"Hey, this can't be true, can it? You are not kidding!"

"Am I dreaming? What on earth is going on?"

"The Navy dispatched two generals, one general candidate, 16 lieutenant generals, 45 warships, and tens of thousands of naval elites! Even CP0, the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons, joined the war."

"And even the Admiral himself was there! He was the Admiral!"

"result.....In the end, they failed to destroy the Rocks Pirates! ? ?"

"Not only that, the navy was the one that suffered heavy casualties. Due to the ambush by the Rocks Pirates, at least 30,000 navy soldiers died in this battle. Those were all elite soldiers of the navy!"

"Moreover, most of the 45 warships were destroyed, leaving only 10 warships!"

"Not only that, the Navy Headquarters also suffered!"

"It's the second in command of the Rocks Pirates! Lorne Gibeck goes straight to Huanglong alone and raids the Navy Headquarters!"

"Vice Admiral Clay, the elite admiral of the Navy Headquarters, was killed and all the Navy's supplies were destroyed!"

"A total of 100 warships, countless guns, bullets, swords and other supplies and equipment were all destroyed by Lorne Gibeck!"

"The total value of the destroyed materials exceeded 100 billion Baileys!"

"this....How terrible!"

"Moreover, Lorne Jibek obtained the power of the deceased Navy Admiral [Thunder Dragon] and ate the Thunder Fruit!"

"Oh my god, this is not the end!"

"What's going on with these two brothers? Forget about the elder brother Rocks, but how come his younger brother Lorne is also a monster!"

At this moment, it was an ordinary morning.

Located at the junction of the Grand Line, on the special island of the Sabaody Archipelago that connects the New World and the first half of the Grand Line.

When the newspaper bird dropped today's newspapers one by one.

Exclamations kept appearing on this island!

After reading the full content of the news, for a moment, the people on the entire island were like being struck by lightning, their bodies stiffened, and their expressions were horrified!

This scene did not only happen in the Sabaody Archipelago.

The Seven Water City, Alabasta, and Drum Island in the first half of the Grand Line.

Dressrosa, the Kingdom of Flowers, the Kingdom of Lulucia, etc. in the New World.

And the Kingdom of Goa and Frevans in the four seas.

After seeing today's news, people's expressions all showed great fear!

As if they had been blown up by a landmine, everyone's hair stood up!

After all...This result was really beyond everyone's expectations.

The navy sent out so many troops, including four admirals!

Plus so many elite vice admirals, 45 warships and tens of thousands of navy.

With such a lineup, the navy is enough to wipe out any pirate group in the world!

After all, in this era, four admirals are enough to look down on the entire ocean.

You must know that this is not the [Great Pirate Age] in the original work. There is no pirate group that can surpass the Four Emperors in later generations! There are not even any pirate groups close to the size of the [Four Emperors].

At this time, the strength of the entire navy is completely crushed when it comes to a single pirate group!

In fact, at the beginning of the war, everyone had expected the outcome of this war-the navy would win without any suspense.

But the result was a huge surprise to everyone!

Not only did the navy fail to successfully wipe out the Rocks Pirates, but it also paid the price of 30,000 navy soldiers.

And...All the supplies of the Navy Headquarters were destroyed!

The entire Navy Headquarters was left with only 10 warships, which completely lost their mobility!

Such a result has caused people all over the world to fall into extreme panic!!

Without warships, how can the Navy protect so many World Government member states?

Although there are Navy branch bases scattered around the world, without the support of the Navy Headquarters, can those branch bases really deter pirates?

Can the Navy still maintain the safety of the people and protect the so-called justice?

All of this must be marked with a big question mark!

In fact, many pirates have already sensed the opportunity after seeing the news-the Navy has no warships, so isn’t it a good opportunity to rob?!

Therefore, pirates all over the world heard the news and began to invade the wealthy member states!!

Even some bold pirates are planning to attack the Navy branch base!

After all, without the support of the Navy Headquarters, the Navy branch is completely a tree without roots, water without a source, and it is difficult to support itself!

The whole world was in chaos in an instant!

The credibility of the World Government has suffered a devastating blow!

All this is because of a man - Lorne Jibek!

It was because of his own strength that he attacked the Huanglong Navy Headquarters and successfully forced the Navy to retreat and protected the Rocks Pirates!

After this battle, Lorne's name also resounded throughout the world, and he was as famous as Rocks!

After this battle, the bounties of the members of the Rocks Pirates also skyrocketed instantly!

Captain Rocks Jibek, the bounty is 2.985 billion Baileys!

Vice Captain Lorne Jibek, the bounty has skyrocketed to 2.365 billion Baileys! The third-in-command Edward Newgate also had a combat power comparable to that of Admiral Hakuba, and his bounty soared from 400 million Baileys to 1.178 billion Baileys!

【[The Worst Fishman] Neptune's bounty has also reached 395 million Baileys!

The bounty of Dal, the Rocks Pirates cadre who was able to stop the Admiral candidate Golden Snake, has also reached 215 million Baileys!

So far, the first pirate group on the sea with two pirates with bounties exceeding 2 billion has been born!

That is the Rocks Pirates!

Not only are they two 2 billion bounties, the Rocks Pirates are also the first terrifying pirate group on the sea with three bounties exceeding 1 billion Baileys!

For a time, the name of [Overlord of the Sea] spread like wildfire, and the Rocks Pirates have been regarded as the most terrifying, most vicious, and most feared pirate group on the sea!

And all this, less than a year after the Rocks Pirates set out to sea!

"Hahahaha, this is incredible, the Rocks Pirates!"

"Did they defeat the navy? It's really unexpected."

"【Sea Overlord]? That's really interesting."

"It seems that this is the first time that a pirate group has a double bounty of 2 billion. It's really exaggerated!"

"It's so amazing, I really want to meet this Rocks Pirates."

At the same time, the new pirates also received the news.

Roger, Shiki, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, John and other newcomers of the same era were also shocked by the result of this war!.........

At the same time, the day after the big news was revealed, Loen also successfully returned to Wano Country.

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