“Silver Galaxy Wang! Do we really want to cooperate with Saiyans? Isn’t this their conspiracy?” A patrol officer on the side of Galaxy Wang said with some worry.

“Yes! Galaxy Sir Wang! Saiyan’s reputation is famous in the universe. Protecting the planet and helping Galactic patrolmen to fight crime is really scary from Saiyan’s words!”

“However, if we could hire Saiyans, our work would be a lot easier, oh! Didn’t expect those people would not have been destroyed with Vegeta planet …”

“Opposite! The Frozen clan has been very crazy over the years, and we can’t take them anymore. If Saiyans join, it would be better for the fighting madness to deal with the frozen clan!

“… and the two Saiyans’ combat power are above 2, which is much better than the Universe Expert we hired before!”

Facing the powerful Saiyans with battle strength, the Galaxy Patrol Organization not at all effective control methods, so they chose to compromise and try to move towards the good aspects.

At this time, the nearby Expert who received the message from the Galaxy organization was long overdue. This is a defense team composed of 5 people, each of whom has a combat power of 10 or more.

“Where is the Saiyan?” A roar sounded.

“Master Captain, Saiyan has left …” a small patrol member reminded quietly.

Hearing this, the Captain laughed heartily, said: “Did those Saiyans know that we were coming back, so frightened and ran away!”

“Uh! Captain, is by no means, the Saiyan has reached an agreement with our Galaxy Patrol …”

The strange patrolman’s face showed a weird expression, and he said the agreement between the galactic patrolman and the Saiyan. Until now, he still thinks that what just happened is incredible.

“What! Saiyan wants to fight crime, what a joke!” Patrol Captain heard cry out in surprise.

Several of the companions who came with the patrol Captain were also shocked. They can be said to be very clear about the Saiyans. Several of them have witnessed them many years ago. Saiyans destroyed a planet. Then he went away.

It is ridiculous for such an unpardonable fellow to fight crime and maintain the order of the universe!

“Some Captains may be late! Sir Wang of the Galaxy has promised to trade with the Saiyans!” The patrolman slowly said.

“What! Galaxy Wang Wang has promised them, damn it, are they intimidating Galaxy Wang Wang!

“These hateful Saiyans threatened the Galactic King while we were away. Do they think there is no one in the Galactic Patrol team? I will go to them!” Captain, a grumpy patrolman, roared, “You Give me their place. I’m going to see when the Saiyans are going crazy! “

“The Saiyans left the coordinates of the planet where they live, but, but …”

“But what! But something to say!”

“But Captain! Of the Saiyans who just left, two Saiyans have a combat power of more than 2 points!” The small patrol team member whispered.

“50000, more than 50000 combat power! How is that possible …” Several patrol Captain look at each other in dismay, swallowed saliva and said, secretly surprised, when the Saiyan’s fighting level became so high.

If there is really 50000 points of combat power, they will go to courting death.


In the universe, a rich planet! 3 silhouettes suddenly appeared on the planet.

“Things are settled! Let’s have a meal, and then go to the next stop!” Jiang Feng’s Ability is turned on, covering the entire planet in an instant. Divine sense locks the place where humans live on this planet.

Jiang Feng floated slowly in midair, and Badak and Broly followed closely behind Jiang Feng.

Badak thought of what had just happened, and shook his head and said, “Let the Saiyans fight crime and maintain the peace of the universe. How strange it is!”

“Badak Uncle! I think that’s pretty good too!” Broly said with a smile.

“The Milky Way Patrol Organization is an organization that maintains order and balance in the Milky Way. Although the Milky Way Patrol cannot meet the Frozen and some other strong races, it can indeed stabilize some Star Domain peace!”

Spoke until here, Jiang Feng faintly smiled, and continued: “Do n’t Saiyans like fighting very much? I’m afraid they can’t stand them if they stay on the planet of Koronos!

Why don’t we take on an employment mission from the Galaxy Patrol Headquarters and let the soldiers do it. This not only meets the warlike interests of the soldiers, but also earns the resources needed for the development of the planet! “

“Moreover, the Saiyan’s trade with the Galaxy Patrol is only temporary. When the Saiyan’s reputation is almost restored in the universe, we can trade directly with the major races in the universe!”

Jiang Feng’s eyes glanced at the two of Badak and Broly slightly, and there was a deep glance in his eyes.

If he can, he is not willing to pull down to find the Galaxy Patrol Organization, but in the past Saiyans worked under Frieza’s hands, their reputation is really too bad.

Hire Saiyan to do things, UU reads www. uukanshu.com I am afraid that in the universe, only tyrannical races like the Frozen race dare.

The other races were afraid of Saiyan’s notoriety, and they were afraid to lead wolves into the room. Don’t wait for Saiyans to protect them. They were destroyed by Saiyans first.

Jiang Feng chose to cooperate with the Galactic Patrolman in order to use the Galactic Patrolman’s influence to restore Saiyan’s image in the universe.

Wait until the Saiyan image is correct, and then kick the Galaxy Patrol Organization to set up the largest mercenary organization in the universe.

This is the same as the mission that was performed under Frieza at the beginning, except that one is to destroy and plunder, and the other is to protect the guard.

And more than that, there are many ways to make money. For example, the power struggle on a planet can also be involved. As long as the money is in place, there is no problem in changing the owner of the galaxy.

Jiang Feng did this for the sake of the Saiyans. After all, Broly was his disciple, and he didn’t want the Saiyans to die.

In Dragon Ball World, the death of mortals does not mean the end of everything. They will continue to be judged by King Yan in Yin Sector, and then go to heaven for the good and evil, and go to hell for the evil.

Except for some people who had great merit during their lifetime, and were allowed to own the body after death, even if they were at the level of Frieza or Sharu, their souls could not escape the judgment of Yan Demon King.

And even if it reaches the level of God, the soul dimension cannot reach the level of the king of the kingdom, and it still cannot escape the judgment of Yan Demon King.

For example, Earth’s God of God barely counts as God, but he cannot escape from life and death. After death, he must go to Yan Luodian for trial.

However, if God has not made any serious mistakes, they will be sentenced to heaven for their merit.


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