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""The ship we just bought seems a little stingy. Shouldn't we get a bigger one?"

Bonnie was walking on the road, complaining quietly to Tashigi beside her.

Not long ago, Bonnie was the captain of a pirate group and owned a rather grand pirate ship.

When he bought a small boat, he always felt a little bit resentful.

Tashigi didn't care, and said with a smile:"It's completely different now than before. We don't have much money, so we can only save it and think about how to make a living in the future."

"Make a living?"

"See which one is rich and blind, just grab it……"

"Mom, it's wrong to rob money."

This time, Dashiqi didn't need to say anything, Niannian raised her little head and said

"It's all for the sake of feeding you, you little brat, why are you such a big eater."

Bonnie looked like she was blaming them, but in fact, the expression on her face showed that she really enjoyed this conversation.

Yanyan and Nian Nian, who were walking in front, looked at each other, as if they were confirming something.

After a moment, Yanyan slowed down her pace, retreated to Dashiqi, and whispered,"Mom, if someone is following us, is he a bad guy? Can we beat him up?"

After hearing what Yanyan said, Dashiqi and Bonnie paused and stood still.

The two women's insight was still too weak compared to the little girls. They were actually being followed without noticing

"Keep going."

Looking at the pedestrians passing by, Dashiqi temporarily stopped Yanyan's actions.

There were so many pedestrians around, if she took action here, it would easily attract the attention of the people around.

And Dashiqi was also very confused. She had obviously avoided the navy, why was she followed by someone!

The two pairs of mother and daughter changed their routes continuously and walked into the less crowded path.

Agent Kaku, who was following behind them, stopped temporarily and looked at the path where the women disappeared.

"Changing routes so frequently?"

""Did I get discovered?"

Being in CP9, all agents have undergone rigorous training and possess both reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance capabilities.

Kaku, who noticed something was wrong, did not continue to follow blindly, but crossed the main road and went directly to the end of the small road to wait for the women to appear.





Kaku jumped onto the rooftop of a second-floor coffee shop and looked through the fence at the path below.

At the speed the girls were walking just now, they should have only walked half the distance. Kaku would definitely not make a mistake in calculating the time.


"Where are the people?"

"It's impossible to walk so fast!"

Kaku stared at the ground suspiciously and spoke slowly.

"Hungry... Long Nose

A childish voice suddenly came from behind Kaku.


Kaku turned around with cold sweat all over his body.

He had just confirmed that there was no one on the rooftop, but for some reason, Yanyan and Niannian, the two little girls, suddenly stood behind Kaku.


Kaku was in a state of panic, and was quickly thinking about how to end the situation.

"Hahaha, it's you guys, what a coincidence, I'm here to repair the boat nearby."

In a hurry, seeing that the two grown women were not around, Kaku told a lie that no one believed.

Kaku underestimated the IQ of the little kids. Yanyan blinked, tilted her head slightly and said,"Yanyan... Uncle Long Nose, is this a coffee shop? Are there boats in the coffee shop?"


Kaku was stunned by the little girl's question, and his face changed from awkward at the beginning to gloomy in an instant.

"It seems that I really can't get along well with children... especially clever ones."

When Kaku raised his head again, his left and right hands quickly reached out and grabbed the shoulders of the two little girls.

Although he was an agent of CP9, he had no right to access the top-secret information of"the child knocked down the vice admiral" held by the navy.

Kaku was completely unable to judge the strength of the two children.

"Yanyan·White Snake!"


A long ball of smoke suddenly blasted out from in front of Kaku, and a pink little fist gathered at the front of the smoke and hit Kaku's abdomen squarely.


"How... is it possible?"

Kaku felt his whole body go numb, and he was almost knocked unconscious by the sudden punch.

Fortunately, at the last moment when the fist reached him, Kaku, who was not slow to react, used the iron block defense in the"Six Styles of the Navy".

""Swoosh... Boom!"

After falling from the height of the second floor, Kaku stepped on the air with both feet to minimize the impact, and landed in the alley with a loud noise.

"Is that you? Why are you following us?"

""Damn bastard, do you think we are an orphan and a widow and easy to bully?"

Tashigi and Bonnie came out from the small bend in the alley, looking at Kaku who fell to the ground with suspicious expressions.

If the girls hadn't sensed that someone was following them, the two girls probably wouldn't have been suspicious even if they met Kaku on the main road.

He went around the alley and secretly observed from the second floor, and tried to fight with his daughters when he was discovered.

Kaku's excuse of chance encounter is definitely not clear!

The female naval sergeant who escaped from the headquarters... the unidentified tough girl... two little brats who are so powerful that they make people panic...

Kaku only now realized what a bad decision it was to come here for investigation!

""Moon Step!"

Almost the next second after the two women questioned him, Kaku instantly rushed to the alley behind him.

The narrow and winding path was full of obstacles.

Kaku stepped in the air half a meter in a row with extremely fast steps, and without slowing down, he perfectly avoided obstacles one after another.

"We must leave here quickly and tell Lucci the truth about these women!"

"I'm afraid we have to gather all the agents in the Seven Water City to catch them!"

"That's so lame.……"

Kaku watched the darkness in the alley gradually disappear, and the light at the entrance of the alley was already in sight.

"Hungry Hungry……"

"Uncle Long Nose, where do you want to go?"

"Mom is still talking to you."

As Kaku's speed soared to the limit, a nimble pink arc jumped to the entrance of the alley and blocked Kaku's way!

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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