One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 194 Chaos! (two in one)

The crow on the side also looked at Yun Ye solemnly. As soon as Yun Ye appeared, he could feel a strong sense of threat from him. Under the influence of him, some changes have taken place, and he can accurately judge the threat level of the other party to him!

But at this time, the sense of threat emanating from Chong Yunye's body strengthened Gray Eagle's strength by a large amount!

Gray Eagle and Yinghu on the other side also didn't dare to be careless, and went to An Xiao's position.

There was an inexplicable silence in the arena.

It's like someone pressed the pause button.

The Revolutionary Army, CP0, and Yun Ye are in different positions.

Both of them were wary of each other, and there was a weird stalemate...

"Hey, what's the situation now, do you want to break out?" Belo Betty looked at the weirdness in the field, came to the side of the crow, and whispered.

She couldn't understand the situation on the field now.

The crow also whispered: "I don't know, don't act rashly."

Who knows what Quincy is too much, although their revolutionary army has no conflict of interest with Quincy, but everyone in the new world knows that Quincy is a lunatic, and they will not be surprised to do anything.

After all, do you think it is possible for a normal person to break into the territory of the Four Emperors single-handedly and break out into a battle with the forces of the Four Emperors?

"Is there any information on the man who came with Stucey?" asked Bello Beatty.

"The other two are code-named after animals, and this one may also be related to animals..." Another revolutionary army said.

Bello Betty stroked his chin and said, "The news over there before should have come from when Quincy was fighting that CP0 person. Being able to fight Quincy should be very strong, maybe it's the captain of CP0." class."

The crow thought for a while, and guessed: "Captain...the captain whose code name is an animal...should be a dark owl who joined the army with an exception!"

Bello Betty's face changed slightly when he heard the code name: "Is it that monster? The Dark Owl who defeated the Red Earl together with Kong, the current commander-in-chief of the armed forces?"

The forces under the World Government include not only the navy, but also the army, but the strength of the army is not worth mentioning compared to the navy.

In addition, this world is an island world, and the sea covers almost 90% of the planet.

It is normal for the army to have less prestige than the navy.

But the strong will stand out everywhere!

Dark Owl used to be a general in the army under the World Government. Because of his meritorious service in catching Redfield, he was promoted to CP0, and also became one of the most powerful captains in CP0!

He was a strong man from the era of the Warring States Period!

The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Drago, used to be a high-level navy officer, and he still knows some hidden information very well!

The crow said: "It should be this person, but the threat he brings to me is not as good as Quincy, Quincy is the real monster!"

This was also the first time Crow saw Quincy, and the sense of threat that Quincy brought to him was even greater than that of their leader, Drago!


In the arena, Yun Ye was a little speechless, why are you looking at me? You go on!

Yun Ye looked at everyone in front of him, and broke the silence first: "The revolutionary army and people from the World Government? Hey, it's really interesting. Keep fighting, just pretend that I don't exist."

Anyway, I have a lot of time, and the purpose of coming here is just to test my strength, and then see what the world government is secretly planning.

Now that we have come to Joy Street, Joy Street will definitely be removed from the Dark World today!

And he also saw that the people of the Revolutionary Army were found and wanted to evacuate, and the people of CP0 wanted to wipe them all out. If it wasn't for his sudden appearance, I'm afraid they would have lost their minds by now...

Because of his appearance, the CP0 people had scruples, so the stalemate suddenly came to an end.

But Yun Ye is not in a hurry, if you don't fight, don't fight, let's see who is in a hurry first, anyway, it's not him, and he even has time to chat with these people.

Hearing Yun Ye's words, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay.

The people in the revolutionary army were speechless.

What are you talking about, who dares to ignore you guy?

You can say it when you don't exist...

"Quinciant, don't be too crazy!" An Xiao's tone turned cold, and he shot at the revolutionary army and Yun Ye, and said coldly, "All of you will be here today!"

Yun Ye spread out his hands, looked at the people of the Revolutionary Army and grinned: "See, they actually want to kill you and me, or how about joining forces with me and killing them directly? I remember that your Revolutionary Army seemed like I have not dealt with the world government, they have been targeting you, what, do you want to join forces with me and keep them all here?"

The members of the Revolutionary Army looked at each other again.

Bello Betty rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "This is fine, but what do we need to pay?"

