"Niu Dali!??"

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Hearing this name, Longteng Sihai and the others couldn't help but look at each other.

The expressions on their faces were so complicated.

Oh my god! Why is it this guy again?

What happened in the past few days?

Why do I always feel that I am living under the shadow of this Niu Dali.

Taking on an entire guild alone, challenging a hell-difficulty dungeon, attacking a guild station...

Everything is what Longteng Sihai and the others imagine themselves to be like, and what they dream of doing.

It's even more outrageous now. This guy even robbed the Holy Artifact of the Church of Light.

Nima! !

Is there anything this grandson dare not do?

Look at the adjectives that Saint Peter gave to Wang Yuan...

Despicable and dirty, vulgar and shameless.

With Saint Peter's cultivation, this is almost the worst word he can think of.

How much evil did this grandson have to do to make an NPC of Saint Peter's level spare no effort to insult him?

Let me say something that hurts people's self-esteem.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be extremely difficult to anger an NPC of Saint Peter's level like this.

"What? Is it difficult?" Saint Peter saw the look of several people, and his expression was obviously a little unhappy.

"That's not the case!"

Fengwu Jiutian hurriedly said: "As far as I know, this Niu Dali has now left Shengguang City. We need to gather some people. Please give us some preparation time, Lord Saint Peter."

To be honest, with the size of the Huaxia Longteng Guild, it would definitely not be afraid of Wang Yuan.

After all, as Wang Yuan said, two fists cannot beat four hands. No matter how powerful you are, it is not easy to fight one against a hundred.

What's more, Huaxia Longteng also has the title of the first guild in the country. There are so many masters under its command. It can't be said that it is invincible in the world. At least at this stage, there is no opponent in the game.

The reason why Fengwu Jiutian did not take the task directly is mainly because Huaxia Longteng has noticed Wang Yuan, a "talent".

Now people have been sent to recruit Wang Yuan.

As a top guild, Huaxia Longteng lacks talents the most. It can be said that it is thirsty for money, especially for a ruthless person like Wang Yuan, who can't wait to recruit him into his guild.

Although Saint Peter's conditions are very generous, not only for hidden professions but also for disciples.

But being able to recruit Wang Yuan to Huaxia Longteng is much more valuable than the so-called hidden profession.

You know, first of all, Wang Yuan is a top master, secondly, Wang Yuan may have a game strategy that many big guilds don't know, and the last and most important point is that Wang Yuan also has a guild station.

No matter which point is taken out separately, it is more attractive than the so-called hidden profession.

Who is Fengwu Jiutian? He naturally knows how to make choices.

Of course, Fengwu Jiutian is also an extremely smart person. He didn't say it, because he was not sure whether he could recruit Wang Yuan.

Instead of being enemies directly, it is better to wait and see.

If Wang Yuan doesn't accept the toast, then he will use force, and he can also do Saint Peter a favor.

Kill two birds with one stone.


Saint Peter naturally knew how difficult Wang Yuan was. He had suffered in the Temple of Light, and now that he had left the Holy Light City, he would definitely be even more difficult to deal with.

So he nodded and said, "No hurry! I'll wait for your reply!"


At the same time, Wang Yuan and his friends had returned to Thunderstorm City.

"Fuck! Awesome!"

Seeing Wang Yuan swaggering along with two girls, the players on the side of the road looked at him sideways.

Female players are still relatively rare in the game.

Male players who can find a partner are even rarer.

And Wang Yuan carrying two girls alone, the blow to other players can be imagined.

The key is that these two girls are still talking and laughing like sisters... It's really enviable.

Some people on the side of the road are already eager to kneel down and become his apprentice, and concentrate on learning the skills of picking up girls.

"No, that grandson is not as handsome as me, why does he bring two girls? I have to ask for his contact information." There are even players who want to steal the love, and they are convinced that they are good at hoe dancing.

"Are you stupid? Do you know who this is?"

"Who is it?"

"Niu Dali!"


Most players were shocked when they heard Niu Dali's name.

Some people were curious: "What's wrong with Niu Dali? By the way, who is Niu Dali and why is he so awesome?"

"Are you a novice?"

"I just played the game yesterday, what's wrong?"

"You will know after playing for a few more days..."

Of course, there are also malicious bitch players who instigated: "You will know who he is if you kick him."


"I'm going to hand in the task!"

Arriving at Central Street, Wang Yujie said hello and parted ways with Wang Yuan.

Now she is also eager to learn about her hidden profession.

"Sister Keke, wait for me, I'm going to register for a hotel account." Dahai Wuliang also hurriedly chased after him.

"Okay, call me if you need anything next time!"

Wang Yuan said goodbye to the two girls and went straight to Wilson's residence.

"You are finally back!! How did things go?"

Seeing Wang Yuan coming back, Wilson looked expectant.

"It's done!" Wang Yuan handed over Mephisto's horn and said, "That grandson is indeed a spy of the demon clan. This is his horn."

"Great! I am finally innocent!"

After listening to Wang Yuan's brief account of what happened, Wilson was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes.

"Actually, I should have changed your job to a hidden job..."

After being touched, Wilson said seriously: "But I didn't expect that the person who took my task was a necromancer...so I didn't have the ability to change your job."

The task scroll was from Shui Linglong, who was an assassin herself.

"Ah? Then I've worked in vain?" Wang Yuan said unhappily.

"Of course I won't let you work in vain." Wilson said quickly: "Although I can't change your job, I have something else for you."

As he said that, Wilson took out a black box from his arms and said: "This is a gem I accidentally got when I traveled around the continent before. I hope it can be useful to you."

"Gem? I'm not a girl...why do I need this thing..."

Wang Yuan took the box and muttered to himself. He opened it and saw a dark black gem inside.

It was as black as ink, so deep that it seemed to suck the soul in.

"What is this?"

Wang Yuan immediately clicked on the gem attribute.

【Death Gem】

Category: Special Item

Item Description: One of the seven gems condensed by the rules of the avenue when the world was created. It has magical effects when embedded in equipment.


Wang Yuan's eyes were wide open when he saw the gem attributes.

Although the gem data attributes were not displayed, the item description was extremely awesome.

The creation of the world, the rules of the avenue, one of the seven gems...

Good guy, this vulgar and earthy setting made Wang Yuan's body tremble.

Especially the last one that has a miraculous effect when embedded in equipment, which made Wang Yuan look forward to it.

"Anything else?"

Wang Yuan put away the gem and asked Wilson tentatively.

Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Wilson was immediately anxious: "Brother, if I have any way, I will definitely not let you do my task... You can't go too far, you have drained all my family assets... What else do you want? You might as well kill me."

"Your experience is okay... But you are no longer wanted by the Holy See of Light, killing you is not worth the loss..." Wang Yuan said, touching his chin.

"Get out of here! I don't want to see you again!" Wilson was furious.

It turned out that this grandson really wanted to kill him.

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