The consecutive injuries of two admirals of the navy plunged all the navy officers present into despair!

After all, they originally thought that this would be an extremely easy crushing battle, after all, the navy had already dispatched so many troops.

Two admirals of the navy headquarters, one admiral candidate of the navy headquarters, plus sixteen elite vice admirals of the navy headquarters, as well as tens of thousands of navy officers and dozens of warships. The power of the navy headquarters can be said to be out in full force, and all the forces that can be mobilized have been mobilized!

Even the navy marshal himself went out in person!

In terms of strength, the current Rocks Pirates are far from being comparable to the navy headquarters.

But I didn't expect that they are now in a bitter battle, and the navy is the one with heavy casualties!

The difference between this war and what was expected is too big, which has also caused the morale of the navy to fall into a serious depression, and even doubted whether they can win.

"Dear warriors of justice, do not panic!"

"Justice will never lose!"

""The Rocks Pirates are nothing but a bunch of rabble. Follow me and charge together!"

Just then, another deep voice sounded on the battlefield!

Everyone looked over and found that it was another master of the Navy Headquarters, the candidate for admiral - Vice Admiral Golden Snake!

Since there were only three admirals in the headquarters and it was full, Golden Snake could only act as a mid-level admiral candidate.

And because Lei Long died too suddenly, the Navy did not have time to hold a ceremony for his promotion, so he is still a candidate for admiral at this moment.

Although the strength of this candidate for admiral is not as good as that of a real admiral, it is not much different.

If we have to talk about strength, if the three current admirals are The strength is similar to that of the three generals, Chicken, Dog and Monkey in the original work, and their strength is extraordinary.

The strength of this general candidate is about the same as Green Bull in the original work.

In terms of strength, it is indeed at the general level, but the oppressive feeling compared to other generals is much worse!

However, even so, the strength of this general candidate is still in the category of general emperor level powerhouses, and is not much inferior to the real general emperor level powerhouses!

For the powerhouses below the general emperor level, it also has an overwhelming advantage.

Even a coward like Green Bull in the original work, facing the two top cadres, Quinn and Jin, he easily won. This is the reason.

"right...We also have Mr. Golden Snake!"

"That's right.....The Rocks Pirates only have three major executives, but we have Mr. Golden Snake, the candidate for admiral!"

"We still have hope of victory!"

Sure enough, after seeing the admiral candidate Golden Snake, the eyes of the navy were once again ignited with a raging fire, that is the"flame" called justice!

After all, the top strongmen of the Rocks Pirates are only Lorne, Rocks, and Newgate.

Now the three of them are being held back by the marshal, Black Hawk and White Horse admiral, and the others are just a mob!

Not only that, behind Golden Snake, there is a row of elite vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters!

The strength of these vice admirals is uneven. The strong ones have the same strength as the top cadres of the Imperial Corps, and the weakest ones also have the strength of the captain level of the Imperial Corps!

Combined together, it is also a considerable force!

"Destroy the Rocks Pirates, follow me!"

Admiral candidate Jinshe shouted angrily, and rushed towards the Rocks Pirates at the head of the group!

"Fishmen warriors, warriors of the Rocks Pirates, fight!"

At the same time, Neptune once again led nearly 10,000 fishmen warriors, as well as members of the Rocks Pirates and the general candidates to fight together!

""A mere murloc! A race that rebelled against the world government."

General Jinshe's eyes flashed with disdain.

It was true that the murlocs were ten times stronger than ordinary humans, but that was for ordinary humans.

For a general-level warrior whose strength was tens of thousands of times that of an ordinary human, what was the difference between a murloc and an ordinary human?

"Let's start with you, [The Worst Fishman] Neptune!"

At this time, Neptune was given the title of [The Worst Fishman] by the World Government.

After all, as a king, he actually led his people to betray the World Government and join the pirates, which made the World Government's dissatisfaction with him reach its peak.

Now is a good opportunity to get rid of him!

""Ocean whirlpool!"

Seeing this, Neptune raised his trident and churned up the sea. Huge waves rushed towards the admiral candidate Golden Snake.


Golden Snake just used his domineering power to disperse the waves rolled up by Neptune.

"hateful...The gap is too big!"

Neptune's strength is not weak, but he is not good enough in front of the emperor-level strongman.

""Die, Neptune!"

The golden snake grinned and rushed towards Neptune.

At the critical moment, bang!

A man suddenly appeared beside Neptune and actually blocked the attack of the admiral candidate golden snake!

That was the user of the barrier fruit!

After the battle of Wano Country, the barrier fruit was taken by Rocks and rewarded to the members of the Rocks Pirate Group.

Although the attack power of the barrier fruit is not strong, the defense power is amazingly strong.

In the original work, even Kozuki Oden at his peak was very troubled by the ability of the barrier fruit.

You must know that although Kozuki Oden is a complete idiot, he still has strength. After all, he is a man who can leave a psychological shadow on Kaido. The strength of Kozuki Oden at his peak is also a solid emperor-level powerhouse.

"Damn pirate! He was only one step away from taking down [The Worst Fishman] Neptune!"

Golden Snake, who could have killed Neptune, was very upset when he saw that he was blocked by a nobody.

"hehe....I am a member of the Rocks Pirates!"

This member of the Rocks Pirates is called Dahl. He shouted angrily and was very brave.

This is the benefit of Rocks and Loen's selection when they set out from their hometown.

Those who were selected are all courageous guys, and they will never give in even when facing the candidates for admiral!

"snort....You nameless bastard, go to hell!"General candidate Jinshe launched another fierce attack


Dahl stopped General Candidate Jinshe tightly. His ability and domineering power could not break through Dahl's barrier!

"Neptune, go somewhere else....I will stop this guy!"

While releasing the barrier, Dal turned his head and said to Neptune.

You know, although the Rocks Pirates have the advantage of terrain, they are still inferior to the navy in terms of hard power. Although this admiral candidate was blocked by himself, there are still 16 elite vice admirals in the headquarters!

These people should not be underestimated when they act together. If Neptune goes, it can also reduce the pressure on the Rocks Pirates.

"I understand. You have to be careful, Dahl, this is a candidate for admiral."

Neptune didn't say anything more. He nodded and took the trident to fight with an elite vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

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