
After leaving the Temple of Light, Wang Yuan greeted Wang Yujie and they ran away.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝔰π”₯𝔲.𝔫𝔒𝔱

"Why are you running?"

Wang Yujie was puzzled.

"If you don't run, you won't be able to escape. Then Lao Deng is not the one who will suffer." Wang Yuandao.

"Didn't he say he wouldn't hurt us?" Dahai Wuliang, a child, spoke very simply.

"Nonsense! If he doesn't hurt us, doesn't he know how to send out tasks?" Wang Yuandao said: "Let's run before he can react, otherwise we won't be able to leave even if we want to."

"Tch! I'm afraid of you! I'll kill as many as you come!" Wang Yujie clenched his fist.

"You're a big, brainless woman!" Wang Yuan was speechless.

Why is this kid so full of muscles in his head?

After all, a person's power is limited. No matter how awesome you are, can you still beat a hundred people with one person?

What's more, the quality of experts in Holy Light City is much higher than that in other major cities. With St. Peter's character, if he really wants to carry out a guild mission or a full-scale arrest, even if Wang Yuan's undead army is here, there will be a lot of them. Cannon fodder spareribs essence.


"Sister Hai, what are your plans?"

Wang Yujie turned around and asked Dahai Wuliang.

In the past, Dahai Buliang did not have a direct conflict with Huaxia Longteng. He could still hide and hide in the Holy Light City. Longteng Sihai is a person who wants to show his face. He will not appear to be in trouble with a woman, let alone make this matter a big deal. A poke in the spine.

But now that Wang Yuan has killed a team of Chinese Dragon Soar players, the debt has to be placed on Boundless Sea, which just gives Huaxia Longteng a reason to engage in Boundless Sea.

It seems that we can no longer stay in this Holy Light City.

"Let's go together, we don't have many friends here anyway!" Dahai Wuliang glanced at Wang Yuan and said, "I will hang out with Brother Niu from now on."

"Great!" Wang Yujie was excited.


Wang Yuan was also very happy.

Dahai Wuliang is a pretty good girl, with strong strength, good character, and strong opinions. She must have something in common with Benevolent Wudi and others.

More importantly, Dahai Wuliang is the only known existence other than Wang Yuan who can feel magical energy in reality, and he is also the first professional in the history of the future apocalypse.

Naturally, such a master should be kept by his side.


Holy Light City, Temple of Light.

Just as Wang Yuan expected.

As soon as the three of them arrived at the port and boarded the airship to Thunderstorm City, Long Teng Sihai and Feng Wu Jiutian arrived at the Temple of Light.

"Lord St. Peter! Are you looking for us?" Long Teng Sihai looked at the majestic and slightly angry St. Peter in front of him, and took a step forward to ask.

At the same time, I was secretly muttering in my heart.

Previously, guarding the temple was indeed a guild mission accepted by Huxiao Shanhe, the core player of Huaxia Dragon Soaring. Longteng Sihai originally thought that with the strength of Chinese Dragon Soaring players, guarding the temple was not something that could be grasped.

But who would have thought that a few bitches who did not follow common sense would seduce the Templar.

Then a chaos was created that caused a head-on conflict between the Chinese Dragon Soaring and the Templar Knights.

As a result, the temple guard's revenge mechanism was directly triggered, and he was hunted down by the Templar Order throughout the city for half an hour.

The mission naturally failed.

You know, the final reward of this mission is a hidden profession.

The Hua Xia Long Teng and the others were depressed here. As a result, the mission that had already failed was changed, and the Long Teng Si Hai and the others were asked to come to the Temple of Light to find Saint Peter.

Could it be that he wants to be punished face to face? Isn't it?

Longteng Sihai glanced at Saint Peter, feeling a little nervous. This was the most powerful NPC in Holy Light City besides the Pope.


St. Peter snorted coldly and said, "What you did is really disappointing to me."

"I'm really sorry." Feng Wu Jiutian heard the words and quickly took over the words: "We have tried our best, but the Templar suddenly chased us, and there is nothing we can do."

This guy is worthy of being the dog-headed strategist of Huaxia Longteng, and he easily passed the responsibility to the temple guards.

"Oh? You mean it's our Templar's fault?" St. Peter asked with a frown, his tone becoming cold.

"Of course not..." Feng Wu Jiutian said quickly: "We are also responsible and should not be fooled."


St. Peter waved his hand and said, "I didn't come to you to hold you accountable."


Hearing St. Peter's words, several people from all over the world couldn't help but feel happy.

"Things have happened, and they must be remedied." St. Peter said, "How about I give you a chance to redress?"

"Repair? Is it possible?" Huxiao Shanhe asked excitedly.

This task has a direct interest in him, because Hu Roaring Mountain and River is the trigger of the task.

"That's right!"

St. Peter said: "Have you ever heard of the Holy Light Cross, one of the holy weapons of light?"


Several people shook their heads.

"This is a sacred object from our Temple of Light. Now it has been stolen. I hope you can find it back." St. Peter said: "If you find the Cross of Holy Light..."

At this point, Saint Peter paused and said, "Not only can I get the mission reward, but I now have an additional disciple. You know what I mean."


Hearing these two words, Longteng Sihai and others immediately looked at me and me, with expressions of surprise written on their faces.

As expert players, they naturally know the meaning of the word "disciple".

In other words, he is a direct disciple!

And he was also a direct disciple of St. Peter.

Who is Saint Peter?

The leader of the twelve disciples of the God of Light, the Grand Knight of the Temple of Light, the head of the Heretic Tribunal, and the brother of the current Pope.

Not only is he powerful, second only to the Pope, but his strength is as high as one hundred levels.

Is one of the most powerful human NPCs in the game.

To become his personal disciple is to be the disciple of the God of Light, good guy... This is so much more attractive than hiding your profession.

No player can resist this temptation.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Saint Peter!! We will help you find the Cross of Holy Light right away!! The glory of God cannot be desecrated!" Long Teng Sihai assured, patting his chest.

"That's right! We are not doing it for the so-called rewards, we are just doing it for the light and justice!! Our hearts of justice prevent us from condoning their behavior." Fengwu Jiutian is even thicker-skinned than Longteng Sihai.

"Me too!" Hu Roaring Mountain and River's words were all robbed, so he could only echo.

"very good!"

Seeing the people in front of him, Saint Peter nodded with satisfaction and began to talk nonsense: "I see light and righteousness in you. May the God of Light be with you and protect you forever."

"Who is that guy who stole the Cross of Holy Light?" After finishing his high-sounding words, Long Teng Sihai went straight to the topic.

"That is a despicable, dirty, shameless Necromancer!" St. Peter said: "His name is Niu Dali, and I'm afraid he has left the Holy Light City now."

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