"Brother-in-law...When did you come here?"

Newgate was also stunned. He didn't expect that Lorne would be so fast and came behind him unknowingly.

"So, Newgate, have you given up?"

"I am your brother-in-law. How can I be your brother-in-law if I lose to you?" Luo En smiled slightly, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

""Brother-in-law is still brother-in-law."

Newgate sighed, he couldn't help but accept it.

Although he had learned Conqueror Haki·Entanglement, it was not enough, and the destructive power was greatly increased!

But he was busy practicing Conqueror Haki·Entanglement for the past month.

The practice of Observation Haki and Armament Haki was undoubtedly left behind.

If he wanted to truly transform into an emperor-level strongman, the three colors of domineering, speed, physical strength, and strength must all be practiced to the top!

Originally, Newgate wanted to give Loen a"surprise"

"but....The speed of this Thunder Fruit is really fast, brother-in-law."

Newgate thought that Lorne dodged it by relying on the speed of the fruit ability.

"It's not a question of speed, Newgate"

"Before you swung your knife, Lorne was already behind you."

"The action was completely predicted."

Locks said the secret at the side.

"Oh? So my brother-in-law noticed my intention in advance?"

Newgate rubbed his chin, thinking about what had just happened.

"Not perceiving, but foreseeing"

"He completely anticipated your move and confirmed that you would do that, so he dodged in advance.

After explaining all this to Newgate, Lockes turned his head and looked at Lorne beside him, his tone full of surprise.

"Luo En, your observation Haki is improving very quickly."

"Have you mastered the ability to foresee the future?"

That's right, my brother had completely seen through Newgate's future moves just now, so he appeared behind him before Newgate swung his sword.

This is definitely the ability to foresee the future.

Rocks himself also has this ability.

He knows too well the benefits of this top-level observation Haki in actual combat.

His brother is getting stronger and stronger, so great

"That's right...Brother, I can probably see the short future now."Lorne nodded and admitted it.

"So this is ah...Is it my Observation Haki that works? It seems I have to hurry up and practice my Observation Haki."Newgate suddenly realized.

It seems that relying on Conqueror Haki Entanglement alone is far from enough.

All three colors of Haki must be improved.

So Newgate prepared to practice Observation Haki on the spot.

"Wait, Newgate, man, I'm here to tell you some good news."

"Xia Ri is also pregnant, I will have my third child!"

Luo En quickly told the two of them the purpose of his coming here.

"Really? Lorne (brother-in-law)?"

The two asked in great surprise.

Although Xia Ri and Newgate had no blood relationship, Newgate had long regarded Lorne as a family member.

Even though they were not related by blood, Newgate still thought that he would have another nephew.

"Of course it's true."Lorne confirmed

"Great! Hahaha!"

"Gulala, that's really great!"

Newgate and Rocks laughed at the same time.

It must be said that Lorne is really"capable"!

He can guarantee the"hit rate" in about a month. He is a perfect"sharpshooter" who never misses.

"By the way, Lorne, how long will it take for Shirley to give birth?"

"About a month"

"It seems that the day is not far away.....I am really looking forward to it."

Both Locke and Newgate are looking forward to the baby that is about to be born.

"What on earth are the Navy and the World Government doing? They are so slow, they haven't called me yet, I am getting impatient waiting!"

"They wouldn't attack Shirley when she's giving birth, would they?"

Newgate thought of this possibility and became a little worried.

The navy and the world government are full of tricks. If they want to attack Shirley when she's giving birth, it will be troublesome.

"Probably not... All the CPs sent by the Navy and the World Government were dealt with by us. They don't know the exact date of Shirley's delivery."

"Maybe they are plotting something else."

Lorne stroked his chin and analyzed it carefully.

"No matter what conspiracy they come up with, they will end up dead."

Rocks' eyes suddenly became fierce.

World Government, Navy...If you want revenge on the Celestial Dragons, these are your opponents.

If you dare to invade Wano Country, you must make them pay with blood!

"Captain Rocks, Lord Lorne, Lord Newgate, I have been looking for you for a long time....!"

At this moment, several male fishmen suddenly rushed over, out of breath.

These male fishmen were members of the Royal Guard.

They were responsible for intelligence work when they were on Fishman Island.

This time, Lorne also let them do their old job and sent them out to monitor the Navy Headquarters.

"Oh? Did something happen in the navy?"

After seeing the male merman, Lorne asked

"That's right...navy...The Navy Headquarters has already started gathering!"

The male fish man said breathlessly. It seems that he came to report without hesitation after receiving the news.

"How many people did they dispatch?" Rocks asked

"I don't know the specific situation. The navy is on high alert. If our people get close, they will be discovered immediately. There is no way to get more accurate intelligence."

"Now we only know that the Navy will dispatch at least 2 admirals, 1 admiral candidate, a dozen mid-level officers from the headquarters and nearly 40 warships!"

"As for the soldiers, I'm afraid at least 50,000 will be dispatched."

The fish man presented all the information he had obtained.

"OK..I understand. Thank you for your hard work."

"Tell the members of the Mermaid Guard to increase patrols and security these days."

"Not only in the Kyuuri Falls of Wano Country, but also in the dozens of miles outside Wano Country."

"Once you find the navy, report it immediately."

Lorne thought for a while and then gave the order.

"I understand, Lord Lorne."

"Don't worry, with our fishman guards here, the navy will never be able to break through the defenses of Kuri Falls and enter Wano Country!"

The male fishman swore allegiance.

"It's really reliable....."Lorne smiled and praised.

With the loyalty of Fishman Island, the Rocks Pirates have indeed saved a lot of trouble.

"Brother...then we should also prepare and prepare a generous gift for the upcoming world government and navy."..........

At the same time, at the Navy Headquarters, Marinford!

The square in the bay was packed with people!

Two admirals, one admiral candidate, plus 16 elite vice admirals, five giant vice admirals, and 60,000 naval soldiers, a total of nearly 45 warships, had all assembled and were ready to go!

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