“Hateful!” Gula, who was smashed on the ground, raised his hand and wiped the blood on the corner of the mouth. Since he was transformed to 3 stages of transformation, he has never been beaten like this, and his grief suddenly rose in the mind.

However, at this time, Browley did not seem to give up the pursuit at all, instead he fiercely attacked Gula.


There was another loud noise. Gula’s body immediately flew out as an arrow, flew along the ground, and a strong storm lifted a dust like a tsunami formed by sand.

At the same time when Gula was blasted out, Broly suddenly appeared next to Gula, keeping parallel movement with Gula’s body, holding both hands together and slamming down with a hammer, the violent Strength from Gula’s torso is infused, and 10000 jun giant force works instantly!

Gula screamed, and the body slammed directly into the ground. In a moment, a loud sound of hōng lòng rumbling sounded. The huge impact force caused the ground to collapse and crack instantly. The hard stars were struck by the huge force, forming Level 1 and Level. 1 Cobweb-like fissures.

At the same time, fine grit formed storms in all directions!

After a while, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the ground was penetrated by a dark and deep pit, and a huge pit with a diameter of 1000 meters was exposed.

“Hurry up, immediately turn on the combat power detector and see how strong the combat power of that Saiyan is!”

In the distance, Shaviza came back to his senses in a panic state, opened the communication function of the combat power detector, and immediately gave instructions angrily.

The battle power of 2 people in the battlefield center has clearly exceeded 100000000 million. Even the latest combat power detector cannot detect the results, so large equipment is needed.

“Yes, my lord!”

The spaceman on the spaceship received the order, and each and everyone was busy operating the large equipment on the spaceship.

Looking at the land that has become potholes, Xaviza felt an unprecedented uneasiness in his heart. It was the first time he saw Gula so passive.

In just a few minutes of work, formidable Master Gula was fatally beaten by the opposite side fiercely, which he never dared to imagine.

When did the Saiyans become so terrifying!

“No, no, Lord Gula is a well-known figure of the frozen family. How can the Saiyans compare to Lord Gula?” Xaviza kept comforting himself.

Because if Gula fails, they will not end well.

“Master Xaviza, what should I do next? It seems that the Saiyan’s Strength is still above Lord Gula!” Asked a small Captain cautiously from Behind of Xaviza.

Xaviza pretended to calmly start to talk slowly: “Don’t worry, nothing is wrong. So far, Gurula has not used all Strength. I heard that Gurula’s Talent is very high. He is frozen than other people. The clansman of a family needs one more transformation, and has a total of 4 transformation capabilities. So far, Gurula has not yet turned on the last transformation! “

“As long as Lord Gula exerted full power, that human being would not have to worry about it!” Forehead was sweating coldly, and Chaveza was not completely sure of everything he said.

Although he knows that Gula still has a transformation into Ability, he is not sure how much combat power can be improved in the end.

Individuals of the Frozen Family Strength is by no means accessible to ordinary astronauts,

Because once they shot, the damage caused was destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth. Few people could survive their destructive power. So far, he hasn’t seen Gula give full power.

“En!” The universe was sighed in relief nodded.

Xaviza has been with Lord Gula longer than him. Since Xaviza has said so, it must have been several points of control.

After a while, seeing that the results have not been waited for, Xaviza has an angry look to urge the cosmic people on the cosmic spaceship: “Not yet? I want their combat power value!”

“Master Xaviza, will be fine soon!”

In the spaceship, a series of hastily operated, large-scale combat power detector equipment went crazy.

“Come, look at the fighting power of that Saiyan and Lord Gula?”

A series of data flashed continuously on the electronic screen, and the combat power data of Gula and Broly who were fighting in the battlefield center gradually showed up.

“It is indeed Guru, and combat power has 1.5100000000 points!”

“But … how is that possible? That Saiyan’s combat power … 2100000000 points!” The astronaut operating the large combat power detector device suddenly felt that the soul was trembling, and the voice of the report was also trembling.

“2100000000 points of combat power. How could the Saiyan’s combat power be so high … No wonder Lord Gula will be in a hard fight!”

“However, it’s only 500010000 points higher than Lord Gula ’s combat power. Lord Gula has completed the fourth change behind, and the combat power is definitely far beyond him!” After hearing the staff report, Chaveza finally sighed in relief.

Some races in the universe have transfiguration Ability. The combat power of each transformation will be greatly improved. The transformation of the frozen group is more terrifying. The adult Gura is a frozen group. No matter how bad it is, it will be amplified Double the combat power!

So Xaviza felt that Gura was stable.

“Didn’t expect this Saiyan’s combat power is so strong, but Lord Gula is transformed again, and Strength will definitely be above him …”

“… According to my calculations, Master Gula has transformed again. The combat power may be around 3.5100000000!”

looked at this incredible data displayed on the big screen, the universe was panicked, the scene suddenly fell into silence, after a long time chirp chirp twitter twitter began to sound, all the hearts of the universe are filled with a kind of frustration Emotions.

Fortunately, in order to stabilize the military heart, Saviveza also told these cosmic people that Gulla actually has another transformation. If not, it is estimated that some of them will have sneaked away in the cosmic spaceship!

“Wait a moment … Look, Master Gula’s combat power is starting to change!”

Within the universe spaceship, cry out in surprise suddenly sounded.

A technician quickly operated, and soon a series of volatile data appeared on the big screen. It was a data that changed rapidly from low to high, which means that Gula’s combat power is constantly improving.




Gula’s combat power is pulled up quickly like a rocket. In a flash, Gula’s combat power value has risen to more than 4.0100000000, and then continues to rise.




On the big screen, UU reading book www.uukanshu.com Gula ’s combat power is fixed at 4.8100000000!

“Very good, Lord Gula’s combat power has reached 4.8100000000. This time the Saiyan is dead!

Cheers in the cosmic spaceship, Soldier of Gula Legion regained confidence.

Because if Gula fails, these people will not be able to protect themselves. Gula’s formidable is the guarantee for their safety.

Xaviza’s eyes brightened, and he also saw the full Strength of Gura for the first time.

“It’s not the Lord Gula, the formidable is trembling!”


On the planet of Koronos, the Soldier of the Gula Legion and the Saiyan fought fiercely, while Jiang Feng sat quietly in his room to disrupt the Rule.

He did not at all get involved in the war, because he knew that the overall strength of the Saiyans now is enough to cope with Gula and his army!

“4.8100000000 combat power? Gula is really much stronger than Frieza, but Broly’s foundation combat power is 2000 combat power, and the combat power is fully full with 10100000000 battle strength. Gula should be desperate. Now! “Jiang Feng said with a smile on the battlefield center.

Gura Legion’s attack on the planet Koronos is obvious!


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