"Great, there's still time for everything!"

After seeing Lorne's figure and the intact Navy Headquarters, the Navy Marshal, White Horse, and Black Hawk couldn't help but quicken their pace.

"Have you returned? Well, I'll give you a big gift."

Lorne also sensed the aura of the three people, and immediately a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

""Thunder Emperor Qilin!"

Luo En burst out with all his thunder power. The clouds above the Navy Headquarters piled up into a tornado shape, forming a huge and frightening cloud vortex.

In the center of the vortex, lightning and thunder raged from time to time. As the clouds surrounded it, thunder roared.

"What does this guy want to do?"

Seeing this scene, the Admiral, White Horse, and Black Hawk all felt nervous.

The next moment.

Crash, crash!

A scene that shocked the three people appeared. The vortex of the cloud slowly dissipated, and then a giant ball of lightning composed of high-temperature lightning slowly fell from the cloud!

The diameter of the giant ball lightning was more than several thousand meters, and its size was comparable to that of an island!



There seemed to be a roar in the thunder, and a scene that shocked the three people again appeared.

The original giant ball lightning seemed to be injected with consciousness. In less than a few seconds, the giant ball lightning faded its original form and turned into a terrifying creature with a bloody mouth!

That was the appearance of the legendary beast-Qilin!

"Roar! ~Roar~!"

The Qilin roared throughout Marinford, and then it suddenly moved, and its descent speed suddenly increased, rushing straight to Marinford!

If the Qilin really smashed down, I'm afraid half of Marinford would be sunk!

"Well, goodbye, everyone in the navy, enjoy it slowly."

Looking at his"masterpiece", Loen did not forget to greet the Navy Marshal, White Horse, and Black Hawk who were rushing towards him.

Of course, he could not fight head-on with three admiral-level strongmen, and the right way was to use a big move and run away.

Zila Lala~

Loen did not delay, and after releasing the Qilin, he instantly turned into lightning and quickly left Marinfando!

"Damn bastard!"

Black Hawk wanted to chase him, but was stopped by the Navy Marshal.

"Stop chasing, let's solve this tricky thing first."

"Once it falls into the town, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The Admiral quickened his pace again, and even flames appeared under his feet.

Hearing this, Black Hawk calmed down and followed the Admiral to speed up madly. White Horse also quickened his pace again.

Crack~ Crack~

As they hurried on their way, the Qilin Thunder had already fallen, and the moment it touched the tallest building in the entire Marinford - the Navy Headquarters Building.

Crash, crash~!

The building that symbolized justice could not withstand such destructive power at all, and began to shatter and collapse!

"Damn it!"

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The Admiral, Black Hawk, and White Horse also burst out like a small universe when they saw this, and their speed increased even faster.


Finally, after the Navy headquarters building was devoured, the three of them caught up with the Kirin when it was about to fall into the town's residential area.

At the first moment, Admiral Hakuba activated his ability of the Slow-Slow Fruit and reduced the Kirin's speed to the minimum.

Then, swish swish swish!

Admiral Black Hawk used his superb swordsmanship and the Navy Marshal's super physical skills. With the cooperation of the two admiral-level strongmen, they successfully dispersed the Kirin composed of lightning!

"Fortunately, I caught up....."

"Yes, if only the naval building was destroyed, this price would be bearable."

White Horse and Black Hawk were also thankful that not much damage was caused.

"It always feels wrong....Search Marinford immediately to see if there are any more losses."

The Admiral did not feel relaxed at this moment, but instead had a bad premonition.

With Loen's means and speed, would this guy be content if he only destroyed the building of the Navy Headquarters?

Since most of the navy at the scene were stunned by Loen's domineering aura, and the rest of the navy troops did not return.

Therefore, the Admiral, Black Hawk, and White Horse, the three senior officials, took the rare step of personally conducting a carpet search of Marinford.

Soon, the three of them came to the warehouse where the navy supplies were stored.

"What a bastard!"

"Damn pirates!"

"Lorne Gibbeck must pay!"

Then, the warehouse was filled with angry shouts from three people, full of hatred, and their voices revealed a kind of anger that would not be satisfied even if they cut Loen into pieces!

After all, more than 100 warships, countless supplies, guns, and equipment, were all destroyed!

At least supplies worth hundreds of billions of Baileys were gone!

How could the three not be angry!

You know, these supplies are not taken for nothing.

After suffering so much anger from the Five Elders, doing so much work for the World Government, and even serving as bodyguards and thugs for those trash of the Celestial Dragons, this is how so many supplies were exchanged!

These are all [cowardly] expenses, and now, all of them have been destroyed in one breath!

How can the navy live in the future?

Especially since the 100 warships have been destroyed, and Loen has already destroyed dozens of patrolling warships.

In addition, the dozens of warships sent out to attack the Rocks Pirates this time have long been destroyed, leaving only ten ships.

In other words, the huge Navy Headquarters now has only 10 warships that can be used?!

What's the difference between 10 warships and nothing for the Navy Headquarters with tens of thousands of people?

Without warships on the sea, what's the difference between a swordsman without a sword and a fishman who can't swim?

How can we play like this?

We planned a world-renowned operation and dispatched so many strong men just to wipe out the Rocks Pirates in one fell swoop.

Now,���The Cos Pirates were not annihilated, and the Navy's own supplies were destroyed!

How can they explain this to the Five Elders? ?

And now that there are no supplies, the Navy has to beg the Five Elders for them.....

How contemptuous will the faces of those five people be at that time.

Thinking of this, the hair and beard of the Navy Admiral suddenly turned white with worry, and he even felt a little desperate!

There was even a faint trace of blood on the corners of his mouth, he was so angry that he was about to get internal injuries!

Even the two Navy admirals Black Hawk and White Horse, who were in their prime, were so angry that blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

In this battle, the Navy completely lost both the wife and the soldiers, and broke both his arms and hands, which was a serious blow to its vitality! What the Navy will face next is the dissatisfaction of the whole world, the dissatisfaction of the Five Elders, the world government, and the ridicule of pirates all over the world!

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