West Capital!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The streets are full of traffic, there are flying cars that can be suspended in midair everywhere, Jiang Feng walks on the street and looks interesting at the lively surrounding scene.

He has discussed with Broly and Badak about where the Saiyan will go in the future.

Badak, Assel, and the others, made Broly the future Saiyan king in the bottom of the heart, and all obeyed Broly’s arrangements.

Broly is his own disciple, and of course he chooses to listen to his opinions, so the future of the Saiyan is obvious.

The first security company of the universe has been born!

Jiang Feng followed his memory and came to the door of Buma’s house again. Sure enough, the Buri couple were still as cheerful as before, watering the flowers and grass in the courtyard.

“Bri and his wife, is Buma at home? I’m Buma’s friend! You should remember me?” Jiang Feng slowly walked to Mrs Bliff, said with a smile.

“Youngster! Are you? Oh! I remember, you have come to Buma before, this time Buma is at home!”, Mrs Bliff said with a smile on his eyes and turned around. Went to the house loudly shouted: “Buma! Someone is looking for you!”

After a while!

Buma, holding a black kitten, walked out of the house to Mrs Bliff and said, “Mama! Who is looking for me?”

“You are?” Buma looked towards Jiang Feng with a puzzled look, and for a moment did not think of Jiang Feng.

“What’s the matter? Buma! Namei nemesis, don’t you even remember your own salvation benefactor?” Jiang Feng Qian shallow Issho teased.

“That beautiful nemesis? It’s you! Aren’t you God? Why did you come to Earth? Is there any terrifying Monster going to attack Earth?”

Buma’s face was startled, and her mind couldn’t help thinking of the doomsday-like scene she experienced in that beautiful nemesis, and the whole body shuddered.

She remembers that Jiang Feng once said that he was God, because he didn’t want to see the beautiful nemesis people go extinct, so he went to rescue the beautiful nemesis.

Now that Jiang Feng has come to Earth, do Earth people also have to experience a catastrophe of extinction level? A bad hunch emerged in Buma’s heart.

“Hey hey! Do I have such terrifying? See you look like a ghost!” Jiang Feng didn’t think he had probed Buma’s thoughts, faintly smiled.

“Honestly tell me! Is there any fear of someone like Frieza staring at Earth!” Buma cautiously asked.

“How can Doffy Lisa! Rest assured! No one is watching Earth, I’m here on vacation!” Jiang Feng shook his head lightly saying helplessly.

Bouma and Goku have been staying for a long time, and the crisis consciousness has naturally got stronger. Everyone thinks about the characters who destroy Earth.

Ordinary people hear the words World Doomsday, relying on their own imagination and fantasy of the scenes of World Doomsday, and will not have any personal feelings.

While in the beautiful nemesis, Buma experienced the sight of the end of the world herself. When she talked about the destruction of the world, she was cold all over, and her whole body shivered unconsciously.


Hearing Jiang Feng’s answer, Buma let out a long relaxed breath, saying: “It’s okay! The thing about the androids hasn’t been solved yet! If Earth were to be followed again by Frieza-like guys! That would be terrible! I believe that Goku will not have the energy to distract and deal with other cosmic people! “

“Artificial man? Buma! Don’t mind telling me about these artificial people, right?” Jiang Feng said in his eyes, glittering slowly, and slowly started to talk.

He came to Earth from the planet Koronos all the way, and wanted to see the Cyborg, but he was not sure when the Cyborg appeared, so he came to Earth from the planet Koronos to determine the time.

From Buma’s words, it can be heard that before the agreed time, the artificial person has not yet appeared!

“Of course you can! By the way, you are God. It should be very formidable! Can you help us deal with humanoids?” Buma asked at Jiang Feng, looking forward with anticipation.

“It depends!” Jiang Feng said calmly.


In the courtyard!

Jiang Feng drank Mrs. Brive’s coffee while listening to the story about the artificial man.

“Putting it that way, the things about the androids were all told by a teenager from the future six months ago?” Jiang Feng drank a cup of coffee and whispered a bit.

He probably understood it when he was a Cyborg. Half a year ago, Trunks crossed over from the future, killing Frieza and Kurd who came to revenge on Earth, and told Goku and the others Cyborg.

Like original work, Trunks told Goku roughly the history of his World. Goku didn’t know what to say, so Bick passed the information to other fighters.

The brutal Cyborgs, the Earth World at the end, and the warriors who insisted on resisting the Cyborgs, all the stories that happened in another World’s future, all the fighters were stunned.

After all the soldiers heard their miserable end, they made up their minds to practice well, and must survive the war against the Cyborgs.

Jiang Feng perceives Ability to cover the entire Earth in an instant. All the more formidable breaths are under his perception. Sure enough, he was stimulated by Trunks. The Z soldiers did not live up to time and were preparing to meet the enemy!

“After listening so much, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. Would you like to help Earth deal with the Cyborgs?” Bo Ma saw Jiang Feng silent, and moved towards Jiang Feng start to talk.

“No! I won’t do it!” Jiang Feng directly started to talk and refused.

“Why? At the time of Nemesis, weren’t you willing to help the people of Nemesis?” Boma looked at Jiang Feng with a puzzled look.

Jiang Feng shook the coffee cup lightly, and said lightly, “You human beings are best solved by your own human beings. Of course, humanoids are not formidable, are n’t they made by your human beings? Do n’t think that God exists, you can do everything Push it to God. This is a disaster created by your Earth people. It should be solved by your Earth people! “

“If there is any evil God who wants to attack you Earth guys, you can come to me and make sense! But why would God intervene in the struggle between humans?”

“Even more how androids are formidable, but they are not invincible. This is also a very good challenge for you Earth humans. I will not intervene in all this matter, you can solve it yourself!”

“If your Earth humans were really exterminated by humanoids, that’s your life. In the entire universe, similar things happen every day, every day there are countless genocides, if all races are saved, then Is n’t God busy! And the entire universe will be overcrowded and facing a crisis of depletion of resources! “

Jiang Feng expressionless, there is no slight fluctuation in eyes. Since God is to be installed, then must has fan, God should have regarded human life as a mustard.

However, Jiang Feng knew that even if he didn’t shoot Earth, Goku and Gohan would save Earth.


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