One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 195 The true strength of the Quincy? CP0 is completely wiped out! (Da Zhang!)

Several people fought and destroyed the buildings in the nearby area.

Fortunately, this place is an entertainment place, basically there are no ordinary people, and the people who come here are either pirates or dignitaries from various countries, all of them are very sophisticated.

These people have been wandering at sea all year round, so they naturally know where to stay and where not to stay...

When you see that something is wrong, you have already slipped away!

"Is this the strength of the captain of CP0? Or is it not your full strength? Do you have other clones?" Yun Ye punched out punch after punch, and the waves of air billowed, and the strength of punches exploded, crushing the dark Xiao was beaten back again and again.

Yun Ye narrowed his eyes, and vaguely noticed something unusual about An Xiao's body.

The strength of the person in front of him is indeed strong, but Yun Ye always feels a little out of sync...

It's just a feeling of Yun Ye, and I can't tell the specific Yun Ye, just the feeling that this guy in front of him didn't use his full strength!

Assuming that this guy's ability is a clone, then... is it his body, or just a clone?

Or, he still has other clones in other places, not fused with the only one, and his strength has not been fully displayed?

Yun Ye guessed in his heart.

"Hmph!" Hearing this, An Xiao snorted, with a fierce light in his eyes, he didn't expect Yun Ye's perception to be so keen, did he find a clue?

An Xiao's six-style skills were used one after another, and he fought with Yun Ye. Although he was a bit embarrassed and at a disadvantage, it was not so easy for Yun Ye to defeat him in a short time.

Coupled with the fact that Stucey was holding back, the scene seemed to be back and forth.

However, he was also very afraid of Yun Ye's strength. He didn't expect that this body had already exploded with full strength, and it was still not Yun Ye's opponent.

That's right, what's here is just a clone of An Xiao.

No, it's not all clones.

It can also be said to be the ontology.

This is the ability after his fruit ability is awakened.

Two bodies can be separated.

Both are the main body, and have all his abilities at the same time.

It's a bit similar to Yunye's Yiku clone, but unlike Yunye, the memories of his two bodies are also separate.

In addition, he doesn't know what the body has done. Only after the fusion, the memories of the two bodies will be completely fused.

In a sense, this is not his strongest state now. His strongest state is the complete fusion of two bodies, becoming the only one. This is his strongest state!

In this state, the strength is definitely at the level of an admiral!

"Forget it, anyway, your fate today is already doomed. If you dare to target my Quincy, even the world government will have to pay an unbearable price! From now on, Happy Street will be removed from the Dark World, and I will also I will not allow the tentacles of your world government to penetrate into the dark world! This is my territory!" Yun Ye's eyes were indifferent, and the two-color light burst out and jumped behind him, and the power transmitted became even more violent!

Yun Ye's footsteps stepped on the air, and there was a "boom" explosion, his body broke through the sound barrier, and the air suddenly exploded, and he appeared in front of An Xiao the next moment.

Fist, a blow that condensed all of Yunye's abilities struck the past!

"It's so fast!" Although An Xiao noticed Yun Ye's attack with his knowledge, his heart sank. Yun Ye's speed was really too fast, so fast that even if he noticed it a step ahead, his body would not be able to react.

Was bombarded.

But it quickly disappeared into thin air, and at that moment, he switched with the clone again.

"Cut, a difficult ability!" Yun Ye saw and heard the action of another clone, stepped on his foot, and rushed out again. At the same time, he spread his five fingers, and the thunder flame was brewing, and a thunder flame blasted past.

"Who are you underestimating!" An Xiao yelled angrily. He was also angry. As a strong man in the era of Warring States and Garp, the Quincy in front of him was just a junior.

But now he was actually being beaten by a junior, which made him very annoyed!

I can't wait to kill Yun Ye directly!

"Six Forms Upanishness, Staff Spear!" An Xiao clenched his right fist tightly, his muscles bulged high and swelled several times, and the dark armed color shone with metallic light under the sun.

He shouted loudly and blasted his fist into the air!

With a 'hum' sound, the air suddenly vibrated, and a terrifying shock wave centered on his fist and spread forward.

The punch was mighty and powerful, and it struck out, colliding with Yun Ye's attack from the air.

