[Reward the host with SS-level talent, foreseeing the future Observation Haki! ]

A series of system prompts came, and it sounded so pleasant to Loen.

Finally, the third talent is here, and it turned out to be the foreseeing future Observation Haki!

This is a very practical ability.

The relationship between foreseeing future Observation Haki and Observation Haki is similar to the relationship between Ryusakura and Armament Haki.

It is an advanced application of Observation Haki.

Only those who have cultivated Observation Haki to the top level can gain the ability to foresee the future for a short period of time! It is different from ordinary Observation Haki, which only predicts the enemy's next step.

Foreseeing future Observation Haki can clearly [foresee] a certain future!

In other words, the enemy's next move is completely under his control.

Even the enemy's next sentence can be clearly [foreseen].

In actual combat, foreseeing the future is definitely an SS-level ability!

After getting the good news that Xia Ri was pregnant, Loen immediately went to find Rocks and Newgate, wanting to tell them the good news.

Very���Loen found Rocks and Newgate in an open space.

Whitebeard has not been idle for the past month, but took the initiative to ask Rocks for advice on the techniques of domineering.

After all, Newgate has a clear understanding of his own strength- his strength is not enough to deal with the strong men of the admiral level alone.

Maybe he can delay for a while, but after entering a protracted war, he will almost certainly lose when facing the strong men of the emperor level!

Since there will be a fierce battle between the Rocks Pirates and the Navy and the World Government.

Then we must improve our strength as soon as possible.

The channel to improve strength as soon as possible is also very simple. Either you have to fight a life-and-death battle and use the desperate situation to force out your full potential.

Or you can find a suitable teacher to teach.

It is not easy to find a life-and-death battle for a while.

But the right teacher is right in front of you, that is Rocks!

Rocks, who can already kill the admiral of the navy alone, is there any better teacher in the world?

Rocks is of course happy to see Newgate come to ask him for advice.

After all, Newgate is now a family member.

So this month, Rocks did his best to teach Newgate all the skills of Conqueror's Haki:

Entanglement. In terms of teaching ability, Rocks is at the same level as the later teacher Kai. He personally demonstrated every skill and taught step by step. He taught all kinds of difficult points, doubts and test points without hesitation.

The teaching accuracy is much better than that of the mediocre teacher Rayleigh.

Of course, the teaching staff is one aspect, but the more important thing is the talent of the students.

If the talent is average, even if Rocks breaks it apart and crushes it and feeds it to his mouth, the mediocre person will not be able to learn it.

But who is Newgate? He is the"World's Strongest Man" in the original work!

A legendary pirate who can compete with the Pirate King.

After Roger's death, he is the king who is recognized by the world as the king who is above the throne of"Pirate King"!

Newgate's talent is basically at the same level as Roger, and he is the best among the best!

Luffy can learn Ryuo, Conqueror's Haki: Entanglement, and Fruit Awakening in a short period of time, and even upgrade three levels.

The outrageous degree is simply outrageous to open the door to outrageous fucking. There is no reason why Whitebeard cannot learn the Conqueror's Haki·Entanglement.

Moreover, this time there is plenty of time, a full month.

After a month of hard training, Newgate has basically mastered the technique of Conqueror's Haki·Entanglement, and his strength has increased to a terrifying level, even a qualitative change!

In particular, the mastery of Conqueror's Haki·Entanglement has greatly increased Newgate's single-body destructive power.

Now Newgate is basically equivalent to officially stepping into the threshold of a General Emperor-level powerhouse.

Of course, it is only stepping into the threshold.

Under the General Emperor, everyone is an ant!

To become a true General Emperor-level powerhouse, you must be fully flawless!

Whether it is physical strength, power, speed, or the three-color domineering, you have to practice to the top level.

Think about Whitebeard at his peak, he could prevent sneak attacks even when he was asleep.

"Newgate, brother, I have good news for you."

When Lorne saw Newgate and Lockes, he greeted them excitedly.

"Gulala! Brother-in-law, you're here?"

"You've come just in time. Let me try out my latest Conqueror's Haki: Entanglement!"

As soon as Newgate saw Lorne, he couldn't wait to swing the large naginata in his hand, wanting to show Lorne the results of his one-month training.


The Conqueror's aura directly stirred up a strong wind on the spot, and Newgate's bright golden hair was blown by the strong wind.

On the blade of the large naginata, black lightning of the Conqueror's Haki suddenly appeared!

The black lightning flashed wantonly, and this aura alone was enough to make some weaklings tremble.


Newgate waved towards Lorne.

"Newgate....I really can't do anything to you."

Lorne chuckled, and his observation Haki fully sensed Newgate's next move.

Before Newgate swung out his large naginata, Lorne flashed and turned into a lightning bolt and quickly came behind Newgate.


When Lorne had landed behind Newgate, Newgate swung the naginata in his hand.

Clang, clang~!

The terrifying domineering Haki, entangled, entangled like a tiger.

The sword energy broke through the air!

Like a tiger driving straight in, even the places that the sword energy did not touch were frantically attacked along the way. Conqueror Haki·Entanglement impacted a mess.

This is the most powerful part of Conqueror Haki·Entanglement - the ability to strike from a distance!

In fact, it seems to be the ability to strike from a distance, but the deeper reason is that the energy density of Conqueror Haki·Entanglement is much thicker than Armament Haki.

Compress the high-density Conqueror Haki and wrap it around the fist or weapon, and then release it in one breath.

Its power is many times stronger than Armament Haki Ryusakura!

If Armament Haki Ryusakura is equivalent to internal energy, then Conqueror Haki Entanglement is a state of transformation that is dozens of times stronger than internal energy.

""You've done a great job, Newgate. You've learned the Overlord Haki Entanglement so quickly."

At this moment, Lorne's voice suddenly rang out.

"but......You have to practice more.....Newgate...."

"I've been standing here for a second....."

Loen yawned, appeared behind Newgate, and drew out the Sky Feather Slash from his waist.

Zila La~ Zila La~

Lightning burst out on the blade of the Sky Feather Slash.

"If it was a real fight, you would be injured by now...."

As he spoke, the Tianyu Yuzhan in Loen's hand had already pointed directly at Newgate's waist.

Just as Loen said, if it was a real fight, the Tianyu Yuzhan would have stabbed Newgate's vitals at this time!

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