"you..."What do you mean by that?"

At this moment, Black Hawk seemed to understand what Lorne meant, and his tone changed.

If Marinford was really captured by pirates, it would have a terrible impact on the whole world, and it would make the image of the navy in the hearts of the people decline to such an extent, which is completely unimaginable!

Even Admiral Black Hawk didn't know how much impact it would have on the whole world if this really happened!

After all, the Navy Headquarters is the Navy's nest, and no one in history has ever been able to capture the Navy Headquarters!

If it is really captured by pirates, how can the Navy have the face to represent justice in the future?

After all, if they can't even protect their own nest, how can the people believe that the Navy can protect their safety?

"Haha, don’t you understand what I mean?"

"The Admiral of the Navy has personally dispatched the troops. I'm afraid that Marinford is already empty now."

"Any pirate who invades Marinford can easily capture it!"

"It's interesting to think about what your navy will face by then......"

A scornful smile appeared on the corner of Lorne's mouth, and he carefully observed the expression on General Black Hawk's face.

In fact, Lorne did not dare to guarantee that his sudden bold idea would be 100% successful.

After all,.....This does require taking a big risk.

Because this era is so special, it is still decades away from the original novel.

Lorne is not sure whether there are other strong men in the navy of this era.

If the navy still has admiral-level combat power to protect Marinford, then his plan is likely to fail!

Therefore, Lorne stared at Admiral Black Hawk at this moment, trying to capture some useful information from his expression changes.

But unfortunately, Black Hawk did not show much expression.

"Do you think we will let you go just by saying this?"

"Haha, let’s first care about the life and death of your Rocks Pirates!"

"It's not your turn as a pirate to worry about the affairs of the Navy Headquarters."

Admiral Black Hawk sneered and rushed towards Lorne with the Demon Slayer in his hand.


Tianyu Yuzhan and Demon Slayer collided with each other, domineering and sparks of sword energy overflowed, and a vacuum zone was formed around them.

It's not that Black Hawk is not worried about the Navy Headquarters being attacked by pirates.

In fact, the Navy Headquarters is now very weak, and once it is targeted by the big pirates, it will almost fall immediately.

But because of this, the Navy deployed a large number of troops to patrol the surroundings of Marinford before leaving.

Once pirates invade, they will immediately receive an alarm from the Navy Headquarters.

Now he has not received an alarm from the pirate headquarters, so Admiral Black Hawk is not worried at all that Marinford will be attacked by the big pirates.

At this time, Lorne did not know what was in Admiral Black Hawk's mind. Lorne's brain was running fast, thinking about how to force the navy to retreat.

After all, if the fight continues, the Rocks Pirates will not be able to hold on.

Although Lorne, Rocks, and Newgate may not be in danger, the fish-man warriors and other members of the Rocks Pirates are in danger!

Soon....Loen thought of a good idea.


Loen turned into lightning and flashed a few hundred meters away, pulling away from the battle with Black Hawk General again.

"You cowardly pirate, are you so afraid of death?"Black Hawk said angrily.

The speed of Loen's Thunder Fruit is very impressive, and he can't keep up.


"Since the strength of the Navy Headquarters is so weak...So....This is a great opportunity!"

"No one in your navy can keep up with the speed of my Thunder Fruit!"

"In this case....."

Loen stared at General Black Hawk, with a very strange arc at the corner of his mouth, as if he was smiling.

At this moment, Loen turned into a flash of lightning.....It kept flashing, leaving a meteor-like electric tail in the air, and directly left the battlefield, moving rapidly towards the direction of the Navy Headquarters!

At the same time, Loen immediately activated the future-foreseeing Observation Haki, which could foresee the future for a short time!

Sure enough, in Loen's Observation Haki, Admiral Black Hawk saw the direction he was heading to the Navy Headquarters, and his face changed drastically!

Then Black Hawk said a few words to the Navy Admiral on the battlefield, and chased after him at the fastest speed.

Loen couldn't see the future after that.

But it was only this short future, Loen was sure.

The Navy Headquarters no longer had any extra power, and all the combat power was already in this sea area.

If he raided the Navy Headquarters at this time, he would definitely get unexpected results!

Thinking of this, Loen couldn't help but speed up!

The next moment, just as Loen's Observation Haki foresaw, when Admiral Black Hawk saw Loen directly give up the fight and move towards the Navy Headquarters at a thunderous speed, his face changed drastically and his pupils shrank suddenly!

This guy....Do you want to raid the Navy Headquarters directly? ?

An ominous thought appeared in Admiral Black Hawk's mind!

Judging from the situation he just fought with Loen, Loen's strength is extraordinary, and he has already stepped into the threshold of the Emperor-level strongman!

Coupled with the terrifying ability of the Thunder Fruit, if he succeeds in the raid, the troops stationed at the Navy Headquarters will not have any ability to resist!

At that time, it will be just like Loen said. The headline of the next day will definitely not be the destruction of the Rocks Pirates, but [Big Shock! The Navy Headquarters Marinford was destroyed by pirates]!

What a terrible impact it will have on the world at that time, Black Hawk can't imagine!

Especially Marinford is an island standing in the center of the world. It has been captured by pirates, and the Navy will never be able to raise its head again!

"Damn bastard!"

In a split second, General Black Hawk thought of what was going to happen next, as if he had received an electric shock!

So he immediately followed in the direction where Loen was moving, using the Moon Step.

At the same time, General Black Hawk did not forget to shout at the battlefield at the highest decibel he could.:

"Oh no! Lorne is planning to raid the Navy Headquarters, Marinford!"


"what's the situation!?"

"What the hell is going on?"

For a moment, after hearing Black Hawk's cry, the Admiral, White Horse Admiral and Admiral Candidate Golden Snake, who were in a fierce battle, immediately withdrew from the battle!

Then they looked at Admiral Black Hawk at the same time!

Then, the eyes of the three people reflected deep worry - in their field of vision, Loen was turning into rolling lightning and leaving the battlefield. The direction he was heading was the Navy Headquarters Marinford!

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