'Boom! '

In the field, two terrorist attacks collided, and a loud noise erupted. The surrounding buildings could not withstand the aftermath of the two attacks, and cracks appeared.

The ground was cracked inch by inch, as if a major earthquake had occurred, and the entire island was trembling.

The aftermath shook and swept across the entire island, causing countless people to look sideways.

"The battle over there is really loud!" Belo Betty avoided Yinghu's kick and looked up to that side.

Seeing this exaggerated movement, she couldn't help being speechless.

"Fight with me, do you still have the mind to look elsewhere? Don't underestimate us, commander of the Revolutionary Army!" Yinghu snorted coldly, crossing her legs and sweeping out a dense barrage of hazy feet.

"Do you think my knowledge is just a display?" Bello Betty laughed, her charming face was full of smiles, her pretty body moved left and right, avoiding all attacks in a thrilling manner.

"It's my turn!" Belo Betty rushed over, slapping the snare drum around his waist with his right hand, the sound of "dong dong dong" sounded, and a strange power was transmitted, affecting Yinghu's mind.

"Can the fruits of encouragement affect other people's minds? It's really difficult!"

"This is my favorite move!"

'Boom! '

The two attacks collided again!

At the same time, the crow and the gray eagle had already fought in mid-air, both of them had the ability to fly, and the sound of battle resounded like thunder in the air.

"The crows are attacking!" The crows opened their arms wide, and countless pitch-black crows screamed and rushed out, their beaks opening and biting.

"Two Swords Style Feather Slash!" Gray Eagle held the feather blade in his hand, and "Swipe" swung out intensive slashes one after another, defeating all the crows that came.

"Shadow Screen!" The crow narrowed his eyes, clenched his fists together, and countless broken black crows gathered together in the next moment, forming a barrier like a black screen, blocking all slashing attacks.

On the curtain, bumps appeared in the places hit by the slash, but they couldn't break through at all!

Gray Eagle's complexion remained unchanged, and he walked around the curtain in a flash, crossing the feathered sword in his hand and slashed at the crow: "Dual Sword Style Eagle Strike!"

The slash turned into a swooping falcon, as if the sound of an eagle's cry came, and it was slashed down with one blow!

"Tear him apart!" The crow also launched a terrifying attack at the same time, its coat flowed, and it turned into a huge crow with spread wings on its right hand, bombarding it out!

'Boom! '

There was a loud noise, and both of them were sent flying backwards by the opponent's attack at the same time.

One crashed into the ground, and the other flew into the sky. Both of them suffered injuries to varying degrees.

Two intersecting bloodstains appeared on the crow's chest, and the blood flowed down.

Gray Eagle on the other side was also very uncomfortable, spitting blood from his mouth, and an inexplicable force was raging in his body, like tarsal maggots, eroding his internal organs.

"What a weird ability... Can it subtly affect my body?" Grey Eagle felt the strange feeling in his body, and his face gradually became gloomy.

Every member of the Revolutionary Army is counted as one, and their abilities are extremely strange!

The crow ignored the wound on his body, looked at Gray Eagle flapping its wings in the sky, and said lightly: "Oh? Did you notice it? The master of the Six Forms is indeed amazing, and the control over his body is really amazing."

Each animal-type Phantom Beast has special abilities that other animal-types do not have!

This ability is innate, and it will be awakened automatically when eating the fruit.

It has a rubbery body like the fruit of Nika.

The rebirth of the phoenix.

If the phoenix brought Marco the vitality of being reborn from the ashes, then the crow's fruit ability will weaken the vitality of the enemy in battle!

The longer the person who fights with him drags on, the greater his chances of winning will be!

Faintly, the two phantom beast species seem to be opposite to each other...

One heals, one destroys!

"Phantom beasts are indeed great, but the fruit is not absolutely strong or weak, it still depends on the performance of the capable person. Do you think you have a chance of winning?" Gray Eagle's eyes were as sharp as those of an eagle, and he stared at the crow below. This is when changes began to take place.

"Return your life, paint your martial body on paper!"

Gray Eagle's original human-beast form reached a height of three meters, but now it began to shrink a little bit, becoming close to two meters, its body shape became streamlined, and its muscles became tighter. Ordinary feathers, after being covered with armed colors, shone with a sharp meaning.

