After Xiaobai was equipped with the upgraded Sean suit, everyone was stunned.

Even Wang Yuan was stunned.

Originally, Xiaobai was a tall and burly figure covered with black heavy armor, holding a huge shield, and standing there gave people a sense of security.

After the suit was upgraded with the blood of the devil, the color of Xiaobai's armor became darker, and some vague magic inscriptions flickered on his body.

The black aura surrounded Xiaobai, especially behind him, and a pair of virtual black wings were condensed.

At first glance, he really looked like a demon warrior.

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"Fuck! I hate it! Why am I not a warrior?" Ma San beat his chest and stamped his feet.

"What a broken fire stick!" Dabai held up the staff and wanted to cry without tears.

Chun Ge even murmured to himself: "I have to say, this image would have been stressful even when I was young."

"This is the reward for Xiaobai's desperate protection of me. Everyone, work hard! You will get it in the future!"

Wang Yuan waved his hand happily, activated the "Corpse Whisperer" skill, and painted a big cake for several people.

Now Wang Yuan has the temperament of a boss.


As he said, Wang Yuan took out a small box from his arms.

This box was thrown to Wang Yuan by Mephisto before. At that time, the situation was urgent and Wang Yuan didn't have time to look at it. Later, he handed in the task and ran away and didn't think about it.

Wang Yuan saw this thing when he was looking for the blood of the demon just now.

This is the treasure that Mephisto threw out in a hurry before he died, which shows how important this thing is to him.

It must be a good thing.

Wang Yuan opened the box with excitement.


However, when he saw the things in the box, Wang Yuan was immediately like being poured with a basin of cold water.

There was a ring in the box.

It was gray and had no light effects. It was exactly the same as the wooden ring that was dropped by the monsters in the novice village.

As we all know, the higher the grade of the equipment in the game, the more gorgeous the special effects and the more exaggerated the shape. The high-level equipment can be seen at a glance.

Low-level equipment basically has no special effects.

After all, this kind of rubbish is not worth the designer making special effects for it.

"There is no good thing in the demon clan! How can I believe him!!"

Looking at the ring in front of him, Wang Yuan couldn't help but secretly complain.

But thinking about it, it was not wrong. In that case, there would be no time to take a second look. If it were me, I might also use rubbish to deceive people, not to mention that Mephisto is a despicable and cunning demon...

I clicked on the equipment attributes casually.

The attributes of the ring appeared in front of Wang Yuan.

[Space Ring]

Category: Ring

Grade: Unknown

Dimensional Space: Passive skill, with one storage space.

Occupational requirements: General

Level requirements: None

Item description: An inconspicuous ring.


Wang Yuan almost laughed when he saw the ring's attributes.

One storage space...

It really made me laugh.

Although there are relatively few space equipment in the game, they are not particularly rare.

Common belts and rings have a certain chance of carrying space attributes.

Generally, the lowest storage space starts with four grids, and the more advanced ones have eight or sixteen grids, which players use to store potions and so on.

One storage space is basically just a little better than nothing.

What makes Wang Yuan laugh the most is that this broken thing is actually called a "space ring".

This attribute doesn't even deserve the name.

Rubbish! Pure garbage! !

Wang Yuan spat and put the ring on his left hand.

Players of "Dawn Breaking" can carry two rings. If Wang Yuan didn't have an empty equipment grid, he would definitely not carry this thing, not even a dog!

"Damn it! It's disgusting! Isn't this gem also garbage?"

Finally, Wang Yuan took out the death gem.

I thought this thing was a good thing before, but now I suddenly feel guilty.

There is not a single good NPC in this game... They are all greedy for money and would rather die than suffer a loss.

The space ring can give you a storage space of garbage, and this death gem is probably something else. With the moral level of the NPCs in "Dawn Breaking", it is not certain that it is garbage again.

Thinking about it, Wang Yuan took out the Sword of the King.

Although this "Death Gem" may be fake, it may not be unreal.

Wang Yuan was still reluctant to put it on the garbage equipment, but he was afraid that he would ruin his treasure in the "Hero History Book", so he simply took out the weapon for experiment.

First of all, the weapon is the most important equipment for the player, and the Sword of the King is also an equipment that improves the attributes of the battle pet in all aspects, which seems to be more suitable for the Death Gem.

Secondly, even if Wang Yuan loses this thing, it will not hurt his foundation.

Finally, this is a dark gold equipment. If it is successfully upgraded, then there will be another artifact.

[System prompt: Do you want to use the "Death Gem" on the "King's Sword"?]


Wang Yuan directly clicked OK.

[System prompt: Your equipment is not strong enough to withstand the power of the Death Gem, and there is a certain chance of damage. Do you want to continue?]


Seeing the system prompt, Wang Yuan quickly clicked No.

Good guy, the Sword of the King is a dark gold-level equipment.

If it is put on the market, it is also one of the best artifacts.

Even the Sword of the King cannot withstand the power of this "Death Gem", it seems that this thing should be real.

Since the Sword of the King can't work, Wang Yuan took out the "Holy Ring of the Dead", which is a divine artifact... It should be able to withstand it.

However, just when Wang Yuan thought that he could upgrade successfully.

The system sent a prompt again.

[System prompt: Upgrade materials do not match and cannot be used. ]


Wang Yuan took a look at the upgrade requirements of the "Holy Ring of the Dead", which requires the Bone of the Monarch and the Heart of the Prophet... It seems that although this gem can upgrade equipment, it cannot upgrade equipment with a fixed upgrade "program".

"Okay! In this case..."

Wang Yuan gritted his teeth and took out the "Hero History Book" directly.

Since the gem is real, he is not afraid of failure!

[System prompt: Do you...]


Without waiting for the system prompt to flash, Wang Yuan decisively clicked to confirm without thinking.

[System prompt: Upgrade successful! Your hero history book is inlaid with the death gem, and you have obtained the power of death. ]

[System prompt: You have obtained "Hero History Book·Reincarnation (Death Gem)\

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