Koronos planet, the sky is clear, the sky is 10000 miles clear!

More than 800 Saiyans on Emma’s planet were transferred to their new home. The mood of the Saiyans was extremely high. For the first time since the destruction of the planet Vegeta, the Saiyans felt joy for the first time.

After a few days, most Saiyans have adapted to the environment of the Koronos planet. For the Saiyan Human Race group whose overall combat power has increased more than 20 times, the 20 times gravity environment is nothing.

Jiang Feng brought a group of Saiyans, more than 20 years later. For Jiang Feng, this is the original time and space, but for Saiyans, it is more than 20 years later.

However, Saiyans don’t mind!

Vegeta planets have been destroyed, where they are and when they start from the beginning are the same!

Twenty years later, the Saiyans only have Goku and Vegeta, and the Saiyan Human Race group on the planet of Koronos can be said to be the only Saiyan Human Race group in the true meaning of the 20th universe. Already.

Although there are only more than 800 people in this ethnic group, after an orderly control and reproduction, one day they will be able to grow in size.

Now Koronos planet can be said to be 100 abolished, Koronos planet is completely a new huge planet waiting to be developed, but the Saiyans are engaged in construction materials, let them destroy it is almost the same.

Jiang Feng first created a Little Town in the core area of ​​the Koronos planet with wooden cymbals. As for other places, Jiang Feng also built a gravity mountain that’s all.

He plans to establish diplomatic relations with some other high-tech planets and introduce some high-tech. Those high-rise buildings, transportation construction, etc., can spend money to hire other planet people to do it.

As for why Jiang Feng built the gravity mountain, it is naturally used for cultivation.

An altogether nine layers of gravity, Level 1 20 times the gravity, which is the surface gravity of the planet Koronos.

Level 2 is 40 times gravity, Level 3 is 80 times gravity, and Level 4 is 160 times gravity, until Ninth Layer is 5120 times gravity.

On the mountain of gravity, a group of Saiyans are practicing dueling. They have been doing these things in the past few days. Jiang Feng has seen it. Saiyans can fully treat training and dueling as everything in life.

There are 50 ~ 60 more people, and 2 ~ 3 less 1 people. From Level 5 to Level 1, each Level 1 has a Saiyan silhouette.

“Here is Level 5 and I heard that the gravity here is 320 times. It really didn’t disappoint me!”

A few people from Badak and Aibel adapted to the gravity of Level 4 and reached the gravity peak of Level 5 within a few days.

Badak only felt himself, as if he suddenly pressed a big mountain, his muscles were tense, and sweat gradually overflowed from the forehead. His face became flushed, which was obviously very uncomfortable, but his eyes were full of excited expression.

Several other people reacted in the same way, but their combat power was above 10010000 points, not at all was pushed back by the terrifying gravity of Level 5.

Each Level 1 peak of Gravity Mountain is very wide,

It looks like a few 10000 square meters, enough to support a few thousand people at the same time for battle practice.

There are no entertainment facilities on the planet Koronos. Saiyans spend most of their time on the mountain peaks.

The first to Level 3 peaks are Basic Level gravity peaks, the 4 to Level 6 peaks are Mid Level gravity peaks, and the 7 to 9-Layer are High Level gravity peaks. At present, only Jiang Feng and Broly are the High Level gravity peaks. Went up.

The gravity difference on the Basic Level gravity peak is small, and most Saiyans are still in their infancy, so the pressure of the Basic Level gravity peak is enough for them.

In contrast, the difference between the increasing gravity of the Mid Level gravity peak and the High Level gravity peak is relatively large, and each Level 1 is a cruel test.

Of course, the gravity mountain created by Jiang Feng is a little different from the gravity cabin in original work.

After all, the weight chamber manufactured by Buma ’s father in original work can adjust gravity. For example, 1 to 300 times the gravity can be adjusted in accordance with your own wishes.

However, the construction of the gravity chamber is complicated and consumes a lot of resources, and it is difficult to build a gravity chamber with a gravity greater than 1000 times because of the level of technology.

Buffa’s father can’t do it, and I believe that other sciences in the universe will be difficult to do.

“This gravity mountain is simply Gods Vestige. I trained for a few days at Level 3, and I feel my combat power has improved a lot!”

“Don’t tell you, me too! In a moment must test the combat power detector!”

In a corner of the Level 3 gravity peak, several Saiyans sat on the ground and wiped the sweat of the forehead, laughing and talking to start to talk.

“Of course. Every time I overcome gravity, they will stimulate their blood of Saiyan. I believe that when we reach the gravity peak of Ninth Layer, we will stand on the top of the pyramid!” The gaze peaked towards Ninth Layer said with a smile.

“Is the Ninth Layer gravity peak? Can we really go up?”

The few Saiyans who just communicated turned to the Ninth Layer gravity peak, expression hesitated for a moment, and their eyes quickly became extremely hot.

The gravity of the gravity peak is equivalent to an enemy’s blow to the Saiyan. Therefore, in order to resist the blow of the gravity, the Saiyan’s body will undergo a stress change until it can withstand this gravity.

When they can withstand this gravity, it means that the Saiyan’s body is getting stronger, so as the multiple of gravity is continuously increased, the Saiyan’s combat power will also increase accordingly.


Koronos planet, a little town in the hub!

This is the Little Town created by Jiang Feng. All the houses are made of wooden rafters.

Jiang Feng sat quietly in his room with his eyes closed, the past few days, and he repeatedly thought about the future of the Saiyans on the planet of Koronos.

Although there are only more than 800 Saiyans on the planet of Koronos, the Saiyans will grow more and more over time and one day they will prosper like the planet of Vegeta. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com

But what are these Saiyans going to do in the future?

Still the same as before? Clean up the creature on a good-selling planet, and then sell the planet to other cosmic people?

He doesn’t allow this to happen!

But Saiyans are militant is nature, and limiting them to fight is not realistic!

Jiang Feng remembers that there is also a Saiyan in the 6th universe, but unlike the Saiyan in the 7th universe, the Saiyan in the 6th universe is not an evil fighting freak and usually destroys the creation of other planets.

The Saiyan of the 6th Universe is simple and kind, performing the mission of maintaining peace in the universe. He does a job similar to that of a bodyguard company.

Jiang Feng feels that it is entirely conceivable to let these Saiyans go to be bodyguards in the universe. This will not only satisfy their desire to fight but also make money, which is simply one move, two gains.

Clang! clang! clang!

A to knock on the door sounded, Jiang Feng slowly opened his eyes complied, and it was naturally Browley and Badak.

Jiang Feng has long wanted to discuss with these Saiyans what they will do in the future!

Pirate of Marine Tyrant Fist

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