"So that's it. This is the mystery after mastering the Six Forms. Can life be returned? Can you even do this kind of change? It's really scary, CP0!" Crow frowned. These Six Forms masters can always Will come up with strange moves.

"Stop talking nonsense!" After Gray Eagle used Life Return, his speed increased again. He was originally a speedy powerhouse, but this time his speed became even faster.

The figure is like an arrow and directly kills the past!


‘Boom boom boom! '

The battle between Yun Ye and An Xiao is still going on, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the battle with the Quincy, An Xiao, a CP0 person, has fallen into an absolute disadvantage!

"Get out!" Yun Ye yelled, seized an opportunity, smashed one of An Xiao's clones, and at the same time, the speed suddenly accelerated, perched on top of another An Xiao's head, and punched out fiercely!

The terrifying fist wind shook the air, covering everything below.

Yun Ye also discovered that when the avatar was broken, it would take an instant for An Xiao to gather the avatar again!

This moment may be very short for others, but with Yunye's speed, he can come to An Xiao's body in this moment!

With a bang, An Xiao didn't react this time, and was directly hit by Yun Ye's punch.

Blood spewed out from An Xiao's mouth, and a terrifying force came, directly blasting his figure into the ground, crashing into the ground like a meteor, shaking the ground endlessly!

"Where do you want to run to? Stussy?" After the blow, Yun Ye ignored An Xiao and rushed towards Stussy.

This woman has been harassing him all the time, which really annoys him a bit!

Yun Ye blinked, and looked at Stucey coldly, as if looking at a dead person!

As an Anzi left by the world government in the dark world, Stussy is one of the resistances that hinder Yun Ye from integrating the dark world, and Yun Ye naturally cannot let him go!

"Damn it!" Feeling the murderous intent from Yun Ye, Stussy's pretty face showed shock, and he planned to run away immediately.

Her strength can only be regarded as mediocre among CP0, and her strength is close to that of a lieutenant general if she is long!

It's not worth mentioning in front of Yunye.

Just now she was injured by a random blow to Yunye, but now she is facing Yunye, she can really feel the power of Yunye!

"Can you escape?" Yun Ye sneered, and chased after him in a flash.

"Land's foot. Broken!" Although Stussy was terrified, he had received professional training after all, and his slender beautiful legs tensed up, kicking out a path of Lan's foot.

"Bai Lei!" Facing the attacking Lan Jiao, Yun Ye just pointed out a white thunder with his fingertips, and the two collided and shattered each other.

"No one can hinder me from achieving my goal, not even the world government!" Yun Ye walked over to Stuttie's side, and grabbed her with his right hand!

Stuci retreated subconsciously, but in terms of speed, he was not Yun Ye's opponent at all.

The next moment, Yun Ye directly clamped her slender neck.

Seeing Yun Ye's indifferent gaze, Stuttie, who was having difficulty breathing due to being locked around his neck, suppressed the fear in his heart, stared at Yun Ye firmly, gritted his teeth and said every word: "The world government will not let you go, they I won't let you go!"

"Won't you let me go? Don't worry, sooner or later I will hit the holy land of Mariejoa, and they will target me again and again. Do you really think that I, the Quincy Master, have no temper?" Yun Ye grabbed Stuci's neck , raised it, and said in a cold tone.

"You don't even know how powerful the World Government is!" Stussy gritted her teeth and looked at Yun Ye with icy eyes. At this moment, she completely gave up resistance.

Facing Yun Ye, her resistance was useless!

"What gave you such confidence? The monster in the navy? Or the legendary king? Or the one on the throne?" Yun Ye chuckled: "Oh yes, maybe you haven't reached that level yet, that You should not be qualified to know the real monster."

Hearing Yun Ye's words, Stuci's pupils trembled. She knew the Heavenly King more or less, and knew that this was the trump card of the World Government, but who was the one on the throne that Yun Ye was talking about?

Although she is CP0, she is obviously not qualified to know Im's name!

Even in the world government, only a few people know about it!

Before Stucey could speak again, Yunye exerted force in his hands, and with a 'click', Stucey's neck was broken by him!

Stuci's pupils were dilated, his breath dissipated, and he died completely.

