One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 193 One Blow Flying: The First Meeting with the Revolutionary Army

Yunye guessed in his heart that this guy's strength should not be weaker than that of Katakuri before he learned the overlord color winding...

Moreover, the two clones of this person have the same strength, and the two bodies cooperate seamlessly, and every attack hits the most correct position.

Even though Yun Ye is very knowledgeable, he will still occasionally be forced to stop attacking and can only dodge.

Judging from their fighting actions, it is impossible to tell that there are two people!

It is indeed a person, and it should be similar to his own body avatar, which can be regarded as a person...

Moreover, when Yun Ye was about to attack the main body, the next moment, the main body and the avatar would switch in an instant, making his attack fail.

It is also because of this that Yunye finds it difficult!

It seems unsolvable, but Yunye also knows that there is no unsolvable ability in this world.

As long as you find a way, you still have a chance to hit the enemy hard!

Yunye is not short of large-scale attacks, and he is not without attacks that cover two people at the same time, and there are even many, each of which is a skill that can cause damage to a large area!

Since you can't find any flaws, then... let's just sweep away!

After making up his mind, Yunye crossed his hands to block one of them's blows, and then used this strength to step back and stand in mid-air, with another burst of flames bursting from behind, and the two forces of different attributes clashed and annihilated each other, bringing Yunye's extremely strong attribute bonus!

'Boom boom boom...'

A huge sound erupted from Yun Ye. Yun Ye looked straight down, locked on with knowledge and knowledge, and spread his five fingers: "Thunder Flame Explosion!"

'Boom! '

A terrifying attack was brewing in Yun Ye's palm, and a thick shock wave of thunder flames erupted, hitting the two people below!

"Not good!" Two exclamations sounded at the same time, An Xiao sensed the power of this attack, and his face changed suddenly.

His sense of knowledge seems to have reached the level of being able to predict the future. In a corner of the future, he saw a terrifying scene!

It was the scene where I was swept by a terrorist attack at the same time!

An Xiao knew that he couldn't let Yun Ye's attack fall, otherwise even he would be injured!

In the blink of an eye, his two bodies merged into one, and a more terrifying force was brewing in his body.

This is his fruit ability, which can condense the power of two bodies together, and at the same time burst out even more terrifying power!

"Lanjiao Nail Shooter!" An Xiao yelled loudly, his right leg covered in pitch-black armor was bent like a scorpion's tail, and his body was as tense as a bow and arrow ready to go!

The momentum gathered a little, and the next moment he moved, his right leg straightened and swept across the sky!

With a sound of 'swipe', a shock wave in the shape of a "spear", which is different from ordinary Lanjiao, rushed out of his feet, like a shell fired from a chamber, and the sound of violent rotation 'buzzing' sounded, driving the howling wind!

In the blink of an eye, it collided with Yun Ye's attack!

Just like sparks hitting the earth, the tip of the needle is facing the wheat awn!

'Boom! ! ! '

Then there was a loud bang, and the attacks collided with each other in mid-air, refusing to give in to each other, and the air waves swept away in an instant!

At the center point, the collision of the two attacks sent out terrifying fluctuations, and almost everyone on the island felt it.

They all looked at this side.

I wonder in my heart who caused such a big commotion!

The strength spread, and the two terrifying attacks shattered at the same time, and an even more terrifying shock wave swept across the entire island!

Yun Ye didn't stop attacking, and disappeared in place in a flash, reappeared not far from An Xiao's body, sneered, and blasted out a terrifying attack with both fists again.

Dark owl's knowledge and color can predict the future, and Yun Ye's movements cannot escape his perception, he was captured by him, and the next moment he wants to use shaved to avoid Yun Ye's attack.

But how could Yun Ye fulfill his wish?

It's not that Yun Ye has never dealt with someone who can predict the future, Katakuri is!

If you want to predict the future, you need to be extremely focused and uninterrupted.

And the big movement will interfere with the function of knowledge color to a certain extent!

The reason why Yun Ye used Lei Yanbang was also for this purpose!

As long as it is disturbed, the effect of knowledge color will be weakened!

"Want to run? No chance!" Yun Ye snorted coldly, and three beams of light appeared out of thin air, nailing An Xiao in place.

"What is this?" An Xiao was shocked when he felt his body being pinned.

Naturally, Yunye would not let this opportunity pass by, his fists covered the domineering-colored domineering fists, and the domineering-colored look wrapped around them, and he punched out like a broken bamboo!

With this blow, he can't run away!

