one year later!

The damage to the planet caused by Gura Legion’s attack on the planet Koronos has recovered, and the Saiyans and Istrians have become accustomed to each other’s existence.

However, due to the disaster of the Istrian one year ago and the drastic decline in population has not yet recovered, the Istrian will restore their homeland while helping the Saiyans build a race on the planet Koronos The Asian people’s home can be said to be too busy.

In one year, the Istrians helped the Saiyans build the first science and technology city, called the Broly Central City, which will also be the central Saiyan city in the future.

at this time! Istrian planet!

Several Istrians wearing the latest Mecha took a space elevator and landed from the Istrian planet to the planet Koronos.

Today, the Istrian planet is equivalent to a space station around the Koronos planet. The two planets are connected by a space elevator invented by the Istrian, and the shuttle is very fast, which only takes more than ten minutes. .

Soon, three Istrians came to the planet Koronos, dragging the gorgeous Mecha moved towards the city’s square center.

The gravity of the planet Koronos is 20 times, and the thin body of the Istrian cannot bear it at all, so the Istrian also installed an anti-gravity device on the latest Mecha.

“Captain Albert, I heard that there is a good thing called the Dragon Ball on the planet Koronos. With Dragon Ball, anyone can realize their wishes. One year ago, the Saiyan Great Elder promised to give us an Istrian star. I wish to resurrect those who died in the war, I don’t know if it is true! “

Albert behind a young female Istrian, looking curiously asked.

“We the Istrians believe in science and do not believe in God, but Saiyans do not need to deceive us!”

“Let’s go and see first! I heard that today is the day when Dragon Ball resumes Ability!” Albert replied slightly and continued to move forward.

Of course, he also hoped that those who died in the war would be resurrected, but it is unavoidable to say that Divine Dragon God fulfilled his wishes.

“Although I don’t really believe it, but I hope this is true!” The eyes of another Eastel star are full of expectations.

His loved ones were killed by Soldier of Gula Legion. He naturally hoped that this was true, but the scientific education he received continued to deny what he thought.

Soon, the representative team of the Istrian planet came to the square, and Jiang Feng took out 7 dragon balls to restore color.

In the eyes of everyone’s expectations, 7 transparent golden dragon balls Scatter were in the center of the square, and immediately glittering glittering golden rays of light.

“Lan Ruisha you go to the Dimon Dragon summon! The language of talking to Divine Dragon, I remember you have mastered it!”

In front of Larissa, Jiang Feng backed away with a group of Saiyans.

Lan Ruisha was selected by Jiang Feng. She witnessed the birth of Divine Dragon. She had a deeper affection for Divine Dragon than other Saiyans.

Lan Ruisha was gently nodded, then walked up to Dragon Ball, bright eyes excitedly looked at Dragon Ball on the ground, according to the language taught by Jiang Feng loudly shouted: “Come out, Divine Dragon!”

tone barely fell, 7 golden dragon balls glittering from intense rays of light,

The golden-yellow glow of the sky began to float over, and soon the entire planet was covered by the golden ocean, like a sacred miracle.

“Yi! What is this creation? The sky’s clouds turned golden? I wouldn’t be dreaming!” Several Istrians looked around, eyes full of incredible colors.

“Golden’s clouds are so beautiful, as if they are in a divine realm!” Albert was shocked by everything he saw.

Seeing the reactions of everyone, Jiang Feng gently Issho, murmured in his heart, like formidable to this extent, the god dragon body has already brought some divinity, the sacred and inviolable breath has an impact on the ordinary people Big.

The scenes of Diron Dragon heaven-shaking, earth-shattering of Koronos planet are still going on, and soon golden rays of light entangle with each other and rise up. A full circle around the planet of Koronos.

Then, a huge skull protruded from the atmosphere.

That dragon’s incomparable gigantic is like a mountain range with constant pressure between Heaven and Earth. Looking down from the sky, every piece of golden scale armor is as huge as a mountain peak.

“This is … No way! Divine Dragon really exists!”

“… this sacred creation may really fulfill the wish!”

The Istrian on the Istrian planet, looking at the huge monster entangled on the planet of Koronos, the scientific belief in his mind was instantly immensely impacted.

“His! Still so majestic!”

Looking at the sky, like Sun glittering the giant Divine Dragon with dazzling rays of light, the sacred breath assaults the senses, a group of Saiyans are once again shocked, eyes full of longing eyes.

The golden scale Divine Dragon’s physique is not only tall and simple. Each scale looks as large as a mountain peak, especially on the huge skull, 2 blood red eyes glittering with glittering light.

At this time, the gold scale Divine Dragon in the sky bowed his head, his mouth spit out one stale gas, and the loud voice of one sounded, “People with 7 Dragon Balls, say your wish! No matter what your wish is, you can , You can make 3 wishes! “

“Albert! What is your wish? Is it the resurrection of the Istrian who died in the battle!” Jiang Feng set his sights on Albert.

“Yes! Ask Divine Dragon to resurrect the Istrian killed by Soldier of Gula Legion!” Albert said excitedly. UC Reading at

Hearing this, Jiang Feng nodded, gave Lan Ruisha a look.

Lan Ruisha looked in the sky, like the Great Desolate giant beast-like golden scale Divine Dragon, swallowed saliva and said, remembering Jiang Feng’s orders, so she used Jiang Feng to teach her the language: “Divine Dragon, the first wish It was the resurrection of the Istrian killed by the Soldier of Gula Legion … “

Larissa said the request and waited quietly.

“Your wish is easy!” The blood-red dragon eye of the golden scale Divine Dragon bloomed with strange rays of light.

And with the giant eyes of the golden scale Divine Dragon lighting up the strange red light, far above the atmosphere of the planet Koronos, on the planet Istria connected to the planet, each and everyone Istrians appeared in on the planet.

“Your wish has been fulfilled!”

“Say your second wish! If there are no other wishes, I am leaving!”

a dragon roar groaned through the sky.

At this time, Lan Ruisha’s gaze turned to Jiang Feng, revealing a look of inquiry.

Jiang Feng stepped forward, glittering in the eyes, “Divine Dragon, there is no other creation on the planet Koronos, I hope you can copy all the species on Earth to the planet Koronos, and the 7th universe They are given to the top 100 of the best race genetic random! “

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