Came to the planet to eat a full meal, take a break, and a few people set off again.

Jiang Feng left Koronos for two purposes this time. One was to negotiate a deal with the Galactic Patrol Organization and hire Saiyans to work in the future. The other was to find a science and technology formidable race to cooperate with it and introduce advanced science. technology.

After all, letting Saiyans fight on the battlefield is OK, let them do research!

At present, the Koronos planet 100 is abolished, and the Saiyans can no longer be expected, so Jiang Feng intends to hire a part of the universe to help Saiyans build their homes.

He originally planned to go to the planet Aiden to recruit some scientists, but when he just ate, he heard some interesting news.

In the Star Domain, not far from them, there is a technological formidable planet that is suffering from a genocide disaster, and the galaxy patrol organization dare not intervene in this matter, and can only look at at this planet’s civilization is still trampled and destroyed by invaders .

Jiang Feng asked carefully, and it turned out that Soldier, the big brother of Fulissa, was eyeing this technological planet. No wonder the Galaxy Patrol Organization was afraid to intervene.

From Jiang Feng’s point of view, although the scientific civilization on this unfortunate science and technology planet Easter is not as good as the Aiden planet, it is most suitable for the establishment of diplomatic relations with the planet Koronos.


A Star Domain in the Milky Way!

A small golden star is orbiting Sun.

The outer circle of the star is surrounded by two interlaced golden haloes. The same hue makes the entire planet of Eastel look like a huge bead dotted on the two interlaced disks. Standing in the distance, the starry sky looks around. Looks extraordinarily gorgeous.

The two intertwined golden halos are actually two space corridors that are 2 degrees around the planet, and are built by the high-tech people of Eastel.

Although the technology of the Istrian planet is not as good as the Aiden planet, it is also one of the very best in the universe, otherwise it will not be targeted by Gula’s army.

At this time, the space corridor of the planet Ister was slightly tilted, and the alloy parts at several junctions had collapsed, and from time to time several fierce explosions roared.

Red fires and plumes of smoke continued to rise from the space corridor.

On the surface of the Istrian planet, huge plate rocks float horizontally, vertically and horizontally. The hot lava flow is constantly ejected, braving the hot smoke, and the lava flow falls from the the sky into lava The rain immediately eroded and flooded the ground.

A silhouette of Jiang Feng suddenly appeared on a raised ground.

“The catastrophe of the planet Istr turned out to be so serious!”

Jiang Feng was stunned by the scene in front of him. This is exactly a vision of the end of the world, as if the scene of the destruction of the beautiful nemesis is about to be staged again.

It seems that Gula intends to snatch a group of the best scientific talents on the planet Istr, and then completely destroy the planet Istr.

“Gula is a big brother of Frieza, and its fierceness is even worse than Frieza. It is rumored that the Legion under Gula is stronger than the Frieza army. It cannot be countered by the technology of the Istrians! It was intended to repel the Legion of Gula, save the Istrians, and then pull the Istrians on board! “

Badak saw this scene, frowned slowly said, and he began to understand why Jiang Feng suddenly changed his mind instead of going to the higher-tech Aiden planet, but came to the Istrian planet.

“Nice!” Jiang Feng corner of the mouth raised a slight radian, his eyes glittering.

They go to the Aiden planet to recruit scientific and technological talents, and it will inevitably pay a price to introduce science and technology. It is different when they come to the Istrian planet. They only need to gently move their fingers to eliminate a few guys.

Jiang Feng’s perception Ability quickly spread across the entire Istrian planet, not at all found a special formidable battle strength, which means that Gula is not here, and it was only a small Captain that’s all of Gul Legion that invaded the Istrian planet.

Moreover, the scene in front of me is not so intense on the beautiful nemesis, that is to say, the strength of the creator of the scene is not very strong,

Or he was afraid that the explosion of the planet would hit him, so he didn’t use full power.

Destroying the planet belongs to perish together. Generally, only those people who fall into despair and hold me in their hearts and want to pull you back will do it.

You need to know that not every race in the universe can survive in the cosmic space.

The Istrian planet is a huge hard-shelled planet. Any fragile place has been reinforced with high technology, so it is not so easy to Shatter.

Jiang Feng does not at all feel the breath of planet destruction!

“It depends! To complete this level of damage, the Attacker ’s Strength must not be small, it may be above 100 combat power! The apparent side obviously kept it, and it did not exhaust its full power!” Badak took a closer look at the nearby The scene, slowly analyzed.

Although Badak has learned to perceive qi, he cannot calculate the enemy’s combat value, and can only estimate an approximate.

In fact, this is the same for other fighters. Through qi, they can only perceive the strength of the opponent. For example, the opponent is stronger or weaker than himself. How much stronger is UU, and how much weaker is he?

Since the Saiyans learned to sense Qi, they have stopped using the combat power detector to detect enemy battles, which would interfere with their judgment of the enemy’s Qi.

Now the combat power detector is to them a mobile contact device, equivalent to a mobile phone.

“Nice!” Jiang Feng nodded, a flash of admiration in eyes.

In the universe, 10 combat power is a dividing line. Below 10 combat power, even a large-scale attack can only exterminate species on the planet. It is impossible to completely destroy a planet.

Only the Attack of an Expert with a combat power of 10 or more can cause damage to the earth core of a planet. Moreover, people like them with a combat power of more than 1000000 do not have to aim at the earth core. The full power of a formidable power can completely The entire planet is erased from the universe.

Badak can determine that the combat power of the opposite side is above 100. However, the existence of 10 combat power can destroy a planet if the full power is available, then why can’t the guy with 100 combat power do it?

The answer is obvious, this guy is afraid to kill himself!

“Let’s go!” Jiang Feng said lightly, and then the silhouette hovered slowly.

The Istrian planet comes at a time of disaster and has saved the Istrian, presumably he will be able to harvest a large number of high-tech talents.

As for Gula, Gula Legion, and the Frozen, let them go to hell!

Jiang Feng then sensed the combat power response of the Istrian planet again.

On this planet, he sensed 1000 to 10000 weak sources of combat power. Those who should be the indigenous people of the Easter planet, the Easter people, are the targets he was looking for this time.


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