Throwing Stussy's body casually, Yun Ye looked down, sneered, spread his five fingers, the power of thunder and flames condensed, and the terrifying impact blasted towards the position where An Xiao was!

"Mie...but... Master!!" An Xiao was extremely angry, and jumped out of the pit, but Yun Ye's attack was on his way.

Although he was angry, he hadn't completely lost his mind. With a 'bang' under his feet, he used the Moon Step to avoid Yunye's attack.

"Don't worry, none of you can escape today!" Yun Ye sneered and charged out again.

‘Boom boom boom! '

With one punch and one kick, Yun Ye attacked ferociously, and knocked An Xiao out again.

An Xiao's body 'Boom Boom Boom' knocked down a large building.

Yun Ye pursued, grabbed An Xiao's head, and smashed it to the ground.

With a bang, the ground immediately shook.

"Lanjiao Nail Shooter!" However, An Xiao seized an opportunity and sent Yun Ye flying with one blow.

Wiping off the blood around his mouth, Yun Ye got up from the hole. Although he was injured, it was not a serious problem for him. He walked through the air and rushed out again.

‘Boom boom boom! '

Several battles broke out at the same time, and several people fought all day and night. The terrifying power shook the island and began to fall apart!

The news of the battle here has already spread towards the sea from various channels.

Many people in the New World know about the battle that broke out here.

The battle involving the Revolutionary Army, CP0, and the Quincy Division is naturally impossible to hide in this level of battle!

The girl from Happy Street is a member of the World Government, so it was naturally spread...

It surprised many people. They didn't expect the world government to have a layout in the dark world...

The people who pay the most attention are naturally the few kings in the dark world.

After the kings of the dark world heard the news, they fell silent for the first time, and then became terrified in their hearts the next moment.

The Quincy attacked a dark world king again...

The ambition of the Quincy has been clearly revealed, and everyone knows his plan, but now that the reputation of the Quincy has been established, no one in the dark world can resist him!

All those who resisted him have gone to hell...

At this time, all the kings of the dark world are praying, praying that the Quincy will fall in this battle!

Otherwise, the future dark world will only have one voice, and that is the Quincy!

These dark world kings don't want to see this scene!


The battle here is still going on.

The battle between Belo Betty, Crow, Sakura Fox, and Gray Eagle is still going on.

The difference in strength between the two sides is actually not that big, and there is still no winner until now!

However, both sides were injured at this time.

On the other side, Yun Ye sent An Xiao flying with another punch, and said indifferently, "How long can you last? CP0!"

"Damn it...if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the revolutionary army..." An Xiao's heart was extremely heavy, and at the same time, he was also faintly frightened.

He knew that if the current situation continued, there would be only one result left for them, and that would be - to die here!

After making up his mind, An Xiao quickly backed away, splitting out a clone again, and the two bodies rushed towards Belo Betty and the crow.

After blowing Belo Betty and the crow back with one punch, the two bodies of An Xiao said at the same time: "It's time to retreat, if we don't leave, we will probably die here too!"

"Okay!" Gray Eagle and Yinghu looked at each other, and they jumped out at the same time, breaking out in one direction!

"I won't let you run away!" Yun Ye snorted coldly, stepping on Shunpo to chase after him.

"Are you still chasing?" Bello Betty spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the crow.

"No need, the rest has nothing to do with us." The crow also looked over there, and said lightly: "Let's evacuate first!"

Several revolutionary troops tidied up and quietly left the island...


The withdrawal of the revolutionary army was naturally sensed by Yun Ye, but Yun Ye didn't care.

His friendship with the revolutionary army has not yet reached this point.

The previous one was just a transaction!

The Revolutionary Army wants to retreat, and CP0 wants to keep the Revolutionary Army behind.

The point of contradiction between the two sides is this one.

Now that CP0 wants to retreat, their revolutionary army has no obligation to stop CP0.

Naturally, the verbal deal with Yunye was over.

Yun Ye chased after him, spread his five fingers, and the shock wave of Lei Yan hit the three fleeing people in front!

The three of them turned around at the same time and used their attacks to block Yun Ye's attack.

There was a loud bang, and the smoke and dust scattered.

"Are you the only one who dare to catch up? Quincy!!" An Xiao was furious in his heart. They were already planning to retreat, but Quincy was still aggressive!

