"You have been waiting for a long time, let’s explain the rules of the battle."

Hearing the voice of the host of the bullfighting arena on platform, it came from the audience There was a burst of cheers.

"This competition is the same as before. Elimination rules are adopted.

The elimination rules are very simple, that is, to solve everyone on platform.

Fall out of the game Disqualification and death in the game are also eligible.

In the sea off the court, there are specialty products of the arena, and small fighting fish are waiting for those who fall into the water.

On and off the court. It's all hell, this is the bullfighting arena.

Then, please come to the stage for our participation."

After Gates introduced the rules of the game, he gave it to the staff in the audience. A gesture to signal the players to come on stage.

The audience in the audience was also mobilized by Gates and became excited. The bloody competition is about to begin.

It is weird that no one came to the stage after a long time.

"What, what, what is this situation, is it fear of our arena, where are the brave players?"

Gates is also a little weird, according to the past Convention, there should be a large number of contestants on the platform at this time.

Finally, as Gates and the audience waited hard, the contestants came on stage.

But what is surprising is that there is only one contestant.

The contestant is holding a white long stick in his hand and is wearing a black windbreaker. The hood of the windbreaker covers his face, and only the lower half of his face can be seen vaguely.

When Gates saw a player on stage, he was sighed in relief, but after a long time, he still didn't see anyone else.

At this time, a staff member of the bullfighting arena ran behind Gates. After saying a few words in Gates' ear, Gates stared wide-eyed.

"Nani, everyone else has been defeated? Now the backstage is dead and injured?"

As Gates exclaimed, the audience who were already extremely excited became quiet. Shengshi, what's the situation? They paid for the tickets, so just show them this?

Gates also knew that he had said the wrong thing, which was a bit embarrassing for a while.

"Dear viewers, although there are some surprises, according to the rules, this player has won the championship."


Bullfighting In the backstage of the arena, a tall man walked out,

The tall man walked directly to the on platform of the bullfighting arena and looked at the silhouette of the on platform from a distance.

"Since he has won, then he is qualified to challenge me, and the game continues."

The person here is no one else, but the hero of the bullfighting arena, Diamante.

He originally came to the bullfighting arena to watch the game because he was bored. He didn't expect such an interesting thing shortly after he arrived, so he couldn't help but feel itchy.

After seeing Diamante on stage, the audience under the stage cheered.

"Kill him, Lord Diamante."

"Heroes of the bullfighting arena, let us see your style."

Diamante heard the stage After complimenting the audience, the impudent burst into laughter.

He likes to hear this kind of voice, he likes to be recognized by others, and anyone's denial is an insult to him.

"Oh? I really didn't expect to be able to meet you. Just accidentally let those weak Standard Chartered lie down, I still think it's white today."

For this mysterious hooded man, Diamante's gaze looked towards the other party.

"Really, let's have a wonderful duel, don't die too early, brat."

The hooded man on platform is Will, just now In the background, because of the provocation of those guys, Will taught them a lesson. Although he didn't kill them, it was enough for them to lie down for a few months.

After all, this is not a battlefield, and he will never forget the principles he set for himself.

"he he he, it seems to be underestimated, then, let's see how long you can hold on, if it takes less than five minutes, it would be too shameful for Doffy, I even use the sword. "

The expression on Diamante's face became serious, no longer as relaxed as before, because after he saw the windbreaker, he vaguely felt a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but for a while Think of it.

But thinking of what Will said just now, Diamante's heart suddenly burst and thought of someone.

No way, did that adult come to the island? Why did we not receive the message?

Diamante wailed silently in her heart, but did not express anything else.

Because if he admits defeat or makes other moves now, it means that he is weak, and the failure is shameless, but if he fails to fight, he is weak. It would be too shameful for them to Donquixote Pirates.

The best way now is to pretend not to know him, and he is just guessing the identity of the other party, and he has not confirmed it.

Even if you lose in the hands of that adult, it shouldn't be a shame, after all~,

Thinking of this, Diamante felt relaxed.

"Master Diamante, come on~"

There was a female voice that Diamante was very familiar with, which surprised Diamante, and then looked down the source of the sound, he I saw three familiar people sitting in the auditorium.

They are members of their family, Baby-5, Buffalo, and Chora, who is fat and has two dyed hair.

It was Baby-5 who was wearing a maid costume.

At this time, Baby-5 is standing in the auditorium, cheering for Diamante.

But Diamante is not at all happy for his family members to cheer for him. If his guess is true, then his opponent should be a monster.

The high-on platform Gates saw Diamante on stage, picked up the microphone in front of him and shouted in excitement;

"It’s an unexpected change. We didn’t expect us to fight the bulls. The heroes of the arena actually came to the stage personally, let us cheer for the heroes.

Then, I announce the start of the game. "

The audience in the audience can't wait for a long time, and most of the audience are excited. Stood up and shouted Diamante's name.

After Diamante heard the start of the game, Ma Admiral focused on the enemy in front of him.

The tall Diamante squatted down, pressed his hands on the ground, and directly activated his fruit ability.

After Diamante activated the fruit ability, Will felt the ground under his feet turned into a piece of cloth and began to flutter.

"Nice ability."

In Will while speaking, Diamante has rushed in front of Will, and the long sword of his hand has been slashed directly towards Will.

Looking at the long sword that struck, Will didn't pay too much attention to it. As soon as he moved, he avoided Diamante's slash.

Just as Diamante was planning to use the fruit power to change the shape of the long sword and stab Will, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then Diamante bent over and retched violently.

The long stick in Will's hand directly hits Diamante's stomach.

This made Diamante extremely painful and almost spit out the breakfast that day.

After seeing Diamante so embarrassed, the audience who had been cheering in the audience seemed to be suddenly caught in their necks, silently.

The three of Donquixote Pirates in the audience also looked towards Will with unbelievable eyes.

Because just now, the powerful Diamante was almost lost by Will.

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