“Although I don’t know what sly plan Aizen is playing, you don’t want to take Inoue away!”

Kurosaki Ichigo’s eyes were coldly looked at Ichimaru Gin and Grimmjow, and the bandage of Zangetsu on his shoulders was slowly untied, and then spiritual power stepped into the sky.

Since being repaired by Ulquiorra and Dami last time, Kurosaki Ichigo has gradually used Hollow’s power after a long period of training!

“D solution!”

Kurosaki Ichigo angry roar, the huge black spiritual pressure burst out from Kurosaki Ichigo’s body, as if waves of wind moved towards all directions.

“D solution! So what? You see the spiritual pressure still not enough! Do you think your D solution will work for us?” Grimmjow said disdainfully.

“Grimmjow, Kurosaki Ichigo will leave it to you!” At this time, Ichimaru Gin said a little, then a flash, a silhouette appeared instantly in the behind of Inoue Orihime.

Kurosaki Ichigo’s face changed, and he suddenly turned back and waved Zangetsu to chop Ichimaru Gin.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo just shot, Grimmjow took a glance in the sky, came over Kurosaki Ichigo, suddenly lifted his legs moved towards Kurosaki Ichigo and pressed down.


With a loud noise, Kurosaki Ichigo’s body fiercely smashed into the streets of Karakura Town, immediately the ground cracked, and the entire street was a cobweb-like crack. The surrounding buildings were also affected and collapsed.

In the sky, Ichimaru Gin also solved Sado Yasutora and Ishida Uryū and controlled Inoue Orihime on his side.

“Grimmjow, I’ll go back to Hueco Mundo first, and they’ll leave it to you!” Ichimaru Gin said, waving his hand, a crack appeared in the air, which was the black cavity leading to Hueco Mundo.

Ichimaru Gin took Inoue Orihime and stepped into the dark cavity. On the street, Kurosaki Ichigo stood up from the ruins, his eyes suddenly fixed, and he raised his hand in front of his face, and the spiritual pressure on his body suddenly increased.

Shinigami and Hollow’s Strength emerged on Kurosaki Ichigo’s body. A strange mask appeared on Kurosaki Ichigo’s face, and the spiritual pressure on his body was several times stronger than before.

A pair of strange eye pupils, like fierce beast pupils, exposed fierce light, the next moment, Kurosaki Ichigo’s eyes flashed a wave, and a flash stood in front of Ichimaru Gin.

Upon seeing it, Ichimaru Gin’s face showed a hint of unexpected expression.

In the distance, Grimmjow abruptly pulled out Zanpakuto around his waist, waved his sword moved towards Kurosaki Ichigo, and Kurosaki Ichigo lifting Zangetsu resisted.


With a loud noise, the terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly collided together, setting off waves of terrifying waves in the air.

Kurosaki Ichigo and Grimmjow, the collision of this time, did not distinguish between top and bottom, which made Grimmjow very surprised.

Ichimaru Gin’s eyes did not stay too long on Kurosaki Ichigo, he found a chance to take Inoue Orihime directly to Hueco Mundo!

Kurosaki Ichigo tried to stop, but was blocked by Grimmjow. As for Sado Yasutora and Ishida Uryū, they were both helpless.

“Shinigami, they’ve already gone to Hueco Mundo. Don’t waste any more effort, obediently fight with me!”

“What’s going on with this mask on your face, looks like Strength by Shinigami!” Said Grimmjow coldly looked at Kurosaki Ichigo.

“Sorry! I don’t have time to explain this to you, open the door for me, I know you can do it!” Kurosaki Ichigo said in a deep voice.

“Shinigami, you don’t seem to understand the situation yet. Do you think your spiritual pressure can be beaten a little by raising it a little?” Grimmjow said with disdain, waving Zanpakuto to chop Kurosaki Ichigo.


With a loud noise, 2 Zanpakuto suddenly collided together, and in one fell swoop, Kurosaki Ichigo was forced back by Grimmjow!

Unlike original work, Grimmjow was not cut off an arm by Tōsen Kaname, and his battle strength is slightly stronger than Kurosaki Ichigo.

“Getsuga Tensho !”

Kurosaki Ichigo’s black spiritual pressure erupted suddenly, and one spiritual pressure sword aura moved towards Grimmjow.

Grimmjow’s gaze fell, lifting his hands to point to the spiritual pressure sword aura, and the huge Reishi quickly gathered in Grimmjow’s hands, converging into an energy bomb.

the next moment, the Cero of Grimmjow broke out, and the entire sky was stained with red, the scarlet-red energy beam and the black spiritual pressure sword aura collided, and in the sky there was a burst of roar, and the atmosphere shook. .

One after another bloodstain appeared on 2 people, and they looked at each other and waved Zanpakuto vigorously!

Clang! clang! clang!

For a while, the sound of Metal collision sounded in the air for a while, and the two were both equally excellent. However, Kurosaki Ichigo’s use of Arrancar’s Strength had a time limit, and it fell into the wind.

In the distance, Kisuke Urahara and 4 Fengyuan Yoruichi heard the fighting and both arrived from the shop. Soon, the mask on Kurosaki Ichigo’s face disappeared, and Kurosaki Ichigo’s complexion became ugly.

Grimmjow saw Kisuke Urahara and 4 Fengyuan Yoruichi coming, and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a playful expression: “Shinigami, your name is Kurosaki Ichigo, right! I don’t think you will give up your human companion. .com Then let’s meet with Hueco Mundo! “

Grimmjow said with a smile, then waved to open the black cavity, and the silhouette didn’t get in. Grimmjow knew that Kurosaki Ichigo would never let Inoue Orihime leave it alone.

“You …” Seeing that, Kurosaki Ichigo’s face was ugly.


Hueco Mundo! soul orchard!

“Hollow and Shinigami, although they are both special soul bodies, have differences in their Strength mode!” Jiang Feng sat under a towering tree and looked at the bodies of Sal Apollo and Nnoitra, whispering casually.

In the past few days, Jiang Feng was also trying to obtain Hollow’s Strength. The source of Strength used by Shinigami and Hollow is Reishi, but they are two different existences, just like One Yin One Yang.

Jiang Feng thinks that combining these two kinds of strengths has a room for improvement. In fact, the original work of Visored Legion and Kurosaki Ichigo also proves this.

The true members of the Visored Legion are Hirako Shinji, Sasaki Shiki and the others, and Kurosaki Ichigo and Tōsen Kaname also own the Ability of the Visored, but the former and Visored Legion are friends, while the latter are hostile.

Both Shinigami and Hollow’s Strength have limits, and if you want to break through this limit, you need to eliminate the boundary between Shinigami and Hollow. Since then, Shinigami can perform Hollowization to obtain a stronger Strength.

Visored is actually supported by Aizen ’s medical team 芎 neon 芎 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 盟 盟 诤 诤 诤 诤 诤 诤 诤 诤 牧 诤 诤 堑 堑 堑 堑 堑 堑 堑

However, due to the problem of Hollowization, the center 40 room 6 of the Soul Society decided to dispose of Visored in the style of Hollow …

In the end Kisuke Urahara and 4 Fengyuan Yoruichi rescued them and fled to Human World. The base of Visored Legion is also in Human World World.

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