[Detecting that the host's domineering aura is being cultivated on its own, current level: intermediate; progress: 5.2%!】

【The host's observation Haki is being cultivated. Current level: intermediate; progress: 6.1%!】

【The host's observation Haki is being cultivated. Current level: Advanced; Progress: 2.6%!】

【Detect that the host's swordsmanship is being cultivated on its own, current level: intermediate; progress: 8.3%!】

【Check the host's physical strength is being cultivated, current level: advanced; progress: 7.5%!】

【Detecting the host's power is self-cultivating, current level: advanced; progress: 7.9%!】

【The speed of detecting the host is being cultivated on its own. Current level: Advanced; Progress: 6.6%!】


Feeling the various changes in his body, Luo En felt more relaxed than ever before.

He practiced freely.

This SSS-level talent was so fierce and invincible! He could become stronger without moving. Is there anything better than this?

"It seems that in the future, I just need to choose a woman with a strong fortune index."

"If I can marry a woman with a strong fortune index and give birth to a talented offspring, my strength will grow rapidly!"

Now Loen finally understood what the system was all about.

If you have more children and more talents, your strength will grow like a wild dog! More children, more blessings, more children, more blessings, it's true!

If I can give birth to a few more children with SSS-level talents, I might grow up to be more terrifying than my brother Rocks in the future!

What's more, these children with SSS-level talents are also a powerful fighting force!

With the blood relationship, these fighting forces will not worry about betraying themselves.

Maybe, the tragedy of the Rocks Pirates in the Valley of the Gods can be completely avoided!

History really needs to be rewritten!

There are still more than ten years before the Valley of the Gods, which should be enough!

Soon Loen found Rocks, whose cheeks were flushed at the moment, and he was still excited.

He was pulling the core members of the Rocks Pirates to drink happily

"Brother, I want to discuss something with you."

Lorne sat down next to Rocks, picked up a bottle of wine and drank it all, then said to Rocks

"Hahaha, brother, did you see that Shirley is pregnant and needs professional guidance from a doctor on nutrition?"

"Don't worry, these guys are ready."

"The newly recruited female ship doctor and nutritionist are both good at what they do, so Shirley will be fine."

When Rocks saw Lorne coming, he thought he was here to discuss Shirley's pregnancy with him.

"Of course I know this."

"Brother, I want to find a few more wives and have more children."Lorne said with a smile.

Hearing this, Rocks was stunned.

"What? Brother, is there any problem?"Lorne asked

"without...No problem! You finally figured it out! Lorne!"

"I was just wondering how to tell you this!"

"After all, Shirley is pregnant, and she won’t be able to have children for a long time!"

"I was just wondering how to tell you about this, but I didn't expect you to bring it up!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"What happened today? Good things happened one after another, am I dreaming?"

Rocks slapped himself, and found that he was not dreaming, and laughed even happier! He even failed to control his domineering color, and stunned many of the crew members around him.

Today is the happiest day of his life.

From Rocks's perspective, being with a woman is really a very troublesome thing.

Leaving such a thing to Loen is really"bitter" for his brother.

He didn't let Loen live a good day, but made him live a"bitter" life every day.

This brother is really incompetent!

Loen has suffered so much"grievance", and he is embarrassed to urge Loen to find a few more.

Now Loen actually took the initiative to ask for such a"bitter" job, and Rocks was of course very happy.

"In that case, my friends, let’s go out to sea tomorrow!"

""Catch all the women you see!"

Rocks raised his glass and drank it all, feeling very happy.

After hearing the news, the members of the Rocks Pirates were also very excited.

They have been training hard for the past two months, and their strength has increased a lot, but they have never had the opportunity to display it.

Now they are finally going out to sea, and they can show the results of their training in the past two months!

"Bro, you...I don't want every woman."

Lorne didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing Rocks' proposal.

He wasn't an extremely hungry stud who would accept anyone who came.

What if he gave birth to a bunch of prodigal sons?

"oh...Right! Lorne, now that you mention it, I remember it."

Hearing this, Rocks slapped his thigh.

"The one who can be worthy of you must at least be a world-famous beauty or a princess of a country!"

"How can you arrest a woman just because you see her?"

"That's it, tomorrow we'll go find the princess of the World Government member country!"

Rocks reacted and decided to attack the World Government member country directly.

It just so happened that the purchase of supplies, the recruitment of crew members, and the food, drink, and defecation of so many people in the past two months have cost a lot of money.

No matter what the purpose is, it's time to go out and plunder.

"Brother, that's not what I meant."

Lorne chuckled. Brother didn't understand what he meant at all.

"Let’s go directly to the pirate black market tomorrow. There are a lot of people there, and I want to see if there is anyone suitable."

Lorne said to Rocks.

According to the system's explanation, a woman's index of good fortune for her husband is innate, not just because you are born with a good family.

Lorne didn't want the Rocks Pirates to go to great lengths to attack the member states of the World Government, only to capture a woman with a D or E grade index of good fortune for her husband.

That would be too unprofitable.

So Lorne planned to go directly to a place where there were many women.

In this way, he could boldly choose a woman with a high index of good fortune for her husband, instead of just randomly catching them.

Where are the most women?

Of course, the black market!

You should know that female slaves are the easiest to capture, the easiest to sell, and the most profitable of all slaves.

Therefore, most of the slave transactions in the black market are women.

And speaking of black market transactions, Lorne has another idea!

That is the woman with the highest possible talent in the pirate world - Charlotte Linlin.

Born with such a terrible talent as [Steel Balloon], she could kill a giant bear and injure the giants at the age of 5.

She is regarded as an [evil ghost] by the giants, and the giants call her a [natural destroyer].

With Charlotte Linlin's talent and future... Achievements, Loen guessed that she was definitely a woman with an S-level lucky index!

The child born to her is very likely to be an SSS-level talent!

More importantly, Charlotte Lingling is now in her prime and is a top beauty.

In this era, I am afraid that no woman dares to say that she is better than Charlotte Lingling in appearance and figure.

At this time, Lingling is comparable to the future Empress, Xiao Zi, and Shirahoshi.

This time is definitely the best time to marry Charlotte Lingling as a wife.

If it is delayed, Charlotte Lingling will become fat in the future, and even Loen can't do it even if she is the top talent.

It's a pity that Charlotte Lingling is not famous now. I haven't seen her name in the newspaper for two months.

After all, Rocks has just gone to sea.

So Loen doesn't know where Charlotte Lingling is.

But the black market, where all kinds of pirates gather and where there are fish and dragons, naturally has the greatest chance of finding this future Four Emperors.

Even if you can't find it, you can buy information about Charlotte Lingling on the black market

"Good! Since you want to go, let's go to the pirate black market tomorrow!"

Rocks always responded to Loen's requests.

He wouldn't even ask Loen why he wanted to go to the black market.

If the younger brother wanted to go, he must have his reasons.

What's more, the younger brother took the initiative to shoulder the"hard" work of contacting women, so as a brother, he must meet the younger brother's needs in all aspects.

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