At this time, Will is walking alone on the streets of Dressrosa.

Looking at the endless stream of people, Will feels the richness of Dressrosa now.

Every pedestrian passing by is dressed in bright clothes with a smile on his face.

If you don't have the toys that you occasionally pass by, it will be more peaceful and peaceful.

In Will's mind, neither Doffy nor King Liku are too good kings, but if they compare with each other, he still feels that Doffy is better.

Because King Liku is too real and mediocre.

From the sunflower fields of Dressrosa, we can see that Dressrosa is not a barren land.

In the north of Dressrosa, it is next to the rich Greenbit Island.

As long as the fighting fishes in the sea are eliminated, the rich land can greatly increase the economy of Dressrosa.

Although Will doesn’t know how to govern a country, he has rich land, abundant land and ocean resources, and supports his people a lot. In the end, he was still poor and dying. This is a model of a foolish monarch. Up.

Although Doffy Ramingo is not a good thing, he knows that he does not have the ability to govern a country, so the sword moves with side stroke, using the fruit power of sugar to control the country, and then using underground trading , Let this country become rich.

While Will was wandering around the island, he suddenly heard a clear shout from behind him.

"That little brother over there, please wait a minute."

Behind him, there was a clear female voice, followed by the sound of high heels stepping on the road.

When he heard the shout, Will couldn't help but look back. ,

What greets you is a sexy beauty in a red dress, mature and coquettish.

Just as Will looked at this beauty with some doubts, the other party actually gave Will a wink.

"This little brother, elder sister likes you very much, can you tell me your name?"

Will's first reaction was to be molested, and then he looked confused.

He swears that after coming to One Piece World, he has been threatened, hated, and even cursed countless times, but he has never been molested by a woman, which makes Will a little bit overwhelmed for a while .

"Ha, what a shy little brother, how about elder sister, please go for a drink?"

This beautiful lady in sexy dress smiles, her light blue eyes show The more beautiful.

Will finally came back to his senses. The current situation is probably that he is walking on the street, and then a sexy beauty has taken a fancy to him, and then want to invite him to lunch?

Although I have long heard that the young women of Dressrosa are very open and hot, I really experienced it firsthand today.

According to what Will knows, the young women in Dressrosa are relatively sturdy. This sturdyness is not reflected in their martial power, but in their character.

The young women of Dressrosa are very good at dancing, and they admire love very much. If they fall in love with a man, they will fall in love with him.

But excessive love is also very dangerous. If they are betrayed by all Ace people, they will assassinate that man.

You heard it right, just go to the assassination, there will be no crying, making troubles and hanging up.

The love is deep, but also crazy. This is the female of Dressrosa.

So Will is also more interested in these women, and for him, there is a little benefit, even if he is really assassinated, there will be no danger, even more how he just intends to be pure This woman eats.

"He he he, sorry, I really lost self-control. I was molested for the first time in my life, and I will inevitably be a little surprised.

But how can I let the lady treat me? How about a drink?"

The sexy beauty heard Will’s words, eyes shined.

She just saw Will look handsome and had a unique charm on her body, which made her a little bit springy, so she gave up stalking and proactively said hello.

But now, it seems that the other party is not the kind of character that I imagined.

"That's it, little brother, don't regret it, my name is Ada."

Ada is more interested in Will, although she is impossible with this man Love, but a drink with a masculine Little Handsome Brother is also good.

"Ah, let’s find a good restaurant first. You can call me Wisky."

Although it has been more than half a year since the top battlefield, people have His impression is no longer deep, but if he reveals his real name and dresses up with him, he will be recognized at a glance.

Ada took Will's arm and led him to a restaurant.

"Wizki? That's a strange name, but you won't be a Pirate? That's too terrifying, will you sell me?"

Ada doesn't care about Pirate very much in her heart. Although she is not a Pirate, her usual experience is more dangerous than Pirate.

"Of course not, you should be familiar with this place, let's go."

Ada laughed and took Will to the more prosperous neighborhood of Dressrosa.

After a while, the two found a restaurant, and then took their seats separately.

After Will sits down, take the'Yixue' from the buckles on both sides of his waist, and then he leaned it on the chair.

Ida raised her brow slightly after seeing Will's "Yi Xue".

Then she reached out and grabbed it at Yixue, trying to find out.

"They are really two good swords, how about elder sister?"

Although Ida is seeking Will’s advice, her hand has been extended to the blood go with.

But just when she was about to touch Yixue, a rough hand grabbed Ada's arm.

Ida can feel right away that this is a swordsman's hand. Although the skin on the palm of the palm is a bit rough, the entire palm is very well-proportioned and powerful.

"It has a bad temper, so don't touch it. You say yes, Miss Ada."

Ada didn't speak, just laughed.

It's not that Will is stingy and prevents Ada from appreciating the'Blood of Consciousness'. It is really that he does not want to have lunch with a man.

After Pusheng's "Yixue" is even more vicious, except for Will, all creatures that dare to touch it will be madly absorbed by its life force until it sucks the opponent dry.

After a while, a large number of dishes are on the table, and Will and Ada start to dine.

But when the two were chatting, the crowd in the restaurant suddenly became a little riot.

After that, Will felt something flashing behind him, and unexpectedly picked up a handful of "Blood" by the way.

When the other party just picked up the "Yi Xie", Will felt it, and grabbed the "Yi Xie" floating in midair.

Then Will flicked the scabbard, and a small, shriveled thing flew out of the restaurant, leaving a wallet and a few jewelry on the ground behind Will.

"I have said, you can't touch my sword, why is there always someone not listening."

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