“The Shinigami’s Hollow Shape Transformation formula is to wear a Hollow mask. When Hollow is transformed, Shinigami’s Strength will increase sharply, but there is also a time limit!”

“No matter, try it first!” Jiang Feng glared at Nnoitra and Saalabo Law’s corpses secretly.

At the heart of his mind, Jiang Feng brought Sal Apollo and Nnoitra 2 Hollow into soul Space, and threw 2 Hollow under the soul tree. There is no better understanding of how to absorb soul strength in the sky than the soul tree!

Soon, the soul energy of Nnoitra and Sal Apollo was absorbed by the soul tree, and all fuse was put into the body of Jiang Feng. The memory of the life of the two was like a slide in front of Jiang Feng. Flashed.

Jiang Feng’s thoughts, Spirit waved away from soul Space, and began to try to condense Visored.

Shinigami and Hollow’s Strength, continuously emerged from Jiang Feng’s body, a little white mask debris appeared in front of Jiang Feng’s face, the more white debris gathered, the Visored gradually formed.

However, when the strength of Shinigami and Hollow reached a certain critical point, Jiang Feng finally managed to consolidate a large part of Visored, and suddenly Shatter.

Jiang Feng lost his thoughts and began to think where the problem appeared!


Las Noches!

There was a burst of groaning from the depths of the palace!

“What the hell is this? Listen to the goosebumps!”

“That’s Lord Aizen’s room. Since Lord Aizen came back last time, I’ve heard this voice …”

“… I believe Lord Aizen, it should be painful!”

Several Las Noches attendants passed the room deep in the palace and whispered curiously.

At this time, Ichimaru Gin took Inoue Orihime to the depths of the palace. Ichimaru Gin smiled and said to several Las Noches servants, “What are you talking about?”

“Master Ichimaru Gin!” When he saw this, the attendants looked panicked and shut up quickly, afraid to say more!

Seeing the appearance of several servants trembling with fear, Ichimaru Gin ignored them, pushed open the door of the room deep in the palace, and led Inoue Orihime directly into the room.

The room was extraordinarily spacious, the center of the room, a shameless man with a shrinking face, blackened face, and burns on the whole body, sitting on a chair.

Although the appearance of the man is not good, his eyes are very deep. The man was fired by the Celestial Court of Jiang Feng, and the wounded Aizen was treated.

“Aizen Captain, people brought it!” Ichimaru Gin came to Aizen and started to talk.

Hearing this, Inoue Orihime’s face changed, pump suddenly shrunk, Inoue Orihime wondered if she heard it wrong. The unrecognizable guy in front of her was Aizen plus doctor.

In her impressions, Aizen’s medical doctor is not at home, her color value is critical, and her currency is difficult.

The man in front of her was full of burn marks. The water in the body seemed to be evaporated, and the skin atrophied and wrinkled.

It’s hard to imagine that this guy in front of her will be Aizen plus doctor


Aizen groaned, with a sloppy expression on his dry, scorched face, looking very terrifying. Seeing that, Inoue Orihime was afraid of retreat after a while.

Aizen’s medical doctor Huihui, milk, V, male aunt, yong yong yong yong yue yong yue, yong yue yong yue yue yue yue yue yin yue yue yue yin yue yue, engraved on the house ナ 鼙 蛔 ナ 鼙 蛔 鹊 鹊 鹊 榱 粕 盏

Aizen saw the arrival of Inoue Orihime, and her eyes were pressing, as if she saw a savior.

Aizen also didn’t talk to Inoue Orihime, directly Shikai Zanpakuto Kyōka Suigetsu, hypnotized the current Inoue Orihime.

Under Aizen’s control, Inoue Orihime came in front of Aizen, opened a two-day return, and immediately surrounded Aizen with an oval orange-yellow space barrier.

Under the watchful eye of Ichimaru Gin, the wounds on Aizen’s body recovered little by little. About ten minutes later, the wounds on Aizen’s body finally recovered completely.

“Finally restored! Is there another level of Strength? It really is strong!” Aizen’s eyes showed a deep look, whispered casually.

When Aizen’s face was just showing joy, however, a burning sensation suddenly appeared in his mind.

Aizen’s face was so ugly that he turned his attention to Inoue Orihime, secretly said in one’s heart, how could it be possible, Inoue Orihime had been hypnotized by himself, and it was impossible to cut corners.

Obviously, although Inoue Orihime’s Ability can cure the burns on him, there is no hidden pain in his roots.

Aizen just felt that there was a flame burning continuously in the depths of his soul, and could never be worn away, unless his soul level broke through to another dimension.

However, the amount of stamina in Aizen’s body has almost recovered, and he can completely suppress these pains by his own will.

“Silver, inform Espada, I want to hold an Espada meeting!” Aizen got up, asked Inoue Orihime to wake up from hypnosis, and said to Ichimaru Gin start to talk.

For Inoue Orihime, Aizen will naturally not embarrass her too much. Previously, Aizen did not value Inoue Orihime because he was extremely confident in his Strength and possessed the ability of Zanpakuto Kyōka Suigetsu. He didn’t think anyone in this world could hurt him. UC Reading www.uukanshu.com

Until he met Jiang Feng, Aizen wanted to leave himself a way back!


Las Noches! Conference Hall!

Sal Apollo and Nnoitra died, and the teeth fell into the vortex of the Space channel. I don’t know if they were dead or dead. Ulquiorra was trapped in the small space by Jiang Feng.

These people were not there. The other Espada heard Aizen’s call and came to the largest Conference Hall in Las Noches!

“What’s going on? How could Lord Aizen suddenly summon us! Is it really good to have a meeting with his body condition?”

“I don’t know, Lord Aizen said that he was going to invade Human World World. I don’t know if this is the case?”

Several Espada walked into the Conference Hall and talked while moving the chairs moved towards their seats. Soon, several Espada were seated, and they sent Aizen.

Clang! clang! clang!

There was a sound of footsteps. In the corridor, three silhouettes appeared at the gate of the Conference Hall. It was Aizen, Ichimaru Gin and Tōsen Kaname.

“Hello everyone! Espada!”, Aizen came to the main seat and sat down, looking at the remaining Espada with a playful look.

“This, this …”, each and everyone Espada looked surprised at Aizen, and couldn’t believe his eyes.

A quarter of an hour ago, Aizen was not in shape. He was dying and almost died. Then, a quarter of an hour later, he became a lively dragon and animated tiger.

“What! Seeing me recover, some of you seem unhappy!” Aizen said playfully.

“How come! It’s very good that Lord Aizen can recover!”

“That’s right! Actually, we all hope that Lord Aizen will recover soon.” …

Aizen called a meeting to continue his previous plan to invade Human World World.

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