“You God are too kind!” Buma complained loudly roared, start to talk.

“Buma! Do you remember the last thing about that beautiful nemesis? If I didn’t want to make a wish with the dragon ball of that beautiful nemesis, I wouldn’t get involved in that beautiful nemesis!

So the future of you Earth people depends on yourself! “Jiang Feng lightly saying.

“We also have Divine Dragon in Earth. If you promise to help Earth solve our troubles, we can collect 7 Dragon Balls to make you wish again!” Bo Ma suddenly got up, both hands dangled on the table, staring at Jiang Feng tightly. .

“No need!” Jiang Feng shook his head.

If he had promised before, he had already created the Divine Dragon with stronger formidable power. The wish of Earth Divine Dragon was no longer attractive to him.

“Ah! God, aren’t you really going to take a shot? It seems Earth can only rely on Goku them!” Bouma expression said slightly disappointed.

Jiang Feng faint smile: “Don’t think of praying for God in every crisis, think of yourself! Isn’t there a warrior with strong combat power on Earth? The guy on the nemesis last time was just fine!

You should know that artificial people are not very strong, there are many more in the universe than they are. Do you have to pray to God every time you encounter a formidable cosmic person! “

Jiang Feng’s words silenced Boma for a moment.

After a short while, Boma raised his chest, and his eyes became extremely determined: “Yes! We have Sun Wukong in Earth, and Goku is not enough to look at those robots!”

Seeing this, Jiang Feng nodded slightly, then got up and planned to leave. His purpose this time has been achieved. It’s time to return from Earth to the planet Koronos!

The robot is expected to be born in more than 2 years and 6 months!


Kronos planet!

The sky was hazy, a ray of light projected in from the sky, and the thin mist of Level 1 was permeated in the air.

Jiang Feng returned to Earth from Koronos from Earth, and informed Badak and Broly that they were ready, and then went on their way to King of the Galaxy on 2nd day.

The next day!

2 people came to Jiang Feng on time!

Where the Galaxy King is, which is the location of the Galaxy Patrol Headquarters, although Jiang Feng is not familiar with the universe and does not know where the Galaxy Patrol Headquarters is, Badak knows it.

Following Badak’s instructions, Jiang Feng took both Broly and Badak, a few moments of movement to an unfamiliar area.

Since Badak only gave a rough idea, Jiang Feng could only find a rough direction.

Whoosh! A light sound comes from the air!

Jiang Feng took Browley and Badak and the others and appeared in the space near the target point. At the moment of appearance, the One Space barrier instantly wrapped several people’s bodies.

Jiang Feng himself obtained Ability to survive in space, but Broly and Badak could not survive in a cosmic environment, and they could support it for a few seconds at most.

Lifting his head, looking around, one after another glittering The bright and shiny stars hang in the dark night, the stars are extremely bright and dazzling.

“It should be there!” Jiang Feng’s perception Ability spread all around and found that there was a huge monster in front of him, and his deep eyes suddenly flashed, and he moved towards it.

It is a huge spherical shape, surrounded by a ring-shaped space corridor, connected by many thick pipes of 1000 meters in length, the spherical core is fixed in the center, and it looks like a huge planet in the distance.


The three silhouettes suddenly disappeared in the cosmic space, and in a blink of an eye they reached the headquarters of the Galaxy Patrol.

The headquarters of the Galaxy Patrol Officer is located in the center of the Galaxy. The backstage is naturally the King of the Territory above the King of the North.

Because the Galactic Patrol Headquarters is directly under the jurisdiction of the King of the Range, the general forces dare not step in here.

However, it was just that the general forces did not dare to provoke the Galaxy Patrol that’s all. Like the frozen family of Frieza-born races, they never gave the Galaxy Patrol face.

“What are you guys?”

Several cosmic people with different looks found

Jiang Feng entire group who suddenly appeared in the headquarters, quickly picked up the energy gun and aimed the muzzle at Jiang Feng.

They are all soldiers guarding the Galactic King’s Palace, and the energy glittering folds of the energy gun’s barrel are shining.

“Human? No, it’s Saiyan!” The astronaut wearing a patrol uniform saw Jiang Feng showing no change in expression, but his face changed dramatically when he saw the tails of Broly and Badak.

“Isaiah? Isn’t the Saiyan extinct? Why did you come to the Galactic Patrol headquarters? Wouldn’t you want to be an opponent to the Galactic King!” The 4 guards at the gate of the palace looked at Bada with fear And Broly 2 people.

One of the guards turned on the combat power detector. After watching the combat power of Jiang Feng, he said, “Beware, the combat power detector shows that 2 of their three people have a combat power of more than 50000 points! “

The guard started to talk as a reminder that the other 3 cosmic people’s eyes were instantly staring.

The energy contained in Jiang Feng body, combat power is as high as 50 Million point combat power, but because his soul level is far superior to ordinary people, ordinary people are unaware of his breath.

But the combat power detector can be based on his figure, UU reading www. uukanshu.com identified it as an ordinary people without Strength.

So, on the guard power detectors of several guards, Jiang Feng is a slag of War 5.

And Badak and Broly’s control of Ability is not enough. Even if full power is used to control the breath, there will still be a lot of breath flow. Only by realizing a higher realm can we achieve more complete control.

They can’t control the combat power below 50000 no matter how they suppress their breath, so Jiang Feng among the three is ignored, while Badak and Broly are considered a threat.

But this is also good. The combat power above 50000 is enough to attract the attention of Galaxy King!

“No way! Is your detector broken, and the Saiyans are strong, yes, but how could there be such a strong combat power? This combat power is enough to compete with the members of the Kinut team under Frieza ! “

Forehead’s cold sweat fell, and one of the guards carried an expression of unbelievable expression.

For ordinary guards like them, combat power only has more than 1000 points that’s all. In the presence of combat power up to 50000, it is like an elephant standing next to an ant, and the elephant accidentally steps on the ant.

A glance at the guard at the gate of the palace, Jiang Feng knew that these astronauts had been shocked by the terrifying combat power of Broly and Badak.

“Yes, we are Saiyans! But we are not here to do destruction, we have important things to discuss with the Galaxy King!”

“If you don’t report again, be careful I just open the door and talk to you Galaxy King!” Jiang Feng looked at the guards with a playful look!

“Isn’t it trouble?”

“Okay, okay! We’ll report it right away!” Said several guards trembling with fear.


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