At the same time, at the Navy Headquarters, Marinford

, the highest commander at this time was Vice Admiral Clay, an elite vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

"Lightning outside? Could it be that the enemy has arrived?!"

After seeing the sudden lightning around Marinford, which was like the end of the world, Vice Admiral Clay immediately stood up and asked the navy soldiers beside him!

But as soon as he finished speaking, a lightning flash instantly shattered the glass of Vice Admiral Clay's office and appeared in front of everyone.

"Lorne Jibek!"

After seeing Lorne and the familiar ability, Vice Admiral Clay's face was horrified and his pupils trembled!

Although he had long been informed by the Navy Marshal that Lorne had seized the ability of the Thunder Fruit.

But seeing it with his own eyes, Vice Admiral Clay was still extremely shocked.

After all....He is Mr. Lei Long's direct descendant!

His boss's ability actually fell into the hands of pirates, and Vice Admiral Clay was heartbroken.

"Lieutenant General Clay? Long time no see. If it hadn't been for you last time, I'm afraid Cap would have been gone."

Lorne didn't expect to meet an old acquaintance here, and he chuckled.

"The Pirate...You dared to attack the Navy Headquarters? You are courting death!"

Vice Admiral Clay was so angry that he drew out his sword and attacked Lorne with his armed color domineering.

"You actually rushed over so directly, it seems that I was underestimated."

Lorne drew out the Tenyuyuzan lightly, attached the armed color domineering, and attached the electric current of the Thunder Fruit to the blade.


After only a few rounds of confrontation, which lasted only 2 minutes, Lieutenant General Clay was hit by the electric current all over his body and fainted!!

"about there...It's time for the Navy to pay the price it deserves."

After dealing with Vice Admiral Clay, Lorne once again activated his Observation Haki.

Immediately, the entire Marinford was enveloped by Lorne's Observation Haki.

"found it..."

Luo En's eyes lit up, and his observation Haki captured the information he wanted - the navy's material storage.


He turned into lightning and disappeared on the spot. In a few seconds, Luo En swaggered to the place where the navy stored materials.

"There is an enemy attack!"

"It was Lorne Gibbeck!"

"Damn it! We must not let him destroy this place!"

As soon as Loen appeared, the three navy captains and nearly a hundred navy soldiers who were guarding here spotted Loen.

As soon as they spotted Loen, the navy took out their guns and cannons and shot at Loen.


Without any nonsense, Loen released his domineering aura, and hundreds of guards all had their eyes turn white and fainted.

"Thunder punishment!"

After getting rid of these naval guards, Loen released terrifying thunder and lightning, smashing the steel door of the huge warehouse of the Navy's supplies into pieces.

Walking into the warehouse, the abundant supplies piled up like several small mountains appeared in front of Loen.

In the warehouse that was so huge that it was almost half of the island, there were more than 100 naval warships alone!

In addition, there were countless guns, swords, uniforms, fresh water, food, shells, Den Den Mushi, uniforms and other equipment and weapons.

The items in this warehouse alone were conservatively estimated to be at least tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of Baileys!

"As expected of the Navy, it is so rich."

Looking at the warehouse, Loen couldn't help but his eyes turned into the image of money.

As the most powerful violent organization under the World Government, the Navy must spend the most military funds to build this army of justice.

Of course, the hand that is taken is short, and the mouth that eats is soft.

It is precisely because the World Government has given the Navy so much military support, so the Navy must also be under the jurisdiction of the World Government and obey the orders of the World Government.

Even at the cost of becoming the thugs and running dogs of the Celestial Dragons.

Looking at the materials piled up into several small hills, Loen's mouth showed a triumphant smile.

Even if the Navy has too much money to spend, destroying tens of billions and nearly hundreds of billions of Baileys of materials at once will probably be very painful for the Navy and the World Government.

While walking deeper into the warehouse and watching, Loen unexpectedly discovered several devil fruits!

"Interesting, there won't be Lava Fruit, Ice Fruit, or Sparkle Fruit among these devil fruits, right?"

Looking at those devil fruits, a gleam of light flashed in Lorne's eyes again!

You know, the original book did not explain the source of the fruits of the three future admirals of the navy, Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru.

Maybe it was given to them by the navy!

If that's true, then there are three top-level natural devil fruits hidden in these devil fruits!

Then the strength of the Rocks Pirates will be greatly enhanced!!

If that's the case, it would be great!

"Never mind, just take it away first."

Lorne packed these devil fruits and immediately released lightning towards these mountain-like materials.

"Three thousand volts, Thunder King!"

Zila la~Zila la~

Lorne released huge lightning in this warehouse.

The lightning continued to rage and burn!

The high temperature, explosion, and flames lasted for dozens of minutes, and finally destroyed all the supplies here in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

Not only that.

After destroying the supplies, Lorne destroyed more than 100 warships that were quietly anchored!

"Fifty million volts of thunder and lightning to destroy the disaster!"

"100 million volts - Thundergod's wrath!"

"Heavenly thunder tribulation!"

"Thunder Dance Formation!"

A series of thunder and lightning were released continuously, and it took Luo En half an hour to destroy all the more than 100 warships!

"kindness...Such a price should be enough to teach the Navy a lesson."

Looking at the warehouse full of ashes, with no resources left, Loen nodded with satisfaction.

Nearly 100 billion worth of supplies were gone, it was really exaggerated!

I wonder what kind of expressions the Navy Marshal, White Horse, Black Hawk and even the Five Elders would have when they knew about it. It's a pity that I can't witness it with my own eyes.

Thinking of this, Loen almost laughed out loud.

"But the navy should be catching up soon."

Ron immediately released his observation Haki again, and opened the range to the maximum.

As expected, Ron could already sense that there were several powerful auras rushing towards Marinford!

This should be the Admiral of the Navy, Black Hawk, White Horse and others using powerful physical skills to quickly return to Marinford.

After all, if they really wanted to follow the warship back, it would probably take at least a whole day.

"Since there is still some time, let's destroy the Navy building."

Lorne smiled and left the supply department and came to the outside of the Navy headquarters building!

"Looks like we caught up!"

"He didn't have time to do anything!"

"What a blessing!"

At the same time, the Admiral, Black Hawk, and White Horse, who were using the Moon Step to rush through the air, discovered Loen's presence the moment he appeared!

However, they did not know that Loen had destroyed all the supplies.

Instead, after seeing the intact Navy Headquarters building, the three of them felt relieved.

It seems....Before Loen could cause too much damage, everything was still in time!

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