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Tashigi and Bonnie's eyes widened, they never expected that Niannian would suddenly attack.

Bonnie came closer with an annoyed look, spread her hands and said:"I say, little knocked you out, how can we ask you questions?"

Niannian scratched his little face, looked naively at Kaku who had turned into a child in his hand, turned around and took his little feet to leave

""Hey, Nian Nian, where are you going?"

Bonnie immediately called out to Nian Nian, not knowing what the little girl was thinking.

Nian Nian raised her hand stupidly, shook the unconscious little Kaku, and said,"You can't ask any more questions... Nian Nian, throw her into the sea."


Bonnie was almost choked by the little guy's words.


Dashiqi couldn't help but laugh at Nian Nian's silly and cute behavior.

Compared with Yan Yan, who was the first to develop emotional intelligence, Nian Nian was completely the second extreme.

Every move he made revealed the cuteness of a little kid, but this little kid's strength was so strong that countless adults looked up to him.

"Year after year, throw it into the sea and forget about it"

"Take him back temporarily, and wait until he wakes up, then find a way to find out his identity."

"I always feel that he doesn't look like a spy for the navy."

Tashigi analyzed calmly.

If it was really the navy that found the traces of the girls, they shouldn't be tracking one person now, but a large group of people would have been chasing them.

After all, the girls stayed in Dock No. 1 for such a long time, which was enough for Kaku to transfer the navy team from the Seven Water City.

But at the same time, Tashigi had seen the user of the"Navy Six Styles" at the headquarters.

Even if Kaku was not a navy, he must have a close connection with the navy.

During this period of time, they had experienced many pursuits on the sea.

Tashigi would not easily kill her former colleagues, let alone put the girls and children in danger.

Bonnie had no objection to Tashigi's decision to take them back. Bonnie was very good at interrogating others!

"Let's go, Yanyan, your Auntie Taotu is still waiting for us to go back."

Dashiqi called Yanyan who was constantly looking around and left the scene quickly.

The noise of the fight just now had attracted the attention of passers-by outside the alley. If they continued to stay here, they would soon cause a sensation in the surroundings.

Yanyan grabbed her shoulder-length hair and said suspiciously:"It's strange... It's obviously the smell of a capable person, how could it disappear so quickly?"

After making sure that there was no target source, Yanyan quickly followed the pace of the women.


In another space, a person with a cow hairstyle couldn't help but gasp.

Bruno! A superhuman door ability user!

One of the senior agents of CP9!

Like other CP9 members, Bruno is also a senior agent who is undercover in the Seven Water City with Lucci.

The ability of the superhuman Door-Door Fruit has a rare spatial attribute. It can use the ability of"opening the door" anywhere to create a space tunnel unique to the Door-Door Fruit.

After receiving the information shared by Kaku and Lucci at the same time, Bruno chose to come to support Lucci and track down the whereabouts of the female sergeant who defected from the navy.

Who knew that as soon as he arrived at the scene, he saw with his own eyes that Kaku was easily defeated.

Bruno knew best how strong Kaku was in CP9.

Even with such strength, he couldn't even get through a single move in front of two children!

"Toot... Toot……"

When the figures of the women completely disappeared, Bruno slowly reappeared from the tunnel.

With cold sweat on his forehead, he murmured in fear:"Scary little brat... follow... or not?"


The lobby of the largest and most luxurious Rost Hotel in the commercial district of the Seven Waters City

"Dear Sir, Dear Madam"

"Be careful on the steps. Please follow us."

"There is a coffee and dessert area in the lobby on the first floor!"

"The second floor club has a private wellness area!"

"The equipment room on the third floor has a finely decorated fitness area specially prepared for VIPs!"


Five waitresses surrounded Jin Yi and his group who had just arrived, leading the way for them and introducing the various services of the Rost Hotel. The reason they were able to enjoy this treatment was entirely because Jin Yi, who was in charge of the front desk, spent 10 million Baileys to book the two most luxurious suites in the hotel.

Although Jin Yi is not as rich as a country now, ordinary small consortiums and small wealthy people cannot compare with his financial resources.

Although some of the women were not used to Jin Yi's extravagant spending, the experience of being treated as a VIP quickly made them ignore this detail.


【Congratulations to the host's sixth daughter for successfully defeating the powerful military enemy!】

【The host gets 800 experience points, and basic attributes +2 points! 】

Before entering the room, Jin Yi heard the system prompt in his mind.

Sixth daughter?

If you count, it should be the daughter of the Age Fruit born by Bonnie who was defeated by Tiantian!

At the same time as the system voice came, Jin Yi immediately opened the devil fruit map to determine the location of the ability users on the island.

The sixth daughter transformed by the Age Fruit was not planted by Jin Yi himself, nor was it the child born by the female devil fruit ability he defeated.

Therefore, there is no complete mark on the devil fruit map.

But Yanyan, the daughter of the Smoke Fruit born by Dashiqi, clearly showed her location on the map.

At this moment, next to Yanyan, there are two other marks of devil fruit ability users, one of which is naturally the Age Fruit's Nian Nian.

The other is Bruno, who has been hiding in the door tunnel dozens of meters away during the battle between the two little girls!

"There is another devil fruit ability user���With your daughter?"

"How come they only defeated a military expert but didn't get any devil fruits?"

Jin Yi didn't know the actual situation and guessed suspiciously.

But at least one thing is certain, the only people who can be called military experts on this island are probably the CP9 team!

Originally, I was thinking of taking a few days of rest, but I didn't expect a head-on conflict to happen so soon.

It's not just Tashigi and Bonnie's side. When Jin Yi looked at the little girls who went out to play, he found that there were people with special abilities who were slowly approaching them!

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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