Yun Ye looked at the long-legged and big-breasted sister Yu, and said with a smile: "You don't need to pay anything, I have no conflict of interest with your revolutionary army, and the purpose of my coming here is to expel the people of the world government from the dark world , they're in my way."

Crow calmly said: "If your Excellency only has this kind of request, our revolutionary army will agree."

They have no reason not to agree. After all, each other's enemies are the world government, and there is no conflict of interest, so the two sides can cooperate on this matter.

Hearing the conversation between the two sides, the faces of the people on CP0's side darkened.

Quincy alone is enough to make them feel threatened. Now if the people of the Revolutionary Army really join forces with Quincy, they may be in danger this time!

‘It can’t be delayed any longer! ’ An Xiao knew in his heart that if it dragged on, not only would the arrangements of the World Government in the Dark World be exposed, but they might even die here!

"Do it!" An Xiao yelled loudly, rushed out with both bodies at the same time, and rushed towards Yun Ye.

The rest of the people also shot together, they should have communicated in secret, at this moment they rushed towards Yun Ye at the same time.

Compared with the Revolutionary Army, the threat of the Quincy Division is a little bigger.

If they are asked to choose someone who must die in the Quincy Division and the Revolutionary Army, then there is no one else for this candidate except the Quincy Division!

It's not that the threat of the Quincy is greater than that of the Revolutionary Army, but that the Quincy is the target of the Celestial Dragons, and no one can survive after killing two Celestial Dragons!

For the sake of Tianlongren's face, Quincy must die!

‘Can’t hold back anymore? ’ Seeing a few people rushing towards him, Yun Ye didn't have a trace of fear in his heart, and even started to boil with fighting spirit.

'Boom! '

The two-color light surged behind Yunye, and the instant coaxing was activated, which raised Yunye's overall strength by more than one level!

"Then...let me see your determination! Thunder Spear!" Yun Ye sneered, and charged forward in a flash!

The thunder turned into a spear and was thrown out by him in his hand.

With a 'crack', the thunder spear pierced through the air and stabbed towards Stuci!

Stucey is the weakest of them, the persimmons will be soft!

"Land's foot!" Stussy sensed the horror of this attack. She knew Yun Ye's strength clearly, so she naturally didn't dare to be careless. Her slender beautiful legs tightened, and she swept out a thick Lan's foot.

Lan's foot collided with Thunderbolt, but the next moment Lan's foot was broken by Yun Ye's attack, Thunderbolt's momentum remained undiminished, stabbing at Stuttie like a broken bamboo!

"Iron block!" Stussy's face changed drastically, looking at the Thunder Spear whose power had been weakened, and crossed his hands in front of him.

However, she still underestimated the horror of this blow. Just hearing a 'bang', her whole body was directly blasted out, hitting the ground from a high altitude, and knocking out a big hole in the ground.

Yunye's offensive has not stopped yet, with five fingers spread out, thunder and lightning surged: "Thunder Roar Cannon!"

The Thunder Pillar pierced through and directly hit the other three!

"Hmph!" An Xiao snorted coldly, a body blocked in front of Lei Zhu, and while blocking Yun Ye's attack, his body was also directly shattered.

"Lanjiao Nail Shooter!"

"Finger Gun Flying Fox!"

"Double Swords · Eagle Strike!"

Three members of CP0 launched a terrorist attack at the same time.

Blast towards Yun Ye from three different positions!

Naturally, the biggest threat must be dealt with first!

A red light flashed in Yun Ye's eyes, and he waved his right hand downwards, blocking the front of him.

The air wall blocked all attacks in front of him, posing no threat to Yun Ye at all!

At the same time, Yun Ye rushed towards Yinghu in a flash.

Shunhoo and Shunpo increased his speed to an unparalleled level. ,

Almost in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Yinghu.

"Go down and accompany her!" Yun Ye threw his legs from top to bottom, with the blessing of thunder, flame, domineering, and various abilities, this blow can directly knock down a mountain!

"Be careful!" An Xiao caught Yunye's next move with a knowledgeable look, and quickly reminded Yinghu.

But by this time it was too late.

Yunye's speed is too fast!

There was no time for Yinghu to react at all.

Yinghu is naturally knowledgeable, but it is far from being able to have a future with An Xiao.

Although she also sensed the attack coming, her body couldn't react.

