“Finally gone!”, Dondochaca and Peixie saw Aizen and Espada leave, both exhaled.

Aizen defeated Hueco Mundo’s predecessor and became Hueco Mundo’s new king. Naturally, there is no need to say Strength. Other Espadas also exist at the top of Hueco Mundo’s pyramid.

Standing in front of these people can be described as stressful!

“Nilu, what do these two guys do? I think I should kill them!” Pecher’s eyes glanced at Sal Apollo and Nnoitra, and he said to Nilu.

Hearing this, Ni Lu looked towards Jiang Feng and wanted to ask Jiang Feng for advice.

“It’s up to you, you can do whatever you want, as you like!”, Jiang Feng lightly saying.

No. 100 Bakudō, also more than No. 99 Bakudō, stepped into the realm of God Bakudō, and its binding power is extremely strong.

Being bound by a higher level of spiritual pressure, Nnoitra and Sal Apollo are considered to be useless, let alone Zanpakuto’s Ability, even the spiritual pressure on them is completely suppressed, without any resistance to Ability.

As long as you can break the skin of 2 people, it is not difficult to kill 2 people!

After Jiang Feng said, he moved towards the direction of the woods. The soul tree has matured. The next step is to condense Reishi and conclude the soul fruit.

For the next few days, Jiang Feng was busy with the soul orchard.

The richness of Reishi here in the woods, although already high in Hueco Mundo, Jiang Feng feels that it is not enough!

Jiang Feng used Space-dominated Ability to cut some Reishi-rich spaces from other places in Hueco Mundo, and merged these spaces with those in the woods.

The volume of the space remains the same, but the Reishi content in the space increases continuously. This has led to an unprecedented concentration of Reishi in this space. The richness of Reishi in this space is close to the Spirit Royal Palace!

Moreover, the richer the Reishi content in Space, the greater the pressure on Space.

One Space barrier can’t bear the pressure of this Space at all, so Jiang Feng opened 72 Space barriers.

These Space barriers can not only prevent Reishi from leaking, but also defend against enemies. Jiang Feng imitated the key king keys that entered and exited the Spirit Royal Palace, made some of them with Reishi, and entered and exited the soul orchard.

Only if you hold the key, you can freely enter and exit the soul orchard. Otherwise, you can only try to forcibly break the 72 Space barriers. This is not even the self-regarded Aizen. Jiang Feng does n’t think anyone can do it in Hueco Mundo. at this point.


Human World World!

On a street, Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime, Sado Yasutora and Ishida Uryū are walking on their way home from school.

“Ishida, I heard you said, Mr. Feng who lives in your house, have they gone to Hueco Mundo, haven’t they returned yet?”, Inoue Orihime looked towards Ishida Uryū asked curiously.

“En! They haven’t come back yet, and don’t know what’s going on!” Hearing this, Ishida Uryū raised his hand and pushed his glasses, lightly saying.

When Jiang Feng entire group lived in Ishida Uryū’s house, they all got along well. When Jiang Feng entire group left, Ishida Uryū suddenly felt a little deserted!

However, after a few days, Ishida Uryū became accustomed to the life of the former alone.

“Don’t worry about them, they are going to Hueco Mundo, they should be worried about Aizen!” Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly said to start.

Hearing this, Sado Yasutora, Ishida Uryū, Inoue Orihime, all could not help but nodded. The Soul Society’s Thirteenth Team and Zero Squad shot together, and they did not treat Jiang Feng.

Is Aizen entire group stronger than Shinigami of the entire Soul Society?

Several people couldn’t help but think that Hueco Mundo’s Aizen provoked Jiang Feng and was directly resolved by Jiang Feng. Wouldn’t it save a lot of trouble.

Just as a few people were meditating, one crack appeared suddenly in the sky in the distance, two figures came out of the crack and stood in the sky looking down.

“This is … Ichimaru Gin!”,

Seeing 2 people in the sky, Kurosaki Ichigo said facial expression grave.

One of them was Ichimaru Gin, Aizen’s left and right hands, and Kurosaki Ichigo knew each other naturally, while the other one did not know Kurosaki Ichigo, but the spiritual pressure on him told Kurosaki Ichigo that this guy was dangerous!

Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Uryū looked at each other and quickly moved towards Ichimaru Gin. Kurosaki Ichigo let the soul take over the body directly, and he became Shinigami’s state …

far away!

In the sky, it was Espada NO.6Grimmjow that came to Human World with Ichimaru Gin.

Grimmjow’s eyes glanced at the residents of Karakura Town, and start to talk complained: “Is this Human World World? The so-called humans are really weak! Even a small ant of Hueco Mundo is stronger than them.”

“Grimmjow, we came with a mission. If you don’t take people back quickly, Aizen Captain will be very angry!”, Ichimaru Gin stunned eyes said with a smile.

Aizen was severely hit by Jiang Feng. Ichimaru Gin also repeatedly found opportunities in Las Noches to kill Aizen, but since Aizen was awake, UU reading www.uukanshu.com became more cautious.

Aizen knew that someone wanted to kill him, so he was careful, and Aizen didn’t believe anyone at all. Even Ichimaru Gin and Tōsen Kaname were so untrustworthy that Ichimaru Gin had a hard time finding a chance to get started.

So Ichimaru Gin chose to continue to lurk next to Aizen. Aizen is not a god, he will always show the weak spot.

Not long after, Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Uryū and several others rushed here, and they looked at Ichimaru Gin and Grimmjow with vigilance.

“It seems that we don’t have to go to find someone anymore, people are here!”, Seeing the coming of Kurosaki Ichigo entire group, Ichimaru Gin said Issho start to talk: “The Shinigami wearing black Shihakushō is named Kurosaki Ichigo, and he will I leave it to you. As for the person Aizen Captain wants, I will take her back. “

“Kurosaki Ichigo? It just looks like a stronger ant that’s all, do you need to pay attention to him?” Hearing this, Grimmjow’s eyes turned to Kurosaki Ichigo, and he felt that the spiritual pressure on Kurosaki Ichigo was not strong.

Grimmjow is impatient and very brutal. He has no interest in finding people. Fighting is his favorite.

So Grimmjow has no opinion on Ichimaru Gin’s proposal!

“Ichimaru Gin! How did you appear in Human World World, what is your purpose here?” Kurosaki Ichigo’s complexion looked coldly at Ichimaru Gin, start to talk.

“What is our purpose? Actually, it doesn’t matter if I tell you, Aizen Captain, the woman who wants you behind, her name is Inoue Orihime, right!”, Said Ichimaru Gin with a playful look at Kurosaki Ichigo.

Hearing this, Inoue Orihime’s face showed a touch of panic.

Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Uryū, and Sado Yasutora also all changed their faces, guarding Inoue Orihime in succession.

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