"The navy must pay the price!" Lorne said firmly.

"I understand, Luo En, you must put your own safety first. After this battle, I am also going to give the Tianlong people a little shock. Don't get hurt."

"There are still three days until the Celestial Dragons collect the Heavenly Gold."

Locks hurriedly gave instructions after hearing this.

He knew his brother Lorne's character and could not persuade him at this time.

After giving instructions, Locks hung up the phone and said to Neptune beside him.

"Neptune, take some people to pick up Lorne."

"I understand, Lord Rocks."Neptune nodded, and immediately led several elite fishmen warriors to the bottom of the sea, swimming quickly towards the direction of the Navy Headquarters.

On the other side, in about a few hours, Loen had arrived near the Navy Headquarters.

From a distance, Loen could see that the seas around Marinford were constantly patrolled by the Navy's patrol warships, and searchlights were constantly searching on the sea.

At the same time, Loen fully activated his Observation Haki, and with the ability of the Thunder Fruit, the range of his Observation Haki expanded rapidly.

With Loen as the center, his Observation Haki expanded to a distance as large as an island. In an instant, all the surrounding Navy patrol warships and the garrison at the port of Marinford were within Loen's perception.

"Haha, there are only a few thousand navy soldiers and a vice admiral and several major generals left in Marinford. The navy really doesn't leave any room for maneuver."

After finding out this information, a smile appeared on the corner of Loen's mouth.

The ability of the Thunder Fruit is too powerful. The bonus of the observation color allows him to easily grasp the situation of the navy's garrison troops.

""There won't be an ambush, will there?"

However, Luo En was also a little curious. The navy should have known that they would launch a sneak attack, so why didn't they report it to the world government?

You know, even Luo En, a time traveler, knows very little about the true strength of the world government.

【King of the World】Imu needs no further explanation. The Five Elders who hold the title of Martial God alone are at least five General Emperor-level warriors!

Add to that the mysterious Knights of God, a total of nine people!

The strength of these nine people is also a mystery, but they can punish the Celestial Dragons at will and call them garbage. There are at least a few General Emperor-level warriors hidden among the nine people of the Knights of God!

In terms of strength, the General Emperor-level combat power in Mary Joa is no worse than that of the Navy, and it is even more terrifying!

You must know that Mary Joa is very close to Marinfando. Even if you have the Thunder Fruit, you will never be able to rush from the New World as fast as Mary Joa to Marinfando.

If the Navy is willing to ask the World Government for help, there should be at least one member of the Knights of God or a Five Elder Star garrisoned here.

Why doesn't Marinfando even have a General Emperor-level warrior? This made Loen very curious.

Could it be that there are already General Emperor-level warriors stationed in Marinfando, but they have hidden their aura and cannot be captured by themselves?

Thinking of this, Loen became careful.

However, soon, Lorne used his Observation Haki and Thunder Fruit to hear the random conversations of the patrolling navy below.

This is one of the abilities of the Thunder Fruit, which uses radio waves to eavesdrop on the conversations of people within the range of the Observation Haki.

This move was also called the Heart Net by Enelu on Sky Island.

"hateful....If that pirate Loen with a bounty of 400 million really comes, how can we resist him alone!"

"We should ask for help from the world government, otherwise we won't be able to hold on."

"The Navy is asking for help from the world government? How is that possible? Are you dying!?"

"We are the navy! We are subordinate to the world government. How could the world government send troops to guard us?"

"That's right, even Mr. Marshal wouldn't dare to ask the world government for support."

"Everything depends on ourselves!"

"Everyone, work harder and be alert. You must find the enemy as soon as possible!"

All kinds of whispering voices fell into Loen's ears.

Loen understood it all at once.

It turned out that the navy did not ask for help from the world government at all, because asking for help would not have any effect, but would be scolded by the world government!

After all, they are the Celestial Dragons, the gods who dominate the world!

The navy is just a running dog and thugs raised by the Celestial Dragons.

How can the master personally come out to guard the doghouse?

After understanding this truth, Loen almost laughed out loud.

Those who can work in the navy are really not ordinary people.

At least Loen himself certainly can't stand the temper of the Celestial Dragons

"In this case, let's give the navy a little surprise."

Thinking of this, Loen turned into a warship that flashed in front of him and appeared on the deck!

"Who is this guy?"

"The second-in-command of the Rocks Pirates, Lorne Gibeck, with a bounty of 465 million!"

"They've arrived so quickly! Sound the alarm immediately!"

Seeing the arrival, hundreds of navy officers on the warship panicked and shot at Loen with their guns.

Unfortunately, these bullets did not cause any trouble to Loen at all, and all of them were dodged by Loen's elemental transformation.

"This is...Mr. Lei Long's ability!"

"Luo En, has he taken away Mr. Lei Long's ability?"

Seeing this, the navy were all shocked.

"What's the point of sounding the alarm? Can the Navy Headquarters stop me now?"

Lorne sneered, and then he pointed his right hand to the sky.

The next moment.


For a moment, the sea outside the Navy Headquarters, Marinford, seemed to explode, and the thunder roared loudly, enough to break a person's eardrums.

The clouds in the sky piled up completely, becoming very dim, and they continued to rotate, forming a huge vortex cloud.

At the same time, the vortex-shaped cloud seemed to be accumulating some kind of huge power, and lightning flashed from time to time in the cloud.


""Thunder three thousand times!" Lorne spoke slowly.

Crash! Crash!

The clouds in the sky seemed to be inspired by God, rumbling, rumbling!

Dozens of lightning flashes poured down in an instant, like the arrival of gods!

Each lightning flash was tens of meters in diameter, and it was very easy to swallow a warship!

Rumbling, rumbling!

Each lightning flash corresponded to a warship, and dozens of lightning flashes instantly swallowed up dozens of warships patrolling around Marinford!

After the bombing lasted for several minutes, there was no warship standing on the sea in the surrounding waters!

A full thirty patrol warships, at this moment, all turned into a pile of debris floating on the sea!

Even the navy on the warships were burned black by the terrifying thunder. Some floated on the sea, and some sank to the bottom of the sea. Their lives and deaths were uncertain, a tragic scene!

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