Two guards walked into the palace, while the other two guards stood at the door and looked at Jiang Feng with 2 men.

Jiang Feng can feel that these 2 guards whole body are shaking, it seems that the Galactic Patrolman is quite impressed with Saiyan!

“Hey! Wouldn’t your Galactic King despise us Saiyans! Why didn’t the 2 guards just come out!”

“In another 5 minutes, if there is no news, I will knock the door!” Jiang Feng looked at the door guarded by the 2 guards.

“Don’t! My lord! I believe King of the Galaxy will never neglect you! Something must have been delayed!” The guard looked tense and explained quickly.

At this moment, a crowd of people suddenly emerged from the headquarters corridor, all aimed at the energy guns at Jiang Feng.

After a while!

The black squadron spread out the one channel, a galactic king with many tentacles like a jellyfish, slowly walked out of the crowd, beside him were also two strong universe men.

“I said how long it took! It turned out to be the time to convene the team!” Jiang Feng corner of the mouth raised a radian, secretly murmured in his heart.

The galactic patrol organization maintains the peace of the galaxy. Behind it is the support of the King of the World and the numerous Experts hired by it. The patrol headquarters does not have much defense Ability. Therefore, facing these unknown Saiyans, the galactic king showed An unprecedented vigilance.

Jiang Feng estimates that the Galaxy King has summoned all the soldiers who can be summoned.

However, the battle strength of these forces is not very good. The universe people with the highest battle strength are the two universe people on the side of the Galaxy King. However, their combat power is only 2 points.

“They are really Saiyans! But haven’t Saiyans been destroyed?”

“There must be a fish that escaped the net, how could these evil Saiyans die so easily!”

“Isn’t there any rumor in the universe that Saiyan defeated Frieza? It shouldn’t be them!”

The patrol officers around whispered!

The head of the patrol officer, that is, the Galaxy King side, the two patrol officers are very dignified, and the silhouette is tightly guarded on the side of the Galaxy King.

According to the results detected by the combat power detector, the combat power of the two Saiyans is above 2. They are not competitors at all, and there is no Expert in the headquarters that can deal with these Saiyans.

“Saiyan! Listen to them, you have something important to discuss with me!” The king of the galaxy reached out his tentacles and shoved a huge crown on his skull.

“Yes! Maybe you don’t know yet. When the planet of Vegeta was destroyed, some Saiyans survived the big bang. Now these Saiyans live on the planet Koronos.

Today we came here to talk to your Galactic Patrol Officer about the deal! “Jiang Feng said flatly.

Hearing this, the Galaxy King frowned, and said, “What can we talk about?”

“The galactic king! Do you think Frieza is terrifying? Frozen clan terrifying?” Jiang Feng asked Issho.

“Frieza! The Frozen!” The Galactic King’s eyes changed suddenly, and not only that, but other Galactic patrolmen’s eyes flashed with fear.

Frieza claims that the emperor of the universe can be described as a bad thing in the universe, and the Frozen people are some cruel and committing any imaginable misdeed. These years, the Galactic Patrolmen have suffered humiliation before the Frozen people.

The Frozen people do things in the galaxy, they dare not manage it, and there is no Ability control.

Seeing Yinhe Wang Jiujiu said nothing, Jiang Feng smiled slightly and started to talk again: “I think you should all have received the news, Frieza and his father have fallen, and I can tell you, It was Saiyan who killed Frieza and his father, Kurdish! “

“That rumor really is true. Both Frieza and King Kurd were killed by Saiyans!”

“But weren’t Saiyans under the command of Frieza? How could they kill Frieza!”

The galactic patrolmen around were startled,

Talk softly.

“Actually, the planet of Vegeta was destroyed by a large meteorite, but was destroyed by Frieza. Saiyan killed Frieza in revenge! Speaking from a certain perspective, Saiyan and Frozen One family has the hatred of extermination! “

Jiang Feng slowly walked towards the Galactic King and stood up ahead of the Galactic King, saying: “The Saiyans have long hated working under Frieza, but the Saiyans love fighting, and life without fighting is nothing to them. It 鈥檚 different from death, so we plan to trade with the Galaxy Patrol … 鈥?/p>

“How to trade?” The Galactic King suddenly showed interest.

“Isn’t the Galactic Patrolman employing a lot of Experts in the universe to help us fight crime? We can also establish an employment relationship. In the past, Frieza let Saiyans plunder the planet. Saiyans can completely protect the planet in the future!

“Moreover, I think that the experts you hired, nobody should be willing to provoke the frozen people! And we Saiyans are different, Saiyans and frozen peoples are in opposite relations, and they are not afraid of revenge from the frozen people!

There is an unquestionable toughness in Jiang Feng’s words. The spiritual pressure on his body spreads slightly. UU reading is like God Human World.

He knows that the Frozen family is not only a thorn in Frieza. The other clansmans are also so arrogant that no-one else matters. They are committing any imaginable misdeed. I believe the King of the Galaxy also has a headache.

Yinhe Wang frowned deeply and thought for a moment. Jiang Feng’s words really made him feel good. As the frozen family said, no one wanted to provoke him.

In the galaxy, basically the galactic patrolmen will hide away from the spaceship of the frozen family and do not want to cause trouble.

In addition, the United Saiyans will not only damage the strength of the Galaxy Patrol Officer, but also strengthen the strength of the Galaxy Patrol Officer.

“Yes, but this transaction can’t be completed in 2 days, and you must also ensure that Saiyans can’t damage innocent lives when performing missions!” The King of Galaxy thought for a second condition.

“Okay! Saiyans now live on the Koronos planet in the northern galaxy. You may not know where this planet is. I will leave you a coordinate. Once you have determined the specific matters, you can send a contact. Crew to the planet of Koronos! “

“Friendly reminder! The gravity of the planet Koronos is 20 times that of a normal planet. When choosing a contact person, it is best to choose a Stronger one!”

Having said that, without waiting for the Galactic King to respond, Jiang Feng left a record of the coordinates of the planet Koronos, and disappeared with the Batak and Broly, leaving a group of patrol members to look at each other in dismay.

After a while!

A patrolman Captain stepped forward and cautiously picked up a small machine.

This small machine was exactly what Jiang Feng had before making his way to the Galactic Patrol Headquarters, and asked Keslow to make a record of the planet’s coordinates in Koronos.


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