"You are just a pirate, how dare you!......Give me your life!"

The Admiral of the Navy saw Rocks' arrogant face and couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

He bent his legs to 90 degrees, and then kicked hard in the air. The whole person came to Rocks' side at a fast speed like a human cannonball.

The fist of his right hand, at some point, condensed a terrifying airflow visible to the naked eye!

Not only the airflow, but also the strange black lightning flashed around the airflow, constantly raging!

There is no doubt that it was the black lightning that could only be erupted by the domineering color domineering!

(To prevent arguing, there should be no problem for the Admiral of the Navy to have the domineering color. In the latest episode, Aokiji may have the domineering color. Combined with the fact that the future Admiral of the Navy Sengoku also has the domineering color, it is not surprising that the then Admiral of the Navy had the domineering color)

"Overlord color entanglement? Interesting..."

Seeing this scene, Rocks also recognized it immediately. This was the Overlord Color Entanglement that only the top strong men in this sea could master. The next battle was very interesting.


It was rare to meet a master of physical skills. Rocks was not ready to use the power of the Dark Dark Fruit immediately, but he condensed a strong Overlord Color domineering on his fist without hesitation.

The clenched fist burst into a crackling sonic boom, and Rocks rushed forward!

Crash, crash!

Before the two fists collided, a spherical energy ball appeared.

This is the unique ability of the Overlord Color Entanglement. It can burst out power without touching the enemy. The energy ball in the center of the two fists is the best proof!

Crash, crash!

The next moment, the violent hurricane around the two people rose from the ground, forming a pulse-shaped terrifying air wave!

The range and power of this air wave are extremely terrifying. The mighty air wave directly rolled up the sea water under the feet of the two people, and set off hundreds of meters high waves. It looks like a tsunami launched by the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

Of course, this is not a tsunami, but a wave raised by the momentum.

But this is a spectacular scene formed by the confrontation of the two people's domineering and strength. You can imagine how powerful they are!

Even the dozen warships that have not sunk yet are constantly washed away by this terrifying air wave pulse and pushed back hundreds of meters.

The navy on the warships grabbed anything they could to protect themselves from being blown away by the air wave.

The densely packed fishmen and navy on the sea below were also lifted up by the huge waves!

This is the fighting power of the emperor-level strongman!

Every move is enough to cause a drastic change in the surrounding terrain!

Rumble, rumble!

The two sides were deadlocked in the sky for at least ten minutes, and then the energy ball hovering between the two people burst out instantly, forming a terrifying shock wave that spread to the surroundings!

"quick...Get away from the fight between those two people!"

"Don't get dragged into the fight between those two!"

"If you get caught in it, you will definitely die!"

Both the navy and the members of the Rocks Pirates fled from the battle area between Rocks and the Navy Marshal as quickly as possible.

Soon, after the energy ball exploded, the two appeared in front of everyone again.


Although the Admiral did not have any injuries, he was sweating profusely, breathing heavily, and his chest was heaving violently!

On the other hand, Rocks was also unscathed.


His forehead was only slightly sweaty, and his breathing was much more stable than that of the Admiral!

With just one punch, the difference was immediately apparent!

"marshal....Mr. Marshal....Actually fell into a disadvantage?!"

"this...What on earth is going on?"

"How terrible is that guy Rocks?"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the navy was horrified, as if they had seen a ghost!

Although neither side was injured in the punch just now, judging from the reactions of the Navy Marshal and Rocks, it was obvious that the Navy Marshal was at a disadvantage!

You know, the Navy Marshal can only become a marshal after standing out from the Navy Admirals.

Although there is no difference in level between the strength of the Navy Marshal and the Navy Admiral, in detail, the Navy Marshal is definitely slightly stronger than the Navy Admiral of the same period!

Don't underestimate this gap. For the top strong men, a tiny gap is enough to cause the battle to collapse!

Although the Navy Admiral is praised by the world as the [highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters], the real highest combat power is actually the [Navy Marshal]!

It's just that the Navy Marshal generally does not leave the Navy Headquarters and take action personally. Only in special circumstances like now will the Navy Marshal leave the Navy Headquarters and take action personally.

"As expected of Lord Rocks!"

"Hahahaha! The Admiral of the Navy is no more than that!"

""Brothers, charge! Destroy the navy! Let the name of the Rocks Pirates resound throughout the world!"

This scene also inspired all the members of the Rocks Pirates present!

Although Rocks and the Navy Admiral did not decide the winner, on such a battlefield, every move of these top warriors would be noticed by everyone.

The scene just now was enough to lower the morale of the navy, and the morale of the Rocks Pirates soared!

For a moment, the fishmen started to fight the navy madly again, and completely gained the upper hand!

Not only that

"The Marshal actually!"

This scene, of course, also fell into the eyes of the two admirals who were fighting - Black Hawk and White Horse.

They did not expect that Rocks was so strong that he could gain the upper hand in the fight with the Navy Marshal!

"Hello, you just...I seem to be distracted!"

"Three Thousand Thunder Blades!"

Seeing that General Black Hawk was distracted for a moment, Luo En immediately���Seizing the opportunity, he wrapped the power of lightning in the Tianyu Yuzan in his hand!


With the top-level Armament Haki·Ryu Sakura, Loen's Tianyu Yuzan slashed across the left chest of the Black Hawk General!


General Black Hawk cried out inwardly, and tried to raise the [Demon Slayer] in his hand to block Loen's attack, but it was too late!


Tian Yuyu slashed down, instantly leaving an extremely terrifying scar on General Black Hawk's left chest!

On the other side

"Gulala! Hakuba, you dare to be distracted while fighting me? Are you afraid that you won't die fast enough?"

Newgate also seized the fleeting opportunity when General Hakuba was distracted, and raised the naginata in his hand high, with the domineering color and domineering aura wrapped around it!


The knife fell, also on the right waist of General Hakuba, leaving a deep bloody mark!

"Black Hawk General....He was actually chopped?!"

"This was the first time he was injured! After all, he was the [World's No. 1 Swordsman]!"

"Even the White Horse General.....!"

The Admiral of the Navy was at a disadvantage, and two Admirals of the Navy were injured in succession!

The bad news that came one after another made the Navy present fall into deep despair!

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