Just hearing a 'boom', Yunye's kick directly hit Yinghu, air ripples flashed in the air, Yinghu spit out a big mouthful of blood with a 'puchi', a force ran wildly in her body, causing damage , the body fell into the sky like a meteorite, and with a 'boom', a huge pothole appeared on the ground again!

'Kaka' cracks like a spider web centered on this pothole and spread out to the surroundings.

"Damn it!" On the other side, Gray Eagle cursed secretly, spread its wings, and its figure flashed afterimages in the air, approaching Yunye at a very high speed, and kicked directly towards Yunye with its eagle-clawed right leg.

"Animals?" Yun Ye turned around and sneered, tilting his body to avoid the blow, then grabbed Gray Eagle's foot with his right hand, and the lightning spread along his arm, making Gray Eagle's body numb with electricity.

"Here's an earth throw for you!" Yun Ye grabbed Gray Eagle's foot and slammed it violently, swung it in a circle and smashed it directly to the ground!

With a sound of '咻', Gray Eagle's body collided closely with the ground like an arrow from the string, and with a sound of 'Boom', another pothole was formed directly.

"Quincier!!" Over there, An Xiao roared angrily. He had already settled in front of Yun Ye not far away, with his body on the left and the right, he kicked out two terrifying pointed feet, and the two Dao Lan's feet merged in the air, forming a more powerful and terrifying attack!

Yun Ye knew how terrifying this blow was, so he didn't dare to be careless. Duankong probably couldn't stop this blow, so... let's block it back with a stronger attack!

"False flash!" The dark red light danced between Yun Ye's fingers, and then a depressive breath swept away.

The energy that has been condensed to the extreme gathers at one point, and finally it is directly emitted!

The terrifying energy ray collided with the impacting Lanjiao, and a wave of energy swept towards the surroundings like waves. Countless buildings and trees began to collapse due to this impact!

‘Boom boom! '

There was a loud bang, and a terrifying air wave erupted with black and red rays of light.

In the field, two figures flew upside down in different directions at the same time.

Smash everything along the way...

Yun Ye crawled out of the pothole, patted the dust on his body, but he didn't suffer too much injury, and said a little speechlessly: "Tsk, this move is still out of control, the energy explosion even affected me... "

The power of the false flash is powerful, but he can't avoid the impact of the short-distance burst, and he is swept away by the impact.

But the same is true on the opposite side, who was also sent flying by the impact.

"Hiss... With this kind of strength, Quincy is really a monster!" Belo Betty couldn't help sighing when she saw that Yunye was so ferocious and had such a record in one-on-four.

What a monster!

"Let's make a move too. Since we have agreed, we can't break our promise. You should know a little bit about the character of Quincy. If you don't make a move, it is likely to bring a big enemy to our revolutionary army!" There was not much surprise on Crow's face.

His sense of knowledge is very special, and he can perceive the degree of threat to him from others.

Even if the several CP0s present add up, the sense of threat brought to him is not as good as the current Quenching Normal University!

Although it is a better choice for them to retreat at this time, they also know that if there is no sudden appearance of Quincy, their situation will be very embarrassing.

In addition, he had already made a verbal agreement with Yun Ye before, if he repented at this time... Maybe Yun Ye would miss it!

Therefore, it would be unwise to step back at this time...

"Okay! It's still the same, one person blocks the other!" Bello Betty is a smart person, if she is not a smart person, she would not have thought of this, she nodded, and charged towards the crow together!

The CP0 people will not give Yun Ye time to breathe.

Yinghu and Gray Eagle came to kill again, their expressions were extremely cold.

They also suffered some injuries in the battle just now, but they are all six-style masters with strong physiques, they only suffered some minor injuries, and they are not serious.

But at this time, Crow and Bello Betty also blocked them.

"Don't forget about us, CP0!" Bello Betty still approached Sakura Fox, licked her rosy lips, "Let's continue the battle we just had!"

"Don't come in the way, Revolutionary Army! Get out of here!" Seeing Belo Betty standing in front of her, Yinghu snorted coldly.

"That's not acceptable. We will strictly abide by what we promise to others!" Bello Betty chuckled lightly and proposed with her slender legs.

‘Boom boom boom! '

Bello Betty fights Sakura Fox, Crow fights Gray Eagle, the battle breaks out again!

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