Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

On the crescent-shaped square in the navy bay.

Tens of thousands of elite navy troops have assembled here!

Two admirals of the Navy Headquarters and one admiral candidate, the momentum is amazing.

In addition, there are 16 elite vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters and five giant vice admirals. The navy has almost assembled the strongest lineup!

"Really...It's so suffocating!"

"This spirit...It's simply breathtaking!"

"This is the first time I have seen so many lieutenant generals and generals from the headquarters gathered together."

"Yes, on weekdays, vice admirals are usually out on duty."

In the square, 60,000 naval elites drawn from all over the world were also suffocated by the lineup that the navy could assemble this time.

It was terrible, a candidate for admiral, two admirals, and so many elite vice admirals.

This might be the first time in the history of the navy that so many senior generals were gathered together!

The purpose was to launch a long-distance raid on a pirate group!

This is definitely the largest and most amazing crusade in the history of the navy!

In any case, this war will determine the fate of the world!

At this moment, the Navy Marshal was standing on the most conspicuous observation deck on the Navy Building, which symbolizes justice.

From here, you can overlook the entire Bay Square of Marinford.

Similarly, this observation deck can be seen from any position in the Bay Square.

At this moment, the Navy Marshal was holding a loudspeaker Den Den Mushi in his hand, which could spread the Navy Marshal's deep voice throughout Marinford!

"Ladies and gentlemen, the town we are standing in, Marinford, is the center of the world!"

"Our presence in the center of the world has extremely important and far-reaching significance."

"The reason why we are guarding here is to let the weak people no longer lose sleep at night for the fear of losing their loved ones!"

"Navy...Don't forget, there is justice behind us!"

"The significance of this war needs no further explanation!"

"In this war, our navy will show the world that evil will never defeat justice!"

"Justice will prevail!"

The Admiral looked at the many sailors below and gave a moving speech!

The next moment

"The Marshal is right, justice will prevail!"

"Justice will prevail!"

"Justice will prevail!"

The simple four-word mantra inspired the original dream of the navy soldiers when they first joined the navy!

The four-word motto of justice will prevail resounded in the bay square of Marinford!

""Let's go to Wano Country!"

The Admiral shouted, and the navy began to move!

At once, two admirals, one admiral candidate, and all the elite vice admirals of the headquarters boarded the warship!

The navy also moved boxes of supplies to the warship.

Boom, boom, boom!

The warship's engine has started, ready to go at any time....Get ready to go!

At this critical moment.


Suddenly, in the building of the Navy Headquarters, several figures appeared beside the Navy Admiral!

This sudden scene made the Navy Admirals, Admiral Candidates, and Vice Admirals of the headquarters, who were proficient in observation Haki, stop and look at the Navy Admiral.

The rest of the Navy who were landing, when they saw the Admirals and Vice Admirals suddenly stopped, also followed the Admirals and Vice Admirals' eyes and looked at the position of the Navy Admiral.

"The people beside the Marshal...."

"That is....CP0!"

"What are they doing here?"

The navy immediately recognized these guys in white suits and strange masks. They were the organization under the Celestial Dragons of Holy Land Marijoa, known as the"Strongest Shield" - CP0!

"CP0? What are you doing at the Navy Headquarters?"

When CP0 appeared, the Navy Admiral turned sideways and looked at CP0 coldly, his eyes full of vigilance.

Although they are both lackeys of the Celestial Dragons, the Navy Admiral has some"justice" for the people in his heart.

And these CP0s are completely lackeys who follow the Celestial Dragons' lead!

Of course, CP0 is also quite disgusted with the hypocritical people in the Navy who talk about"justice" all the time.

Both sides can be said to look down on each other.

"The morale of the navy is very high."

"I believe the Marshal should be very clear about what this crusade against the Rocks Pirates means."

The leader of CP0 looked at the Navy Marshal, his expression under the mask was a little frivolous, but his tone was quite friendly.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

The Admiral was a little impatient, but he had to suppress his inner dissatisfaction and said kindly.

After all, the appearance of these CP0s may very well represent the will of the highest level of the world government.

"very good...."

"I believe the Admiral is well aware that for the sake of the government's credibility, this war can only be won, not lost."

"therefore....In order to prevent any accidents, the command of this war will be handed over to us."

The leader of CP0 spoke kindly, but what he said made the Admiral shudder!

"What did you say?!"

The Admiral clenched his fists, his whole body was full of vigor, his eyes were full of bloodshot....It seemed as if the next second, a fist would hit the face of this CP0.

The Navy Admiral knew the style of these Celestial Dragons' lackeys very well.

CP0, a terrorist organization that can destroy a country for a word from the Celestial Dragons!

Their style of doing things is to achieve their goals at any cost!

The Rocks Pirates originally occupied Wano Country, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It can be imagined that if they are really allowed to command this war, they will definitely let the navy soldiers charge desperately!

By then, the casualties of the navy will probably be far beyond their imagination!

"Admiral, you have no right to refuse!"

"This is an order personally issued by the Five Elders."

"If you have any objections, you can report it directly to the Five Elders."

CP0's tone became tougher, and the leader casually took out a Den Den Mushi and placed it in front of the Navy Marshal.


Looking at the Den Den Mushi that connected directly to the Five Elders, the Admiral hesitated for a moment before giving up the fight.....The navy is just an institution of the world government.

As a naval marshal, he seems to be the highest leader of the navy and has great glory.

But in front of the five elders, the world's highest power, he is just an insect slightly larger than an ant.

"In this case...Then as the Admiral of the Navy, I must also lead the way and join in this war!"

But...Although he didn't dare to call the Five Elders to express his dissatisfaction directly, the Navy Marshal decided temporarily that he would also participate in this war! With one more admiral, the battle could be ended faster!

Perhaps the Navy's casualties would be smaller.

This can be regarded as the Navy Marshal's contribution to the Navy to the best of his ability.

"Oh, is it so?"

"If you all leave here"

"By then, the power of Marinford will be quite empty."

CP0 stroked his chin, thinking about the consequences of the Navy Admiral's participation in the war.

After thinking for a moment, CP0 felt that he did not have the right to decide this matter, so he reported the news to the Five Elders.

After the call, CP0 looked up at the Navy Admiral, and a smile appeared on his face under the mask.

"Very good, the Five Elders have agreed to your request."


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