'Boom! '

This punch hit An Xiao's chest directly, and the power entangled in the overlord's color burst out suddenly, and the thunder and lightning shot out, like the sound of a big drum being beaten!

"Troubled by overlord's color?" An Xiao secretly yelled that something was wrong, and then he just felt his head go blank. Overlord's color frightened his mind, trying to make him lose consciousness.

But after all, he is the captain of CP0, and his will is extremely tenacious, so he tried not to roll his eyes, but the next moment, he felt a boundless force directly sweeping his whole body.

There was only a soft 'click' sound coming from the sternum, and then his whole body was blown away by this blow!

The figure drew a graceful arc, and flew out directly, knocking everything behind to collapse.

'Boom boom boom...'

Wherever it passed, a terrifying gully was plowed out of the ground, and finally crashed into a building...

Coincidentally, this is the center of Happy Street and also the headquarters of Happy Street.

At this time, Stuci happened to be in this building.

Originally, she was watching the videos from all over the island spread by the surveillance phone bug, her face was extremely serious.

She knew that if today's matter could not be resolved, there would be no place for her in the dark world.

The dark world is very important to the layout of the world government.

The world government needs all channels of the dark world to reach their ulterior secrets...

But at this moment, her sense of knowledge jumped crazily, and her complexion changed drastically when she heard the danger perception. With a flash of her own figure, she hit the ceiling above her head and walked away from this place!

The next moment, there was a 'bang', and the place she was standing just now was knocked down by something, and the smoke and dust scattered in all directions!

"What happened?" Stussy stepped on the moon and stood looking down. When he saw the figure appearing in the smoke, his face changed drastically again.

Stussy looked at An Xiao who fell from the sky and knocked his place to pieces, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Chief...Chief Captain?"

Stucey knows the strength of the dark owl, and it is comparable to the admiral of the navy!

But what did she see now?

The captain of CP0, An Xiao, who is comparable to the admiral of the navy, was beaten to fly here?

That's right, he was beaten to fly here!

‘Could it be the Quincy Master? The people who appear here have the strength of the Quincy...' After taking a deep breath, Stussy guessed in his heart.

"Return life!" An Xiao got up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, and used the life return in the six-style esoteric art to temporarily suppress the injuries in his body. He ignored Stucey's words, but looked coldly at him. ahead.

Over there, Yun Ye stepped on the air, looked down jokingly, and finally fixed his gaze on Stussy's beautiful face: "It's been a long time, Stussy, I've always guessed that the dark world Is there a nail of the world government in the middle, it seems that you have not escaped."

"The Quincy? Is it really you?" Stussy also looked up at the Quincy who was stepping on the air, and he was convinced of his thoughts just now.

Yun Ye glanced at Stuci, but didn't pay much attention to it. The few kings in the dark world are not very strong.

The strongest one is Doflamingo, but in the past, Doflamingo was enough to see, but as his strength is getting stronger and stronger, Doflamingo's strength is now in my opinion, That's it.

Instead, he turned his head to look at An Xiao, and said indifferently: "Six-style masters fight against blows, can they still stand up after taking this blow from me?"

An Xiao looked at Yun Ye coldly: "Quincier, don't be too complacent! It's not that easy to defeat me."

But after all, he is still very afraid of Yun Ye. He has also seen the horror of Yun Ye's blow just now. If he hadn't used an iron block and domineering to block in front of him at the last moment, he might have been defeated. !

The attack power of the Quincy is really powerful!

No wonder you can fight monsters like Big Mom!

Yun Ye sneered: "It's not credible to say such words from your mouth. To be honest, compared to Charlotte Lingling, you are much weaker! At least, that woman will not be so easy Get blown away by me."

Hearing Yun Ye's belittling words, An Xiao's expression became even more gloomy, but because of the mask, Yun Ye didn't see it.

An Xiao just wanted to speak, but there was also a lot of movement not far from the other side.

And over there, it's really where the Revolutionary Army fought other CP0s.

Yun Ye also looked over: "Oh? It seems that you have other troubles. Is that dress the Revolutionary Army? Hey, it's really interesting!"

Saying that, Yun Ye glanced at the two of them, sneered, and rushed over there!

"Since it has been exposed, Stucey, you don't have to hide anymore. Only by annihilating them all here, you will not be rumored as a member of the world government, and you can continue to be your king of the dark world!" the dark owl said in a tone Shen, said something to Stucey, and then rushed out directly!

Stucey's expression changed again and again, and finally he chased after him stepping on the moon.

At the same time, the battle on the other side was also very fierce.

Two revolutionary armies are fighting against two CP0s. The two sides can be said to be irreconcilable enemies. When they meet, they will definitely fight to the death.

