After Jiang Feng said his wish, he stared tightly at the Dragon God.

“My creator, your wishes are always so weird, but to realize what you say, it takes 2 wishes!”

The golden scale Divine Dragon groaned, and the body radiated bright rays of light, and the sacred rays of light instantly covered the entire planet of Koronos.

“Your wish has been fulfilled! Since the gravity of the planet Koronos is 20 times that of Earth, I have also made some modifications to the body of the creation I created!”

A burst of dragon roar passed into Jiang Feng’s ears, and Jiang Feng could not help but look happy.

After finishing these words, Golden Scale Divine Dragon turned into 7 golden dragon balls again, and then flew to the sky slowly.

Because Jiang Feng at first set the range where the Dragon Balls are scattered, all 7 Dragon Balls are flying away from 4 places on the planet of Koronos.

“All come back!” Jiang Feng lightly shouted, gathering all seven Dragon Balls as they were about to fly away.

Open the storage space at will, and put the 7 dragon balls that turned into golden stones into it, ready to go back to your residence and find a place to put them out.

After all, the 7 Dragon Balls that have fulfilled their desires need to absorb positive energy to maintain the internal energy balance.

“Let’s take a look at the new changes on the planet Koronos!” Jiang Feng said with a smile to Broly and the others.


The crowd was nodded, and flew away towards 4 according to the breath.

In a pristine forest on the planet Koronos, each and everyone has a strange creature appearing in the woods.

There are gurgling waters and dense trees, and occasionally you can see a few sprouts sticking out of the grass.

As Divine Dragon said, these creature bodies have been transformed without fear of the gravity of the planet Koronos.

“Very good! Finally there are other creatures on the planet Koronos!”

Seeing the strange creation of each and everyone, the Saiyan laughed loudly, and then looked east and west on the entire planet of Koronos, and were extremely excited.

Prior to this, there were only nearly 1000 people on a huge planet, and it was really a space flight!

Jiang Feng followed suit and was nodded with satisfaction.

These creatures have not yet grown up. When they grow up, the combat power is certainly not low. After all, their bodies all have the genes of the best creations in the universe.


Kronos planet!

Level 5 Gravity Peak!

A year and a half later passed. In this year and a half, Saiyan homes were gradually established, and the first test-tube babies were born one after another. About 10 Saiyan infants were born to Crono. Planet.

On the expansive gravitational peak, Broley was training Saiyans. Not far away, Jiang Feng looked casually at them in a casual outfit.

Under the stimulation of gravity, the Saiyan ’s combat power has grown at an amazing speed. Some Saiyan children have already had an amazing combat power of more than ten to ten thousand years old, especially some Sailor children with very high talent. The combat power is even more so. Reached 10000 to 20, and even more than 10000 30.

Badak, Assel and Abel and the other’s Strength are also advanced by leaps and bounds,

Among them, the combat power of Badak and Saiyan Aibel reached more than 300, 10000, and they can already sense their super Saiyan bottleneck.

The combat power of a few people in Assel is about 20010000, and they are about to touch the super Saiyan’s bottleneck.

“Badak’s Uncle’s Strength is almost there, and he can be transformed into a Super Saiyan!” Broly looked at Batak’s battle strength, with a smile on his face.

Jiang Feng un’ed, nodded: “They all grew very fast during this time. I think Badak ’s Strength is about 30010000, so I can try Awakening Super Saiyan.”

Sailors’ talents are all good, and coupled with their willingness to work hard, the combat power has improved rapidly.

From Jiang Feng’s point of view, Talent is no good no matter how hard it works, original work Nakano Bihan is a good example.

“Badak! Try Awakening Super Saiyan! Remember that Awakening Super Saiyan needs anger!” Jiang Feng said with a serious look to Badak.

Hearing this, there was a decisive expression flashing in Badak ’s eyes, closing the eyes tightly, and concentrating attention completely adjusting the Strength of the body, imposing manner, the curling whirlwind blew the hair, and the coercion hit all directions.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At the center of gravity peak, the sound of heart beating sounded in everyone’s ears, and a ray of golden rays of light spread along Badak’s black hair.

At the same time, the golden light suddenly glitzed all over the body, and the thick golden flame seemed to be Level 1 cloud covering Badak’s strong body.

The golden spirit on Badak seemed to have an endless amount of fuel to replenish and burn wildly, and his hair color changed continuously between golden and black.

Suddenly, a few muffled noises.

Badak yelled in situ, terrifying breath started to rise with the sound of waves, black hair was transformed into golden-yellow, and eyes were replaced by jade green pupils.

Super Saiyan!

Badak’s body floated, and scattered golden hair was swept up by air waves, and a fierce imposing manner moved towards all directions.

“It is indeed Badak, it is done!”

Jiang Feng corner of the mouth showed a smile, and looked at Badak with nodded satisfaction.

“Wow! Is this a Super Saiyan? Badak has become very powerful this time!” Asser’s envious eyes looked towards Badak in midair.

“It’s miserable! The gap between us is getting bigger and bigger,” Kruga could not help but mourn.

The gap between them before was 100 10000 combat power, but now it is the gap between 100000000 million combat power, which is simply as different as heaven and earth.

“Is this a Super Saiyan? Very powerful! It’s as if the whole body has an endless Strength. UU Reading No wonder Carkarot can defeat Frieza!” Badak felt whole The Body continued to swell out Strength, and said excitedly.

After a while!

Badak put away Strength, his golden hair turned black, and his terrifying imposing manner gradually converged.

“Badak! Now that you can become a Super Saiyan, go to Earth together! Your son Carkarot’s children are almost grown up!” Jiang Feng Qian shallow Issho said.

“Kakarote? Is it the child of Badak Uncle and Hine Aunt? I’m also curious what he looks like!” Broly said with a smile: “Congratulations, Badak Uncle, you are all in a flash It’s grandfather! “

“Hahaha! When does it leave? I’m going to tell Himechi this good news!”

Badak grinned, and the scene where he sent Carcarot away a few years ago was still vivid. At a blink of an eye, did n’t expect Carcarrot to have his own child!

Himechi will be very happy to know the news!

“After 3 days!”

“Browley, you should also prepare! This time you also go together, I believe you will become good friends with Carcarot!” Jiang Feng lightly saying.

“Yes! Sensei!”

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