Ida looked at Will with more interest and licked her sexy lips, making her look even more coquettish.

After a while, Will and Ada finished their meal, and then the two began to wander in the street.

But Will found this street a bit strange. People walking here are all pairs of men and women. It is rare to see anyone walking here alone.

Ada smiled when she noticed Will looking around.

"It seems that this is the first time you have come to Dressrosa. Don’t be surprised. This is Dressrosa’s famous lovers’ avenue. How about it? Does it feel very romantic?"

Will has some doubts. , Lovers Avenue? What is this place, I haven't heard of it before.

"Indeed, I just came to Dressrosa not long ago. I only heard that the bullfighting arena here is very famous. I have never heard of the Avenue of Lovers.

Miss Ida, Why don’t we go to the bullfighting arena for a visit? I am very interested in it."

"Good suggestion, but the bullfighting arena is quite bloody, I would be scared."

Although Ada was scared, she took Will out of the Avenue of Lovers and walked in the other direction.

Will smiled without saying a word, but followed Ada's guidance and walked in an unknown direction.


At this time, in the villa of the Dressrosa King’s Heights, a tall man is lying down Zhengxiang sleeping on a chair.

The man puts his legs on the window on platform, and the chair only has two legs on the ground. It seems that he will fall down at any time, but it is still stable.

"pu chi."

On the ceiling, a sticky liquid suddenly fell, and this sticky liquid, if you look closely, is actually surrounded by people, just The interior of the room is a bit dark and difficult to observe.

After hearing the noise, the sleeping man opened his eyes immediately.

After opening his eyes, the man immediately saw a big face with a mucus, and the tall man's face twitched twice.

"It's too close, Trebol."

"Hey, hey, Doffy, the people under you have told me a very strange news."

Trebol Hearing Doffy Ramingo's words, his body leaned back a bit.

"What news, sit on a chair and say, don't get close to me."

Doffy Ramingo stretched his muscles and bones, and it seemed that he was disturbed by his nap.

"The people under them said that they saw a big rabbit, a rabbit that walks upright. It seems to be called Tusky. I remember that was a crew member of our ally. The Thunderbolt swordsman seems to have come to Dressrosa."

Doffy Ramingo was not too surprised when he heard Will come to Dressrosa. He even felt that the other party had arrived a little late. After all, half a year had passed since the top of the war.

But Doffy Ramingo immediately thought of another thing, the complexion changed.

"It’s a bit bad. People over there are coming to pick up the goods. If I’m not mistaken, it should be that guy.

Very bad, if they When the two meet, it's awful."

Something bad seemed to have occurred to him, Doffy Ramingo's face was a bit ugly.

Trebol on the side looked at Doffy Ramingo with a puzzled face, and inhaled the snot that was about to exceed his chin.

"Now, shall we go to the Thunderbolt Jianhao, isn't he our ally?"

Doffy Ramingo thought about it.

"Don’t go now. If the person from that side comes first, we will finish the handover as soon as possible. It is best not to let the two of them meet.

If the two of them are in Dressrosa After fighting, we will suffer heavy losses."

After speaking, Doffy Ramingo leaned back in his chair and sighed.


At this time, Will has brought a rough man with Ada In front of the building, the building is round as a whole, entirely made of stone.

"It seems that this is the famous bullfighting arena?"

Will stood in front of the bullfighting arena and looked at this tall building. Don't go there?

I then thought that with his own strength, it seems that he might not be able to meet his opponent, but if he doesn't use a sword~.

Thinking of this, Will's eyes lit up.

"Ada, I decided not to go to the bullfighting arena."

Ada looked at Will in confusion, not understanding what Will meant.

"I want to participate in the bullfighting arena, don't know if you are interested?"

Ada's eyes are slightly narrowed, looking at Will with a faint smile.

"Really, then I would like to wish you victory, I am a weak woman, how can I go to the bullfighting arena, it will die, I should watch it off the stage."


Will glanced at Ada, then walked to the inside of the bullfighting arena.

"A weak woman who can carry 100kg at any time is really delicate~"

After Will finished speaking, he walked into the bullfighting arena, leaving a strange expression on his face. Ada.

At this time, Ada tapped the outside of her thigh with her slender nail, and she made a tinkling sound like a metal crash.

"How did he find out? It seems that he has not had direct physical contact, and I also use Kenbunshoku Haki to deceive his perception, which is really strange.

Somewhat difficult to handle It seems to have been discovered, how can I get close to you again, Thunderbolt Jianhao."

Ada thought about it, and finally walked into the bullfighting arena.

At this time, Will has come to the contestant registration office. It is very simple to compete in the bullfighting arena. You only need to register. As for the specific strength, no one will ask, because the weaker are participating in the bullfighting arena. The end of life is death.

After signing up, Will was led to the backstage of the arena by a well-dressed and full-bodied beauty.

"Your number is 103, just wait here for the game to start.

The rules of this arena are very simple. There are 103 participants in total. You are the last to register People of Challenge the qualifications of a bullfighting arena hero and challenge Lord Diamante."

Will was a little confused after listening to the introduction of this plump beauty.

"Is it just one round? In my impression, the bullfighting arena seems to be four rounds."

Hearing Will, the plump beauty was also a little strange.

"No, usually there is only one round of competitions. You said that the four rounds of competitions are the biggest competitions and will only appear once in a few years."

, Such a plump beauty walked away.

Will looked all around. Those big guys who stared at him with bad eyesight were a little puzzled for a while? What's the situation?

But someone will give him the answer right away.

"Brat, are you the last guy to compete? A small man like you is not eligible to participate in the competition. You know how much effort we put in to participate in the bullfighting arena. Are you insulting us."

It was a man with a gloomy look and an iron helmet.

"Tietou's point is reasonable, go out, this is not where you should be."

People who are all around, immediately begin to agree, and at the same time begin to move closer to Will.

Will took off the "Yi Xie" on his waist and threw it into the pocket watch amidst the "Yixue"'s indignation, and took out a pair of about one and a half meters from the pocket watch. Long, two-finger white long stick.

This long stick has a lot of background, because it is a straight keel.

Will smiled as he looked at the contestants who gathered to him.

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