"Report to the Five Elders....The Admiral has been informed."

"He was very angry when he learned about this. He was urgently recalling the other two generals who were on duty outside. He also called many senior generals above the rank of vice admiral to a meeting."

"The Navy reported that they were planning a large-scale"clean-up" operation, hoping to completely eradicate the Rocks Pirates and avenge Admiral Lei Long."

Soon the plan of the Navy Headquarters was conveyed to the Holy Land.

After receiving the report, the Five Elders seemed quite satisfied.

This coincided with their thoughts.

Even before he gave a hint, the Navy Admiral had already thought of this.

After all, the appointment of the Navy Admiral must be personally recommended by the Five Elders.

The Navy Admiral is usually promoted from the Navy

Admiral. If he does not take it as his responsibility to safeguard the interests of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, no matter how capable he is, the Five Elders will not allow him to be promoted to the position of Navy Admiral.

If the Navy Admiral is a running dog of the Celestial Dragons, the Navy Admiral is a high-end running dog.

"Tell the Admiral that the world government fully supports this operation!"

"And at least two, or even three, admirals must be dispatched."

"The Rocks Pirates must be eradicated!"

"At least, we have to get rid of Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate!"........

One day later, the deeds of the Rocks Pirates were exposed to the world.

《Fishman Island was removed from the list! Eliminated from the ranks of the world government's member countries!》

《The Rocks Pirates recruited the fishmen!》

《Neptune, the King of Fishman Island, betrayed the World Government and became the [Worst Fishman] with a bounty of 230 million Beli!》

《Navy Admiral Lei Long died in battle, and the Celestial Dragon Saint Izramani was killed!》

《The culprit of everything - the Rocks Pirates!》

《Captain of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks Kibek, bounty of 2.285 billion berries!》

《The second-in-command of the Rocks Pirates, Lorne Zibek, has a bounty of 465 million Baileys!》

《Edward Newgate, the third in command of the Rocks Pirates, has a bounty of 450 million Baileys! 》

A series of sensational headlines shocked the whole world!

Admiral Thunder Dragon died in battle, the Celestial Dragons were killed, and Fishman Island was incorporated by the Pirates!

Any of these three things would be big news enough to shock the world! But now it was done by the same pirate group on the same day!

One of the three admirals of the navy died in battle, and nearly one million residents of Fishman Island, nearly 100,000 fish-man warriors, all joined the Rocks Pirates!

These two things are super-large events that are enough to shock the world!

Later generations called this battle that changed the world pattern the"Battle of Fishman Island"!

For a time, the name of the Rocks Pirates was completely resounding throughout the world, and it was unparalleled!

Captain Rocks Gibeck became a top pirate with a bounty of more than 2 billion, on par with other top pirates on the sea!

Even Lorne's bounty soared nearly three times, reaching 465 million Baileys!

Edward Newgate's bounty also successfully exceeded 400 million berries.

A ship has three pirates with bounties exceeding 400 million berries.....!

Plus 100,000 fishmen soldiers whose strength is ten times that of ordinary people!

In terms of scale alone, the Rocks Pirates.....It is already a truly super large pirate group!

In other words, in the current pirate world, the title of"Four Emperors" has not yet been circulated.

Otherwise, with the configuration of the Rocks Pirates, they will definitely be among the"One Emperor".】!..........

Grand Line, a certain sea area.

On a sailing ship.

The second in command of Roger's pirate group, with a bounty of 137 million.

Rayleigh, only 19 years old, is sitting on a deck chair at this moment, holding a bottle of fine wine in his hand, sunbathing, and enjoying this rare leisure time very comfortably.


Coincidentally, a newspaper gull flew over the sky

"Oh? There's a new newspaper?"

There was a Bailey on Rayleigh's fingertips. He flicked it into the sky, and then a copy of today's newspaper flew down.

Picking up the newspaper, Rayleigh glanced at it roughly, and his body immediately froze in place, and he didn't react for a long time!

"Hey, Rayleigh, what's wrong with you? Why haven't you moved for so long?"

"Did you get drunk and become stupid?"

Jabba, the third in command of Roger's pirate group, who was only 19 years old and wore sunglasses and had a bounty of more than 100 million berries, noticed that something was wrong with Rayleigh and joked.

However, Rayleigh did not respond to him, but remained in a stiff posture.

"What are you doing?"

Jabba came to Rayleigh and snatched the newspaper from his hand without any hesitation.

Then, Jabba also froze in place, like a statue, dumbfounded.

"Hey, what the hell are you two doing! Jabba, Rayleigh!"

Finally, the second and third in command's continuous abnormal behavior attracted the attention of Captain Roger.

Roger was about 20 years old at this time, and his iconic black beard had not yet grown.

The bounty, however, exceeded 300 million, making him the supernova with the highest bounty on the sea except for Rocks.

"Roger..Today's news...Really, really too..."

Rayleigh and Jabba looked at Roger at the same time, not knowing what to say.

After all, the news in today's newspaper was so explosive!

So explosive that they even suspected that the newspaper was fake.

"It's a newspaper, what's the big deal?"

Roger chuckled and took the newspaper from Jabba.

Then, the future Pirate King opened his mouth wide the moment he saw the newspaper."O"Shape!

While snot was dripping from his nostrils, his eyeballs were almost popping out of his eye sockets!


At this moment, this scene is not only happening in Roger's pirate group!

In the Grand Line.

Anyone who pays attention to the news will be shocked by today's newspaper!

"Oh my God, they actually incorporated Fishman Island?"

"How terrifying! The Rocks Pirates!"

"They only went out to sea two months earlier than us, but they were left far behind!"

"A bounty of 2.2 billion?! A bounty of 400 million for cadres?"

"Is it so exaggerated to kill the admiral of the navy and the celestial dragons at the same time?"

"It's really shocking!"

For a time, the reputation of the Rocks Pirates spread like a virus all over the world!

The supernovas of the same period, Shiki, John, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, etc. and some long-established pirates.

After reading today's newspaper, they all showed the same horrifying expression as Roger!

Killing the admiral of the navy, killing the Celestial Dragons, and incorporating Fishman Island!

These are all things that can change the world!

A supernova pirate group that has just been out to sea for a few months actually did these three things at the same time?!

For a time, the Rocks Pirates became the most dazzling pirate group in the entire ocean!

The dazzling degree has left all the supernovas and even the long-established top pirate groups behind!

The Rocks Pirates...Made history!

Naturally, the Rocks Pirates also became the most terrifying pirate group in the minds of countless ordinary people!

【The name of the"most vicious pirate group" has begun to spread on the sea!

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