asking for a stone by name, Guo Youcai still felt a little uneasy.

There were so many things in his house, but this guy took the least valuable ones. It seemed that he still didn't want to forgive himself.

"Okay! That's it! Keep your eyes brighter from now on. Fortunately, it's me you met today."

Wang Yuan put away the stones, greeted Guo Youcai and others, and left the bank with Wang Yujie.


Looking at Wang Yuan and his two men leaving, Guo Youcai came back to his senses after a long time.

It seems a bit unbelievable that this happened today.


Xie Sangen sat down on the ground, his body still shaking, as if he had narrowly escaped death.

"Old Guo like a dog, you almost killed me!" Xie San cursed.

"I didn't know there was such a person in our poor place in Jiangbei." Guo Youcai was also frightened.

"Just let them go like this?" Wang Yujie was still a little unfinished after leaving the silversmith shop.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing to get someone else's advantage. It's such a waste of such a good opportunity to just let them go.

"Otherwise?" Wang Yuan asked, "Should we kill them?"

"Uh... this..." Wang Yujie was stunned by the question.


This word seems a bit far away from modern civilized society. Even for a lawless fanatic like Wang Yujie, when he hears the word murder, his heart skips a beat, and he feels that it is not...

He could only say angrily: "I have to beat them up anyway!"

"That's not the purpose. Our purpose is just to get money." Wang Yuan smiled slightly and glanced at the handbag containing cash.

"You only want money? From what you mean, it seems like everything is in your calculations." Wang Yujie frowned slightly.

"I thought you had noticed it a long time ago." Wang Yuandao said: "It took me half a city to find such a fishing silversmith shop."

"Ah this..."

Hearing what Wang Yuan said, Wang Yujie was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly became enlightened and all the doubts in his heart were solved.

No wonder Wang Yuan dragged him around the city in the middle of the night, and finally went to a remote shop to sell gold coins.

No wonder Wang Yuan said that someone was following him not long after he left the silversmith shop.

No wonder after catching Xie San, Wang Yuan directly asked him who was the instigator.

Co-authoring all this was within Wang Yuan's calculations.

Its purpose is to fish.

Those gold coins are the bait, and the cash in hand is today's harvest.

Damn, this bitch...

Thinking of this, even a ruthless and fearless character like Wang Yujie couldn't help but take a breath.

Looking at Wang Yuan in front of him, his eyes were full of shock.

She never expected that this seemingly harmless guy in front of her could be so cunning.

"Wipe it! You bad guy!!"

Wang Yujie was stunned for five seconds, and a thousand words were condensed into one sentence.

"Tch! You know nothing! I am really doing harm to the people!" Wang Yuandao said.

"By the way, how do you know that he will take advantage of others?" Wang Yujie asked curiously.

"You will know later." Wang Yuan chuckled.

In fact, there is nothing mysterious about it, because Wang Yuan is now an Awakener. In his eyes, everything has an attribute panel like the BOSS and equipment in the game.

Guo Youcai's faceplate is labeled "Black eats black".

Of course, Wang Yuan just wanted to use gold coins to make some cash, but who knew there would be an unexpected gain.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan glanced at the stone fragments in his hand.

[Broken Gem Fragments]

Category: Special props (broken)

Item introduction: A piece of gemstone fragment from another world, exuding a mysterious energy.

Gem fragments from another world...

It also exudes a mysterious energy.

Obviously, this stone does not belong to the real world, but is something in the game world.

Although he doesn’t know what it is specifically, for Wang Yuan, this piece of gemstone is more valuable than those antiques.

With hundreds of thousands in cash in hand, Wang Yuan became more confident in doing things.

Early the next morning, Wang Yuan came downstairs and rented Xiao Zhang's cold storage for 20,000 yuan.

Xiao Zhang was so happy that he couldn't help but say that he knew where the goods were cheap and insisted on being Wang Yuan's guide.

Then the two went to the market to make purchases.

The main purchased items are rice, flour, and bottled water.

At this time, the basic materials of doomsday resources are not only cheap, but also have a long shelf life and are extremely cost-effective.

The second is sugar, salt and other seasonings. These things are not used much, but they are also essential.

Finally, there are cigarettes and snacks. These things are the last comfort in the lonely end.

Soon, the cash in Wang Yuan's hand was squandered like running water, and the amount of supplies purchased scared Xiao Zhang.

"Brother Wang...don't you really want to open a supermarket with so many things?"

Seeing Wang Yuan spending hundreds of thousands to purchase goods, Xiao Zhang almost cried: "There are only a few people in our community, so we can't make much money."

"No! I use this all for myself." Wang Yuan said very seriously.

"I don't believe it. If you buy so many things, you won't be able to use them until the end of the world." Xiao Zhang looked questioning.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Yuan laughed and asked: "If the end of the world comes, what will you save?"

"Rice, flour, grain and oil." Xiao Zhang rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not a fool. I naturally know that food is the most important thing. By the way, I have to save some seeds. Only with seeds can I be self-sufficient."

"That makes sense!"

Wang Yuan's eyes lit up and he said, "Let's go buy some seeds."

"Hey Brother Wang, is it really going to be the end of the world?" Xiao Zhang looked confused.

After working all morning, all the supplies were finally purchased.

After leaving the warehouse entry to Xiao Zhang, Wang Yuan returned home and entered the game.

Just when Wang Yuan was purchasing supplies, a message was suddenly sent to the guild channel of "Strength Works Miracles": "Holy shit! There's a beautiful woman in the tavern!"

"Oh? Is it true?" Benevolent Wudi bubbled up instantly. It can be said that these two people have the same chemistry.

"Tell me more, tell me more!" Yong Zhe Wushuang also shouted at the side: "I want my contact information, and then we can hold a meeting and enjoy it together."

"Fuck you, if you talk like that again I'll chop you up!" Shui Linglong was furious. She was most annoyed by people who didn't respect women.

"Huh! This kid has never seen much of the world. In his eyes, all crooked melons and cracked dates are beauties." Hope also came out and said with a smile.

"It makes sense! It makes sense!" Everyone agreed in unison.

Shooting casually, this little pervert has been in a state of hunger all year round. When he saw the NPC aunt selling fruit in the commercial street, he said that he still has charm. The beauty in his mouth must be moist.

"You're a liar!" he said casually, "I've never seen such a serious person."

"How upright?" The God of Death couldn't help but come out to join in the fun.

"It's none of your business! Da Zheng has nothing to do with you." He casually sent a middle finger emoticon.

grim Reaper:"……"

"I'll give you a gold coin! She's an aunt!" Brave Warrior Wushuang thinks about making money all the time.

"I'll give you ten gold coins! He's an ugly monster!" Hope Cai has been arrogant recently.

"Take me one, take me one!!" Benevolent Invincible also applied to join.

"You guys, if it's a beautiful woman, give me money!" He shot randomly and got angry.

"Buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it!"

"Brother Niu! Come to the pub and I'll buy you a drink!"

As soon as Wang Yuan went online, he received news from Dahai Buliang.

Dahai Wuliang is a very serious girl. She was really relieved when she said she would have a chance to invite Wang Yuan for a drink.

“It’s here!!”

Wang Yuan casually replied with a message.

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