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"How can it be!"

""They were clearly upstairs just now!"

Kaku was once again shocked by the scene in front of him.

From the time he was attacked to the time he landed, he clearly realized that the two little girls were upstairs, and he had no spare time to move and chase them.

In just a few flashes, the pink-haired little girl had actually run to the end of the alley faster than him!

"The kid with the fruit ability just now was so strong, this one... won't be the same, right?"

"There’s no other option…rush forward!"

""Swept Kick!"

A powerful kicking move from the Navy's Six Styles!

The lethality of Swept Kick is not achieved in a short distance, but by kicking at super high speed, forming a slashing air wave in the air, and locking the target at a long distance.

At this time, Kaku did not carry a sword with him. If he combined it with swordplay, the Swept Kick could be raised to a higher level.

Among the many opponents he faced, there were many enemies who died from Swept Kick without even touching Kaku.

Seeing Niannian patting his belly, as if he was not prepared to avoid it at all, Kaku kicked out Swept Kick without stopping his forward momentum.

Bonnie stood far away, with her hands easily folded in front of her. She did not seem nervous at all because her daughter was attacked by Kaku.

""Nian Nian, you are my daughter, don't lose to a jumping monkey!"

Bonnie shouted.

Born to venture out on the sea, Bonnie's way of educating her daughter is not gentle at all. It is a real fight with others.

"Hungry Hungry……"

"Too slow"


Niannian muttered to himself, and when the wind wave swept in front of him, his figure turned into a shadow and disappeared on the spot.



"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Is someone shooting?"

After Lan Jiao's slashing wave penetrated the afterimage, it landed directly on the street outside the alley, chopping the fence to pieces.

Passersby stopped in fear, not knowing what happened, and all avoided the alley entrance.

Kaku's pupils shrank, feeling the speed that Nian Nian had just used in disbelief!

"It's so fast? You must be kidding!"

"Since we’ve cleared the alley entrance… let’s just rush out!"

Kaku reacted slightly, tapped the ground with his toes, and once again attempted to take the Moon Step in mid-air.

"Feeling depressed!"


At the same time, a vast white mist fell like clouds from the sky, blocking Kaku's way.

It was the familiar pink hair again, waving at high speed, and there was an extreme sense of oppression in the air.


"Iron block!"

The frightened Kaku immediately controlled his feet and temporarily stopped moving forward.

Feeling the direction where Yanyan's fist was coming from, Kaku, who had no time to dodge, once again used the defensive skills in the Six Styles.

"Sister Yanyan, mom said that the long-nosed uncle will be left to me."


Kaku's sight flashed, and Nian Nian, who had just disappeared half a meter in front of him, stood in front of him in a trance.

As a senior agent of CP9, Kaku had faced many difficult enemies before, but this was the first time... the first time he was beaten by two children without any chance to fight back!


Nian Nian, who was ready to go, completely overturned the image of a hungry little girl.

A ball of light pink energy gathered on her small arms. As the pink energy flowed in a circular state, the little girl accurately locked the condensation position of the Kaku iron block and punched it.




Kaku spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body was like a kite with a broken string, flying straight towards Tashigi and Bonnie.


Yanyan swung the smoke fist from behind, hitting the spot where Kaku was standing half a beat late.

Following the flow of smoke, Yanyan's figure condensed at the same time, and braked suddenly and stopped on the spot.

"Feeling depressed!"

"Sister Nian Nian is so fast!"

""Sister is a natural, how could she not catch up with sister Nian Nian's speed?"

Yan Yan didn't get angry at all because of the first move. Instead, she looked at Nian Nian in surprise, her eyes full of love for her sister.

"I'm hungry, hahaha. Bonnie's mom said that Nian Nian is a superman."

"Superman is a super-powerful person!"

After being praised, Niannian deliberately prolonged his voice and smiled proudly.

"Uh... cough cough... ah……"

At the other end, Kaku fell to the ground, feeling as if his whole body was falling apart.

In the six-style trial, besides Storm Kick and Moon Step, Iron Block was the third skill that Kaku was good at.

Although he was not as good as Lucci, at least he was among the best agents.

But even with such a level, he couldn't stop even a casual punch from Nian Nian.


"Aren’t you dead yet?"

"Are you ready to tell me why you are following us now?"

Kaku, who was lying on the ground, felt the shadow in front of him getting bigger and bigger, until it completely blocked his sight.

Bonnie's ferocious expression, like a tiger ready to kill at any time, looked down at Kaku who was lying on the ground.

"You underestimate me...……"

"Ah... my voice……"

Kaku opened his mouth to say something sarcastic, but found that his mature voice became childish, like a little kid from somewhere!

He endured the severe pain and slowly raised his palm, staring at his arm that had shrunk several times and the clothes that were already on his body with a panic expression.


Before he could figure out what was happening, Kaku felt his gaze gradually rise, as if he was being grabbed by the clothes.

"Very hungry……"

""Mom, are we going to catch this little boy and throw him into the sea?"

Niannian lifted Kaku's clothes with one hand and lifted him up completely from the ground.

Kaku clearly felt that his feet were already hanging in the air, and his whole body was completely hanging on the clothes, but it just reached the position of Niannian's shoulders!

"Throwing a…little…little boy into the sea?"

""Ugh...ah...what happened?"

Kaku wanted to shout, but the sound went into his throat and turned into a child's whimper.


Niannian tilted her head slightly.

"So noisy"


Then, he raised his hand and made a knife move, knocking Kaku unconscious.

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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