In a blink of an eye, nearly two months have passed.

In the past two months, Rocks has urged Lorne and Shirley to have children every day.

In addition, Rocks has also taken great pains to recruit some female ship doctors, nutritionists, chefs, boatmen and other personnel with clear functions.

If a pirate group wants to last for a long time, these positions are indispensable.

Rocks also specifically found out about a doctor who has a secret recipe for having a baby, and respectfully"invited" him to the island.

Since being influenced by Lorne, the idea of building a pirate group centered on power has changed to building a pirate group centered on blood ties.

Rocks is crazy about expanding the Rocks family.

This can only"suffer" Lorne.

Then there are those members who have followed Rocks and Lorne since their hometown.

These days they have not been idle, but have been training day and night to enhance their strength.

Many of them have learned the six styles of the navy through hard practice.

There are even more talented people who have realized domineering under the personal guidance of Rocks.

The entire Rocks Pirate Group is in a period of thriving development.

Finally one day, the Rocks Pirates received great news -

Shirley was successfully pregnant!

"Hahahaha, my Rocks family has a successor!"

"Wow, hahahaha! That’s great! Everyone, let’s have a party for me!"

After getting the news, the most excited person wasn’t Shirley or Lorne, but Rocks!

"I’m going to have nephews and nieces!"

"I’m going to have nephews and nieces!"

"Hahahaha, I'm going to have nephews and nieces!"

"I'm going to have a second family! Hahahaha!"

After getting the news, Rocks laughed excitedly like crazy.

His laughter even broke through the sky.

In this cold and cruel world, blood relationship is the most reliable relationship.

Lorne is Rocks's younger brother and his only family.

Now his younger brother is about to have a child!

It means that he will also have a lovely nephew or niece!

How can Rocks not be excited?

Seeing Rocks' almost crazy state, Lorne and Shirley were stunned.

"Brother Rocks....Nothing is wrong, right?"

After two months of getting along, Shirley was not as cautious as she was at the beginning.

After all, Lorne was very"fond" of her.

Rocks treated Shirley like his sister-in-law.

As a result, the members of the Rocks Pirates all respected Shirley very much.

Of course, being born in the royal family, Shirley was also a woman with top IQ and EQ.

She knew that the reason why the entire Rocks Pirates respected her was all because of Lorne.

If Lorne didn't care about her so much one day, her status would plummet.

She had to work harder and serve Lorne with all her strength.

"Brother, he must be happy from the bottom of his heart."

Looking at his brother's excitement, Loen also felt a little sad in his heart.

Don't be fooled by the image of Rocks who is fearless in front of outsiders.

That's just the strong armor created by Rocks.

He and Rocks escaped from the Holy Land when they were 6 years old.

Two little boys who were powerless, if they don't show a little cruelty, won't they be bullied to death?

Only in front of him, Rocks will show his soft side.

Only Loen knows that his brother was not invincible in the world when he was born.

He was beaten into a pig head and cried like a tearful man.

In his heart, he is just like Whitebeard, and he is extremely eager for family and home.

Perhaps this is the reason why Rocks is more excited than himself as a father.

Then Loen instructed the female ship doctor to take good care of Shirley, and then he left the room and began to study the system alone.

Just when Loen learned that Shirley was pregnant, the system prompt sounded accordingly.

【Detected that the host is about to have its first offspring】

【Start giving out rewards!】

【Reward the host with intermediate observation Haki, intermediate Conqueror Haki, and advanced Armament Haki·Ryusakura!】

【Reward the host with intermediate swordsmanship, and double the physical strength, power, and speed!】

【The proficiency of the six navy styles has increased!】

【Rewards the host with the passive skill"Never Tired"!】

【Rewards the host with the"Golden Eye" passive skill!】

【Ding~ Special rewards:】

【Since this is the host's first time giving birth to a child, I hereby reward the host and his offspring with one of the SSS-level talents - free cultivation!】


【Finally, I hope the host will work harder and strive to have many grandchildren and enjoy the family life as soon as possible. 】

A series of system upgrade sounds made Luo En a little confused for a while.

My goodness, is there such a big reward?

It took several minutes for the system prompt sound to disappear.

"All three colors of Haki have been upgraded, and the armament color has leapt to a high level, and Ryuo has also been comprehended!"

"And other abilities have been improved to varying degrees."

Lorne couldn't wait to open the system panel

【Host: Lorne】

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 18】

【Speed: Advanced】

【Strength: Advanced】

【Physical strength: Advanced】

【Swordsmanship: Intermediate】

【Armament Haki: Advanced, awakening Ryuo; Observation Haki: Intermediate; Conqueror Haki: Intermediate】

【Devil Fruit: None】

【Other abilities: never tired, golden eyes, free practice! 】

After seeing his own panel, Luo En felt a sense of satisfaction.

Just having a child can improve so much, this is too cool

"By the way, what do the three skills of"Never Tired, Golden Eyes, and Free Practice" mean?"

Lorne began to study the three skills that the system rewarded him.

Then, with the explanation of the system, Lorne understood.

Never Tired is a life skill, and he will [Never Tired] when it comes to making children!

There are only cows that die of exhaustion, but no land that is spoiled by plowing.

This skill is also to prevent Lorne from becoming the"cow that dies of exhaustion", which is very humane.

Golden Eyes is also a life skill. After possessing this skill, you can see the index of a woman's prosperity for her husband.

Simply put, the higher the index of a woman's prosperity for her husband, the more unexpected surprises she can bring to Lorne!

The system divides the index of a woman's prosperity for her husband into E, F, and G.、D、C、B、A、S six levels.

The child's talent is divided into E、D、C、B、A、S、SS、There are eight levels of SSS.

The higher the woman with the higher Lucky Husband Index, the higher the talent of the child born.

The talent of the child born with the E-level woman is E-B level.

The talent of the child born with the D-level woman is D-A level.

Only with the S-level woman can the talent of the child born be S-SSS level. This also avoids the possibility that Luo En will be blind and have love everywhere, and give birth to a bunch of prodigal sons and waste.

It is a very humane skill.

As for the child's talent, it can be shared with Luo En.

In other words, the higher the talent of the child born, the more Luo En will get.

This time, the SSS-level talent of self-cultivation is a very BT talent!

Self-cultivation, as the name suggests.

The effect is that all your abilities will be cultivated freely!

That is to say, Luo En does not need to do anything, and all his abilities will be cultivated and improved by himself!

Not only that, with the talent of self-cultivation, the children born do not need to do anything, and all kinds of domineering abilities will be improved by themselves!

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