"Charge! Destroy the Rocks Pirates!"

"Justice will never lose!"

"Destroy the navy! The Rocks Pirates will win!"

"Protect our home! This is a rare opportunity to live on land!"

"We must withstand the attack of the navy!"

At the same time, the Rocks Pirates and the navy officially came into close combat, and a fierce battle was underway!

Under the leadership of the sixteen elite vice admirals of the headquarters, the navy showed their magical powers.

Various long-range artillery fire, sword energy, finger guns, storm kicks, kicking skills and other physical skills bombarded the sea surface.

Some of the navy's ability users also used the moon step to fly into the air, trying to give full play to their ability user advantages.

Various dazzling abilities were launched towards the sea surface.

The fish people tried their best to play the advantage of their home field, hoping to pull the navy to the bottom of the sea for combat.

But although the fish people have the advantage of fighting at sea, they are facing the navy vice admirals who specialize in physical skills and the likes of Garp and Zephyr. Even if the masters of the navy sank into the sea, the fishmen could only passively take the beating!

At this time, the fishmen race did not have masters like Tiger and Jinbei in later generations.

The decline of the Rocks Pirates gradually emerged.

After all, the middle-level cadres are the weak point of the Rocks Pirates.

Although the entire pirate group has a large number of people, sufficient troops, and a huge momentum, it lacks middle-level cadres with a bounty of over 100 million!

Although the top combat power includes Rocks, Ron and Newgate, the navy has even dispatched the Navy Marshal this time!

Being able to stop the Navy Marshal, two Navy admirals, plus a candidate for admiral, the strength of the Rocks Pirates is already one of the top pirate groups on the sea!

"It seems that we can't continue fighting like this."

Loen's observation Haki also noticed that the situation on the entire battlefield was changing subtly.

After all, Loen's thunder fruit had a huge impact on his observation Haki, and Loen was aware of the situation on the battlefield.

The situation at this time was not good for the Rocks Pirates.

Under the attack of the navy, the Rocks Pirates had already seemed a little weak.

Originally, the Rocks Pirates relied on their home advantage and the racial advantage of the fishmen to eliminate many of the navy's manpower.

At least tens of thousands of elite naval soldiers died at the hands of the Rocks Pirates.

But the navy is very powerful. In addition to a large number of emperor-level strongmen, it also has sixteen elite vice admirals of the navy headquarters and dozens of rear admirals.

There are also naval geniuses such as Garp, Zephyr, Sengoku, and Crane, whose strength is already that of rear admirals.

The Rocks Pirates...Now they are very short of middle-level cadres and are unable to deal with the vice admirals and major generals of the Navy Headquarters.

The most crucial thing is that the information originally conveyed by the fishmen in the front was that the Navy would only dispatch two admirals from the headquarters and one admiral alternate.

The Rocks Pirates could still deal with three emperor-level generals.

But who knew that the Navy Admiral would also show up in person.

In this way, the Navy Headquarters dispatched four emperor-level generals!

You must know that the emperor-level generals are extremely terrifying. No matter how much advantage the troops have on the battlefield, it is meaningless in front of the emperor-level generals.

One emperor-level general is enough to match an army of 100,000 or even more.

The Rocks Pirates were able to resist, thanks to the elder brother who seized the barrier fruit, so they could barely hold on.

Otherwise, it would have been a defeat now.

""You bastard, you seem to be distracted, Lorne Jibek!"

At the same time, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, [World's No. 1 Swordsman] Black Hawk also noticed that Lorne seemed to be distracted, so he raised his famous sword [Demon Slayer] and slashed at Lorne without hesitation.


Lorne's observation Haki foresaw the future and accurately captured Black Hawk's intention. He transformed into an element in advance, turned into a ball of lightning and appeared dozens of meters away, avoiding the slash.

"What a tricky guy...."

Black Hawk pouted in dissatisfaction. Although the bounty on the guy in front of him was only 465 million, his strength far exceeded that bounty!

At least for the time being, he had no way to deal with him.

"Haha, there's no point in fighting any further....."

Lorne took this opportunity to glance at the situation on the battlefield, his eyes revealing deep worry.

In the battle between his brother Rocks and the Admiral of the Navy, the brother had a complete upper hand, but it would take a while to determine the winner. On the other side, Newgate and Admiral Hakuba were evenly matched, and it would take at least three days and three nights or even longer to determine the winner.

However, Dal, who had eaten the barrier fruit, had a hard time against the Navy Admiral candidate Golden Snake.

Under the continuous attacks of the Golden Snake, Dal could only defend, not attack, and the barrier was also weakened a little.

After all, maintaining the ability requires the physical strength of the ability user, and fighting against the Admiral candidate, Dal has performed exceptionally well for so long.

In addition, tens of thousands of fishmen led by Neptune are fighting against the remnants of the Navy led by sixteen elite vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

Although the casualties of the Rocks Pirates are not large at present, the decline...It has already appeared!!

If they continue to fight a protracted war, the situation of the Rocks Pirates will become worse and worse.

Especially the Admiral candidate Golden Snake.

Once Dal's physical strength is exhausted and he can't resist Golden Snake, the intrusion of the emperor-level strongman will definitely cause the casualties of the Rocks Pirates to increase rapidly, forming an irreversible defeat!

"Hahaha, are you scared? Lorne!"

"But it's too late! After your Rocks Pirates killed Thunder Dragon, the Celestial Dragon, and committed such a heinous crime, your Rocks Pirates' fate is doomed - death!"

Black Hawk noticed the worry in Ron's eyes and couldn't help laughing.

It seems that the outcome of this war has been decided!

The righteous navy is the final winner!

"hehe...Scared? You're mistaken! Black Hawk!"

"It's you, the navy, who should be afraid."

"Even the Admiral of the Navy has been dispatched. The Navy Headquarters, Marinford, is probably very under-guarded now....."

"In that case! The front page headline of tomorrow's newspaper will be [Marinford, the Navy Headquarters, was successfully captured by the Rocks Pirates! ], what do you think of this news headline?"

Lorne's eyes lit up, and a very bold idea suddenly emerged in his mind!

That is to steal Marinford!

After all, according to Lorne's understanding, the Navy has almost dispatched all its forces, and all the emperor-level strongmen are here.

Even the strong men at the level of vice admiral are almost all dispatched!

The force left behind in Marinford is likely to be ridiculously weak!

Marinford is the Navy headquarters. If it is captured by a pirate, the people of the world will fall into panic, and the reputation of the Navy will drop to what extent!

This....It’s so exciting just thinking about it!

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