On the second day after the Navy Headquarters was destroyed, in the Holy Land, Marijoa, the atmosphere in the Hall of Power was tense.

The five elders who were the"highest power in the world" and controlled the world government gathered in the Hall of Power. Each of them was in a different pose.

The only thing in common was that the five people looked at the man in front of them with anger in their eyes - the Navy Admiral whose hair and beard had turned white overnight.

"I spend so much money every year to support you, but in the end I just support a bunch of useless people!"Marshal!"

The scolding came loudly. The God of War in charge of finance among the Five Elders did not care about the presence of other soldiers and yelled at the Marshal.

Faced with such an ugly scolding, the Marshal lowered his head like a primary school student, not daring to refute at all, and even...I dare not look up to see the faces of the Five Elders

"Not only did they fail to wipe out the Rocks Pirates, but they also had nearly 100 billion Baileys worth of supplies destroyed by Ron!"

"Are you all a bunch of idiots in the navy?���

"They actually made such a fatal mistake! What a bunch of idiots!"

Although the finances were mainly under the control of the Finance God, the other five elders could not help but scold.

"I will take full responsibility for this matter."

The Admiral still lowered his head like a primary school student, and said in a weak voice,

"Are you fully responsible? Can you handle this responsibility?"

"Or is your life worth 100 billion Baileys?"

The God of Finance scolded mercilessly, with a hint of murderous intent in his tone!

It is indeed rare to find a great admiral, and it is even more difficult to train a naval marshal.

But compared with nearly 100 billion Baileys, even a naval marshal seems insignificant.

After all.....According to the value of devil fruits, the most expensive surgery fruit is only 5 billion berries, and other powerful fruits are less than 5 billion berries. With hundreds of billions of berries of resources piled up, it is conservatively estimated that the world government can train 3-4 general-level strongmen without any problem!

"If my life is useful, just take it."

The Admiral of the Navy also gritted his teeth and prepared to take all the responsibility.

Hearing this, the angry faces of the Five Elders finally showed a hint of relaxation.

After all, this was just licking, if they continued to scold, they would be embarrassed.

"never mind...Now that things have come to this, there is no point in punishing him any further."

"The most important thing is that we must not let the news of the navy’s defeat and the destruction of supplies leak out!"

"Otherwise, it will greatly affect the credibility of the world government in the hearts of member countries around the world."

"As for why we didn't wipe out the Rocks Pirates, we just made up an excuse and said that we wiped out nearly half of the members of the Rocks Pirates, and the next action will be to truly wipe out the Rocks Pirates."

"Anyway, the whole world doesn't know the true outcome of this war."

At this moment, the other five elders began to come out to smooth things over.

As the highest authority, the five elders are not people who act on impulse.

Things have already happened, no matter how upset they are, it will be useless. The most important thing is to solve the current problems.

After all, the world government still cannot do without thugs like the navy. As a boss, the combination of carrots and sticks is the key. Blindly suppressing can only have the opposite effect.

Now that the big stick has been thrown, the next step is to use carrots to win people's hearts.

"In this case, all messages should be blocked immediately....We must not let this matter leak out and affect the credibility of the government and the navy."

Soon the Five Elders also issued an order.

"That...What should we do with the navy? The navy has no more supplies and only has 10 warships left."The admiral said softly, treading on thin ice.

"What else can we do? Are we really going to leave you alone?"

"A few days later, when they were about to collect the gold from the sky from various countries, they were notified that the price of gold from the sky had increased."

"Let's use the extra gold from heaven to make up for the navy's military expenses."

The five financial elders glared at the navy marshal fiercely, and then regained their composure.

"I...I see!"

"I represent the entire Navy....Thanks to the Five Elder Stars..."My Lord!"

The Admiral of the Navy never expected such a result, and looked overjoyed. He even lowered his attitude to the lowest level and called the Five Elders"My Lord"!

Seeing the excitement of the Admiral of the Navy, the five elders also showed a barely perceptible smile.

Although this matter is very embarrassing, as long as it is not leaked, it will not have a big impact on the government's credibility.

On the contrary, although the World Government has suffered a lot of losses, it has further won the hearts of the Navy, making the Navy a"justice army" that obeys the orders of the World Government in the future!

It can be said that there is gain for loss, and the loss is stopped to the greatest extent.

"Don't stay here, go back to Marinford and calm the troops."

"Tell the navy that the supplies will arrive in a few days.

"yes...Subordinates, immediately...

I'll go right away." The Admiral thanked him and then ran away from the Hall of Power.

"Five Elder Stars...big...Something terrible has happened!"

A signalman rushed into the Hall of Power, his tone very flustered.

"What's the matter?"Five Elders said with some displeasure

"this...this....you...Please take a look at it yourself."

The signalman didn't know how to answer the five elders' question for a moment. After hesitating for a long time, he took out a stack of newspapers and placed them neatly on the table."This is...This is today's news"


Seeing this, the Five Elders all looked at the newspaper on the table, and then one of them reached out and took a copy.

Just one minute later.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Five sharp auras appeared in the Hall of Power. For a moment, the floor, windows, ceiling, luxurious chandeliers, exquisite tables and chairs in the Hall of Power were all shattered!

The reason was simple, because the front page of today's news read [The myth of the undefeated navy is shattered, and the Rocks Pirates won a great victory!】

【The new king of the sea is coming!】

【The new king ascends the throne! The Rocks Pirates!]

Just a few headlines on the front page were shocking.

What made the Five Elders even more angry was that today's news actually directly disclosed the news of the Navy's defeat! Tens of thousands of grassroots Navy soldiers were wiped out by the Rocks Pirates! Even the destruction of Navy supplies was disclosed! Of course, when the Five Elders received this newspaper, the same news had already been sent to all parts of the world by hundreds of thousands of newspaper birds.

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