"Captain, if he's the only one, kill him!" Gray Eagle's face showed a ferocious expression, staring at Yun Ye firmly.

Yinghu also had a very bad face, why have they ever been treated like this?

Being chased?

Who didn't turn their heads and leave when they saw them?

How dare you be as bold as the Quincy Master! ?

"I've said it all, you have only one fate today! That is to die here!" Yun Ye looked at the three people in front of him coldly, his tone still calm.

"Arrogant people often end badly!" An Xiao's eyes gradually turned cold.

Seeing that the revolutionary army did not catch up and there was only Quincy alone in the field, his heart became active again.

Gather the strength of the three of them and kill Mie Que Shige here!

"Is it just you alone? If the Revolutionary Army was present, we might not be able to do anything to you. Now that you are alone, do you think you can defeat the three of us?" Gray Eagle also said coldly.

Yun Ye sneered: "I don't even look down on the Four Emperors, do you think you mere lackeys of the world government have the right to make me look up to you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, attack here! Your speed is not as fast as mine, it is impossible to run, unless one person is left to hold me back, but I will definitely let him die a miserable death!" Yun Ye restrained his smile and sneered. To three people.

Hearing Yun Ye's words, the three of them shuddered. They almost forgot that Quincy is a lunatic, and this guy dares to do anything!

"Do it!" An Xiao narrowed his eyes, he didn't believe that the three of them couldn't kill Quincy here!

The three of 'Shuashua' attacked and killed Yunye at the same time!

"This time, I won't hold back! I'll show you my strongest state, Instant Coaxing Thunder God Battle Form!" After Yun Ye finished speaking, the endless thunder spread like wings, and the violent thunder raged across the world. On the field, thick and thick lightning bolts blasted down from the sky as if they had been summoned!

The lightning compressed and condensed on Yunye's body, and the rich plasma danced like tentacles, dancing around Yunye's body, and finally condensed into six thunder rings in the shape of taiko drums behind his back!

Thunder was also beating in Yunye's eyes, and the originally red pupils became the same color as Thunder. A head of black hair fluttered and swayed like a flame. If you look carefully, there is a trace of electric current entangled in every strand of hair. !

From a distance, it seems that Yun Ye's hair color has also turned white, and there is still an electric current beating!

At this time, Yunye, like the god of thunder descending into the world, brought people an infinite sense of oppression!

"What??" Regarding Yun Ye's change, feeling the pressure from Yun Ye, the faces of the three of them changed drastically.

However, their attack has already been launched, and there is no room for them to stop!

"Thunder... Spear!" Yun Ye looked at the three of them indifferently, and in the thunder ring behind him, thunder spears condensed and shot towards the three of them.

‘Boom boom boom! '

As soon as the battle started, Yun Ye showed overwhelming strength, directly suppressing the three of them to fight!

The three of them were shocked, is this the true strength of the Quincy?

How terrible it is!

The battle lasted for half a day. After Yunye killed Gray Eagle and Sakura Fox successively, only the most troublesome Dark Owl was left behind!

But the defeat of the dark owl is only a matter of time!

Yun Ye grabbed An Xiao's head, and said coldly: "You are the only one left, are welcome to die!"

"Is this your true strength? Quincy!!" An Xiao's mouth overflowed with blood, and there were many wounds on his body. He didn't know how many bones were broken, but he didn't care, and just stared at Yun Yun coldly. Ye, as if he wanted to remember Yun Ye's appearance deep in his soul, he seemed not afraid of death, his eyes were extremely cold: "The world government will not let you go, and I will not let you go!"

"I'm waiting for you!" Yun Ye smiled slightly, and with a 'click' sound, he crushed An Xiao's head!

So far, all CP0 members of Happy Street have died!

Looking at the messy field, Yun Ye receded from this form and gasped slightly. He hadn't fully grasped this state, but the first time he used it, it brought Yun Ye a very big surprise.

In this state, Yun Ye's strength has skyrocketed, and he is still able to handle the siege of the three with ease!

‘Now facing Charlotte Lingling again, I should be able to completely suppress her, right? ’ Yun Ye clenched his fists and muttered to himself.

After resting on the spot for a while, he left in a flash!

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