Naval Headquarters, Marinford


He almost stuttered in response.

Even though he was in such a high position, had seen many storms and experienced many hardships.

The then Admiral of the Navy, who was already over 50 years old, could not help but tremble when he heard the news of Lei Long's death.

"Yes... yes."

On the other end of the Den Den Mushi, Vice Admiral Clay tried hard to suppress his tears and tried to make his voice sound less trembling.

But the Navy Admiral could feel the expression and crying tone of the Den Den Mushi.

How sad the Vice Admiral of the headquarters, who had been working with Admiral Lei Long for the longest time, felt at this moment.

Not to mention Vice Admiral Clay.

At this moment, the face of the Navy Admiral was unconsciously covered with tears.

After all, Lei Long was his most promising successor to the next Navy Admiral.

He was also the Navy Admiral he promoted!

He actually died in the battle with the Rocks Pirates!

It was too sudden.....What a surprise!

No one expected that this seemingly easy action would lead to the death of the Navy Admiral Lei Long!

You know, the Rocks Pirates are just a rookie pirate group that has been at sea for a few months!


"Rocks Pirates....You must pay for this!"

The Admiral's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Recall the other two admirals on duty immediately! And all other high-ranking admirals and above in the Navy Headquarters, put down what you are doing and hold a meeting!"...........

At the same time, the news of the battle on Fishman Island was also transmitted to Marijoa as soon as possible.

After receiving the news, the five warrior gods of the Five Elders were stunned as if they had been struck by a bolt from the blue.


"Died in the hands of the Rocks Pirates in a battle?"

After receiving the exact reply, the five elders felt deeply incredible and also felt a huge threat.

The death of Lei Long did not make the five elders feel any sadness.

In the eyes of the world government, especially those high-ranking Celestial Dragons.

The navy is just the"face" of the world government.

A navy admiral, although outstanding in strength, is ultimately of"pariah" origin.

Since he is of pariah origin, he is destined to not be valued by the world government, especially the Celestial Dragons.

To put it bluntly, he is just a dog that is more useful, obedient, and painful to bite. The death of such a person is not worth the Five Elders to feel sad.

The only reaction of the Five Elders after hearing the news was that the Rocks Pirates were too dangerous!

Captain Rocks·D·Jibek, bounty of 430 million Baileys.

The second in command, and Rocks's younger brother, Lorne·D·Jibek, bounty of 170 million berries.

And the third in command, Edward Newgate, bounty of 160 million berries.

There are only these three wanted criminals in the Rocks Pirates.

Judging from the bounties, these three people don't look like men who can defeat the admiral of the navy.

Not to mention killing the admiral of the navy!

Killing and defeating are two difficulties.

You know, with the strength of Leilong and the speed of the Thunder Fruit, it is not so easy to kill him!

But since Leilong died in this battle, it means that the world government and the navy have underestimated this new pirate group in the past!

Or, this pirate group that has just been at sea for only a few months has grown too fast!

No matter which case, the Five Elders feel uneasy in their hearts.

Such rapid growth....In the future, it will bring great disaster to the world government and the Tianlong people.

"By the way, how is that guy Izramani doing?"

""He ran to the Fishman Island in the ten thousand meter deep sea without permission and lost a Navy Admiral. He should be rescued."

At this time, one of the Five Elders asked the CP personnel who called to report.

The Navy Admiral's action this time was mainly to rescue the Celestial Dragons. If the Navy Admiral died, he could be trained again.

If the Celestial Dragons died, then their family members would come to cause trouble, which would be a real headache for the Five Elders.

"that.....Report....Report to the Five Elders!"

"Izramanian Saint.....already.....Confirmed dead!"

CP paused for a long time before daring to reveal the news.

"What ?!!"

As expected, as soon as the voice fell, the expression of Den Den Mushi was about to collapse!

The five elders who were talking to CP had their facial features almost distorted.....He died too?

It would have been fine if he had sacrificed the life of a Marine admiral, but he couldn't even protect the Celestial Dragons?!!

"The navy is really a bunch of trash!"

One of the Five Elders couldn't help but get angry and cursed.

"They really know how to cause trouble! The Rocks Pirates!"

"In just a few months, the bounty for the captain soared to 400 million, and the bounty for the vice captain and cadres exceeded 100 million. This is a growth rate that is several times more terrifying than other pirates."

"Now he has killed the admiral of the navy and a celestial dragon"

"Such a potential pirate group must be given more attention."

"By the way, what does the navy say?"

"If I remember correctly, Lei Long seemed to be promoted by the Admiral of the Navy."

The Five Elders put aside the matter they were discussing and started to discuss the Rocks Pirates.

After all, things were developing too fast, and they had to pay more attention to the Rocks Pirates.

"Report...Report....The Five Elders, just now...Saint Izramani's father was very angry and hoped that the Five Elders would give their family an explanation."

"Report to the Five Elders: The Knights of God have also received news of Saint Izramani's death. They are deeply sorry for this and hope that the Five Elders can give an explanation to the Saint Izramani family.��"

A series of notifications were quickly sent to the location of the Five Elders - the Hall of Power.

"Did even the Knights of God know about it?"

"Why...What a headache."

Hearing this news, the Five Elders also had a headache.

It was easy to deal with the family of Saint Izramani alone.

But the Knights of God knew about this, so there must be an explanation.

In terms of status, the Five Elders are actually above the Knights of God.

After all, they are the highest power in the world, the [rulers] of the world government.

If we must make an analogy, if Yimu is the emperor, then the Five Elders are the [cabinet], mainly responsible for handling external affairs and governing the world government. The

[Knights of God] is the direct team of Lord Yimu, responsible for handling the internal affairs of the Celestial Dragons, equivalent to eunuchs, and their functions are similar to the [Si Li Jian].

In terms of official rank, the [Si Li Jian] is the [Si Li Jian]... The [Cemetery] is far inferior to the [Cabinet].

But in terms of its relationship with the emperor, the [Cemetery] is far better than the Cabinet!

The Knights of God are just like the [Cemetery], all of whose members are composed of Celestial Dragons, and their relationship with Lord Im is much closer than that of the Five Elders.

Therefore, even though the Five Elders are apparently much higher in status than the Knights of God, the Five Elders must also take the words of the Knights of God seriously! After all, in a sense, the words of the Knights of God represent the will of Lord Im.

It's as if every move of the [Cemetery] represents the will of the emperor.

Since the Knights of God have said so, whether Lord Im knows about this or not, the Five Elders must give an explanation!

"In this case, the matter of Fishman Island cannot be kept secret any longer. We must tell the whole world immediately and issue a bounty for the three men!"

"Notify the Admiral immediately and ask him to mobilize all possible forces!"

"The Rocks Pirates must die this time!"

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