Early the next morning, the Rocks Pirates set out.

After a whole day of sailing, Rocks and others successfully arrived at the black market.

From a distance, one can see the unusually lively scene of the black market.

The island is crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder, and it looks prosperous and prosperous. However, if ordinary people see such a scene, they will probably be scared and turn the ship around and run away immediately.

Because most of the people on the island are ferocious pirates and lawless outlaws.

If there is a disagreement, the people here will fight, and brains and blood will flow all over the ground.

It is dozens of times more chaotic than the lawless zone of the Sabaody Archipelago.

This is the pirate black market.

The black market, as the name suggests, is an illegal market.

What about human trafficking, arms trafficking, biological and chemical weapons trafficking, etc. Those demands that cannot be met openly are all available in the black market.

"Hey, that looks like the Rocks Pirates that have been very popular recently!"

"The Rocks Pirates? Are they the rookie pirates who defeated the Garou Pirates?"

"I know this. I heard that the Garou Pirates were completely wiped out by them!"

"Captain Rocks’ bounty has reached 200 million berries, and I heard that his brother Lorne also has a bounty of 80 million berries!"

"The first reward was 200 million for one and 80 million for the other?"

"Oh my God, what is going on between these two brothers?"

"And I heard that these two brothers both possess the domineering aura!"

"Oh my god, two Conqueror Haki on one ship? Doesn't this sound like a rookie pirate group?"

As soon as they landed, the Rocks Pirates attracted some people's attention.

After all, after defeating the large pirate group, the Garou Pirates, the Rocks Pirates are in the limelight.

In this era, a bounty of 100 million Baileys is already a big pirate.

The first bounty was a big hit, with a bounty of 200 million.

Rocks is the first!

This is definitely the rising star of the pirates, with huge potential, and maybe even the future of the pirate landscape will be changed.

"Hey, I didn't expect we were so famous."

""Lord Rocks and Lord Ron are so awesome!"

As soon as they got ashore, they heard people discussing the Rocks Pirates. The members couldn't help but smile. Even Rocks and Ron showed a hint of joy on their faces. After all, they were only in their teens and twenties, in the prime of their youth. They became the focus right after they went out to sea, so of course they felt a little excited.

"Humph, it's just good luck"

"This guy is the most popular newcomer, Rocks!"

"If I kill this guy, I will become famous too."

However, some people who like to do good things are also very unhappy with the Rocks Pirates.

How can the old pirates put their faces when a newcomer gets so much attention?

For a while, many fierce pirates slowly surrounded the Rocks Pirates.

Among them, there are some strong men with bounties of around 50 million.

"Get lost.....Trash!"

Rocks' observation Haki detected these malicious auras.

He released his Conqueror's Haki to scare the pirates to stop.

You know, Conqueror's Haki is divided into high and low levels. Rocks, who has mastered Conqueror's Haki: Entanglement, is undoubtedly at the top.

Only then did these pirates understand the value of the first bounty of 200 million Baileys!

This can't be explained by good luck.

This guy has the qualifications to stand at the top of the pirates!

The future sea will definitely be turbulent!

"Lord Rocks, take a look at the slaves here? They are all beautiful and charming. Do you want to buy some?"

"Lord Rocks, I have quite a few famous swords here, would you like to take a look? They are perfect for a man like you!"

""Lord Rocks, I have some weapons here. Do you want to give some to your pirate group?"

Soon some vendors also recognized Rocks and Lorne.

Rocks must have annexed his property to annihilate the Garou Pirates. He definitely has a lot of money.

Therefore, all the major vendors shouted hard.

"Let's go and see the slaves."

Soon Rocks and Lorne came to a shop that specialized in selling slaves.

There were many kinds of slaves here, including men, women, and other slaves including those of the long-handed tribe, the long-legged tribe, the fur tribe, and the snake people.

"Lord Rocks, please tell us what you like.

The vendor said with a flattering face.

"Is there a human princess?"

Rocks asked.

"Of course there are. Recently, a group of princesses from fallen countries have arrived."

The vendor was overjoyed as he pulled over five or six timid women.

You should know that the price of these human princesses is not low.

After all, they are born as princesses.

Their looks and figures are first-class, so the price is naturally high.

The price of a princess is even ten times that of an ordinary woman!

"Are these real princesses?" Rocks asked with a skeptical glance.

"Of course it's true, I dare not deceive you!"

The merchant said with a lackey-like look, afraid of offending Rocks.

It must be said that these princesses have excellent looks and figures, they should be real princesses

"These are not needed."

But Luo En shook his head after seeing them. The value of these women in bringing good fortune to their husbands was too poor. The best was only C-level.

It was useless to buy them.

As the system said, the value of bringing good fortune to their husbands had nothing to do with their birth. Even if these women were princesses, their value of bringing good fortune to their husbands was very poor.

After all, many princesses were pampered and had bad tempers. It would be a miracle if they could bring good fortune to their husbands.

"Pull out all the female slaves you have here for me to see.


"Hurry up!"

The vendor did not dare to neglect it and quickly displayed all the female slaves in the store, including women of other races.

Wow, there were hundreds of them, and the scene was like a selection of concubines.

"This one looks good but not good enough for a husband....."

"This woman is good enough to bring good luck to her husband, but she looks too bad."

Women passed by Luo En like a revolving lantern.

Luo En kept shaking his head.

The best woman with good luck to her husband is only A-level, and she is an extremely ugly woman.

Luo En will not wrong himself for this advantage.

Even if it is S-level good luck to her husband, it is not good to be too ugly.

Soon, Luo En's sight stopped on a woman.

This woman has a good appearance and figure.

She has flowing blonde hair and big watery eyes.

She has the charm of Stella, the white rose in the original movie version of the Golden Emperor.

The only shortcoming is that her face is pale, sickly, and she keeps coughing.

It seems that she has a serious illness.

But her good luck to her husband is a big S-level!

This is the only S-level woman Luo En has met today!

S-level is the highest level of good luck to her husband given by the system!

"This is the woman!"

"How much? I want it!"

Lorne's eyes lit up, and he immediately decided to buy the woman in front of him.


After Loen finished speaking, the shopkeeper looked embarrassed, which made Rocks unhappy.

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