Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 144: The Devil's Sean's Revenge Set

"No, then there's nothing. Why did that thing hit me..."


After being thrown out by Wilson with only tables, chairs and benches, Wang Yuan couldn't help curling his lips, secretly scolding Wilson for being ungrateful, and then went straight into the teleportation array.

As soon as the scene changed, Wang Yuan returned to the Thunder Bluff Guild's headquarters.


Coming to Thunder Bluff, the sound of mining ore can be heard all the time.

Those tireless skeleton soldiers are cutting down trees and mining.

Under Barr's command, everything was in order.

Although the efficiency of skeleton soldiers is not high, they can't hold up in large numbers.

Wang Yuan casually opened the inventory list of the guild station, which showed 98 wood and 99 ore. In just one day, the ore and wood in the guild station had almost reached the standard for upgrading the guild hall.

Other buildings can be upgraded to level 2 in up to two days.

If it is left to the players, there will be a total of eight people in "Strengthening Miracles", ten tasks a day, and one material per task. In the guild hall alone, eight people will have to complete the task for at least three days...

It has to be an army of the undead.

If they don't eat or drink, they don't need money, and there's no need to consider their emotional value. If they are exploited at the most, they will fall apart. If they change their frame, they can continue to work hard. What a high-quality and cheap labor force.

Arriving at the guild hall, Wang Yuan took out the bottle of "Demon Blood" that Mephisto gave him.

"Xiaobai! Give me the shield."

Then Wang Yuan took out Xiaobai's shield.

Opening the bottle carefully, Wang Yuan dripped the demon's blood on it.


As the black-red blood dripped on the shield, a black light lit up, and then the holes in the shield repaired and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It only takes a few seconds.

The damaged shield has been completely repaired, and there is no trace of it having been damaged.

[System prompt: You used "Demon Blood", the shield was successfully repaired and strengthened. 】

System prompts flashed before Wang Yuan's eyes.

Wang Yuan subconsciously turned on the shield attribute.

[Sean's Guardian of the Demon] (Set 1/3)

Quality: Silver

Defense value: 2000

Strength +20

Constitution +20

Guardian Heart: Passive skill, armor and magic resistance increased by 20%

Guardian of the Demon: Passive skill, the defense value is increased by 100%. After the defense value is cleared, you will get the Demon Shield, which can completely resist one damage.

Occupational requirements: warrior, knight

Level requirement: 20

Item introduction: In order to avenge his wife and children, blacksmith Sean spent his whole life forging the equipment. After being repaired by the blood of the demon, he received the blessing of the demon.


Wang Yuan was slightly startled when he saw the properties of the shield.

Wang Yuan only knew that the blood of gods and demons had the ability to repair equipment.

But he never expected that the demon blood would be so powerful that it not only completely repaired Xiao Bai's shield, but even directly upgraded it to a higher level.

The shield not only has its attributes doubled, but also has a special attribute that can completely withstand damage.

Wouldn't it be possible to upgrade other equipment as well?

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan directly took out the "History of Heroes."

[System prompt: Do you want to contaminate your equipment? 】

However, at this moment, a system prompt appeared in front of Wang Yuan.

"Defiled??" Wang Yuan was startled.

Good guy, this woke up Wang Yuan.

Taint and blessing are opposite terms. Blessing can make the equipment add an attribute or improve a level. Defile can make the equipment lose attributes or reduce its level, or even turn it into a blank slate.

"History of Heroes" is Wang Yuan's most important trump card, and he doesn't dare to gamble on it.

"Forget it, let's play it safe."

Wang Yuan took a look at the other equipment on his body. Either the quality was too high to be willing to gamble on it, or the quality was too low to be worth the gamble. Finally, he set his sights on Xiao Bai's other two pieces of equipment.

After all, it has been tested with a shield. With similar sets, the shield will not be stained, and there is a high probability that other equipment will not be stained either.

After a while, all the demon blood in Wang Yuan's hand was used on Xiao Bai's equipment.

At the same time, the other two pieces of equipment were all blessed by the demon as Wang Yuan expected.

[Sion's Wrath of the Demon] (Set 1/3)

Quality: Silver

Attack: 60

Magic: 60

Strength +20

Constitution +20

Fire of Vengeance: Passive skill, damage increased by 20%

Demon's Wrath: Passive skill, adds an additional 20% of Demon's flame burning damage.

Occupational requirements: warrior, knight

Level requirement: 20

Item introduction: In order to avenge his wife and children, blacksmith Sean spent his whole life forging the equipment. After being repaired by the blood of the demon, he received the blessing of the demon.

【Sean's Persistence】(Set 1/3)

Quality: Silver

Armor: 60

Magic Resistance: 60

Strength +20

Constitution +20

Soul of Persistence: Passive skill, the maximum health value is increased by 20%

Soul of the Demon: Passive skill, automatically triggered when HP drops to 30%, MP will be converted into HP at a ratio of 0.5/1.

Occupational requirements: warrior, knight

Level requirement: 20

Item introduction: In order to avenge his wife and children, blacksmith Sean spent his whole life forging the equipment. After being repaired with the blood of the demon, he received the blessing of the demon.

[Set attributes]

[Sean's Revenge]: Passive skill, every 1% reduction in health increases the player's attack and defense attributes by 2%. When health drops to 30%, the "Blood Rage" attribute is activated, and 2% of health is restored per second during combat.

[Devil's Rage]: Passive skill increases attack and defense by 2% of the player's maximum health limit.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

When Xiaobai saw the attributes of his upgraded equipment, he was stunned. It took him five seconds to utter a sentence: "Brother Niu, you are really my brother... No, you are my father."

"Oh my god! When can my dad get me a set? I only have a broken bronze bow." Ma Saner's eyes turned red with jealousy.

Dabai was also envious: "You are too biased... I only have a broken staff."

Once upon a time, this silver staff was Dabai's pride and the best equipment among the four of them. Now after seeing Xiaobai's suit, he immediately felt that it was not so good.

"Hmph! Brother Niu is building me the Temple of Light! Even if we rank, I am the boss! The most favored one." Brother Chun was very dissatisfied.

"Tsk! It's not your turn, you old man!" The three skeletons all raised their middle fingers to Brother Chun.

It must be said that the enhanced Sean suit is definitely more than one level stronger than the original suit. Not only the attributes have been comprehensively improved, but the additional characteristics have also been epically enhanced.

Especially the suit attributes, it has directly broken through the original level. While the original attributes have been improved, it has also increased "Wrath of the Devil".

The higher the blood volume, the higher the attack and defense attributes increased by the Wrath of the Devil.

There are three types of tank professions.

Blood cow, steel plate, dodge monster.

Blood cow, as the name suggests, is to stack blood volume, steel plate is to stack defense, dodge is a sword to take the edge, and stacking agility belongs to non-mainstream tanks.

The mainstream is blood tank and defense tank.

Who is higher and who is lower has never been determined. After all, blood tanks think that defense tanks are afraid of penetration, and defense tanks think that blood tanks are not resistant to beating.

Now with the attribute of "Devil's Fury", the player's health can be converted into defense and attack attributes.

In other words, from now on, Xiaobai only needs to stack health to have an attack comparable to that of a berserker and a defense comparable to that of a tank.

What is a super model?

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