The battle at this time has entered a white-hot stage!

Both sides are strong men with good strength, all kinds of violent six-style skills, fierce punches burst out one by one, accompanied by dull drum beats!

The aftermath invaded in all directions, the air waves billowed, and the entire ground trembled.

The site of the battle has become a mess at some point, with buildings collapsing and cut marks intertwined.

"You guys are really hard to deal with, Revolutionary Army."

At this time, the gray eagle has turned into a birdman form, its feet have turned into sharp claws, and it holds two feathered sword blades made of black feathers in its hands. A pair of eyes are like sharp blades, looking directly at the crow in a black feather coat, and his right leg raises a chopping wave as sharp as a bird's beak: "Land's foot·Eagle's beak!"

On the other side, the crow seemed to be wearing a dark feather coat, and opened its scarlet eyes, screaming "Yah!" Every time it attacked, countless crows pierced through the air, and the crow's wings were like the sharpest blades, slashing across There was a crackling sound of 'chi chi' in the air.

The two attacks collided in the air and shattered each other!

The chopping waves shattered and shot around, leaving cut marks on the ground.

However, the black crow shattered like cement and fell to the building on the ground, but the next moment, as if being pulled by something, it returned to the coat on the crow again!

"I have fought with people from your CP organization several times, but this is the first time someone has been able to fight me to this extent. CP0 is indeed the most elite in the CP organization!" Crow said coldly, stepping down, wearing a coat With a tremor, a shadow spread towards Gray Eagle's feet, and sharp black feathers pierced out, trying to penetrate Gray Eagle's body.

But Gray Eagle's eyes flashed red, and it flew directly into the sky with a flap of its wings.

"Catch up, Shadow Feather Slash!" The Gray Eagle, whose black feathers shot toward the sky like arrows, chased after it.

"Hmph!" Gray Eagle snorted coldly, spread its wings, and covered it with armed colors, hardened, and the hard feathers were like steel knives, shining with metallic light.

With his wings crossed, he swung his slashing strikes and charged downward.

‘Boom boom boom! '

Intensive explosions sounded, and the vigor rolled the wind and sand on the ground.

The two dense attacks collided with each other and shattered, but the attacks of the two were too dense, some of the attacks did not collide with each other, and rushed towards each other!


The sound of two sharp blades slashing into the flesh came out. In this blow, both of them were injured by each other's attacks.

However, the two of them didn't intend to stop attacking at all, and rushed towards each other again!

On the other side, Bello Betty also fought with Sakura Fox.

Both of them are masters of gymnastics, fist to fist, leg to leg, and the battle is also very fierce!

But at this moment, the movement on the other side naturally couldn't escape their knowledge.

Seeing someone rushing from a distance now, the faces of several people were all shocked, and after colliding with each other again, they retreated at the same time.

Be wary of whoever comes.

Naturally, it was not someone else who flew over. Yun Ye also stopped not far away, and looked at the few people who stopped fighting with interest: "Hey, why did they stop? Continue!"

'I haven't seen anyone from CP0, but the other two are a little familiar, are you the commander of the Revolutionary Army? ’ Yun Ye looked at several people and muttered to himself.

Seeing the person coming, the expressions of several people present changed slightly.

Quincy Master...

They are all good at collecting information, so it is impossible not to know what Quincy looks like.

After all, there was a reward order of more than 2 billion yuan, and it wasn't the photo with the mask in the past. Naturally, they had already seen the reward order of the Quincy Master.

Especially on the CP0 side, the Quincy has come here, so... what about Dark Owl?

'Is it possible? ’ The expressions of Gray Eagle and Sakura Fox both changed.

It is impossible for them not to notice the huge movement over there just now.

Except for the battle between Quincy and his own captain that could cause such a commotion, there is no other strong person on the island!

But without waiting for them to guess too much, An Xiao and Stucey came over on moon steps.

Seeing that An Xiao was fine, Gray Eagle and Yinghu were also relieved.

As long as it's okay, if the dark owls are defeated, then...their fate may not be much better.

Only the two of them can deal with the commander of the Revolutionary Army and the Quincy Division...

As long as their captain is still there, then it's not the worst situation!

"Is it really Quincy?" On the side of the revolutionary army, Belo Betty looked at Yun Ye curiously. This was the first time they saw Quincy in reality.

As rumored, very young!

And... this sense of oppression really deserves to be a big shot who can fight against the Fourth Emperor Charlotte Lingling!

This feeling, they only felt it in Drago's body!

It is so unfathomable!

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