"Overlord·Sky Overlord!"

Rocks gathered his right fist with the color of overlord entangled in it and suddenly struck towards the heart of Thunder Dragon!

""Damn it!"

Lei Long wanted to resist, but now he was powerless to resist. He could only watch Rocks' fist hit his chest.


A punch pierced his chest, and blood sprayed out like an explosion.

Gua La~ Gua La~ Gua La~

A round flesh organ fell down in response. It was a heart.


The navy justice cloak behind him was so tattered that only the word"righteousness" was left.

The"righteousness" that was pierced was right at the heart.

Before he could say any last words, Lei Long breathed his last.

Before he died, Lei Long's eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, and his body was still in a posture of wanting to fight back.

He looked like he was dying with his eyes open.

After all, the Thunder Fruit has a very powerful ability, which is to electrocute one's own heart!

Unfortunately, Rocks had already shot out Lei Long's heart, and he couldn't revive himself by electrotherapy of the heart like Enel in the original work.


A few seconds after being pierced through the chest by Rocks, Lei Long kept the posture of wanting to fight back and his eyes wide open, and fell heavily to the ground.


Seeing this, Neptune said in disbelief.

The Admiral of the Navy, the most powerful force in the Navy Headquarters, one of the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters that countless people feared, Lei Long!

Was he killed by Rocks just like that?

This is simply...This is like a dream!

"It should be dead." Newgate's observation Haki swept across the scene and confirmed that the Thunder Dragon had completely stopped breathing.

"Brother...How are you?"

Lorne came to Rocks's side and checked his injuries.

"I'm fine......."Rocks deliberately lowered his voice, fearing that Lorne would hear something wrong.

But the next second, Rocks could no longer hold on and fainted in Lorne's arms.

"Brother is injured so badly!"Lorne's expression was very complicated.

Lorne knew Rocks' physique very well.

From childhood to adulthood, brother would basically not get hurt. He could be chopped by a knife or an axe without leaving any marks.

His physique was comparable to Charlotte Linlin's [Steel Balloon].

When Rocks was young, he fell from a height of dozens of meters, but he recovered after only one day of recuperation.

It can be imagined how much damage Thunder Dragon brought to Rocks, which made Rocks unable to support himself and fainted.

After all, the characteristic of the Dark Dark Fruit is to double the damage suffered by the ability user.

To eat the strongest awakening-level move of a navy admiral in one breath, you have to bear the burden twice.

In addition, the power and destructive power of the Thunder Fruit are already among the best in the natural fruit. With all these factors combined, even Rocks couldn't stand it.

You know, my brother has only been at sea for a few months! He is completely a [supernova]!

He is not dead yet, so I can only say that my brother must also have the [protagonist halo].

It's just that he is not as powerful as the [King Luffy] in later generations.

"So....Retreat now!"

"Fishman Island is too close to the Navy Headquarters...."

"I'm afraid there will be more navy coming." Newgate also suggested at this moment

"The boat is ready for you all. Please follow me."

Neptune nodded, and then Lorne also set off with Rocks and his party to prepare for the return journey..........

At the same time, on the outskirts of Fishman Island, on several coated warships,

Vice Admiral Clay, Zefa, Sengoku, Crane and other navy officers looked at each other with solemn expressions.

"Hello...Fishman Island, what exactly happened?"

"Why does Fishman Island still exist?! Such a huge thunder ball has already hit it!"

"And what was that strange darkness just now? I have a bad feeling!"

"What happened to Mr. Lei Long?"

"hateful...We know absolutely nothing!"

Soon, a series of inquiries were heard from the navy.

All the navy were very worried. What happened inside Fishman Island?

Why was Fishman Island still intact after the huge thunder that was enough to destroy Fishman Island hit it?

And the strange darkness.

And most importantly, what is the current situation of General Lei Long?

All of this made the navy present anxious.

"Lieutenant General Clay...What should we do now?"

Zhan Guo, with his head and body wrapped in thick bandages, came to Lieutenant General Clay and asked.

General Lei Long was not there, so Lieutenant General Clay, who was a direct descendant of Lei Long, was naturally the highest commander here.

"Anyway, let's ask the headquarters first and wait for reinforcements to arrive."

Intermediate Clay laughed bitterly. This situation was too weird, and he didn't dare to move forward rashly.

After all, this is ten thousand meters deep in the sea, and one wrong step will lead to eternal damnation.

It doesn't matter if something happens to him.

But the future of the navy, such as Sengoku, Zefa, Garp, and Crane, must not be in trouble.

Finally, after waiting for nearly an hour, the ten coated warships of the navy finally arrived.

Led by several elite vice admirals of the navy headquarters, the navy sneaked into Fishman Island again.

At this time, Fishman Island was already in ruins, and iconic buildings such as Ryugu Castle, Hard Shell Tower, and Prison Tower had been razed to the ground.

Only a few places such as Jilong Cord Square and Fishman Harbor could still be settled.

After entering Jilong Cord Square, the navy was immediately stunned!

Because they saw the body of Admiral Lei Long!

"Mr. Lei Long...!"

"No....No way!"

When they saw Lei Long's body, many navy officers widened their eyes, wondering if they were dreaming.

However, after seeing the torn navy cloak and the face of the body, the navy officers confirmed it!

The deceased was indeed Admiral Lei Long!

As soon as the body was confirmed, some of the navy recruits could not bear it, and they collapsed to the ground with weak knees and shed tears.

Several vice admirals of the headquarters were also unable to bear it and shed silent tears.

Many of these vice admirals were direct descendants promoted by Admiral Lei Long.

Unexpectedly, the accident came so suddenly!

Just an action against the new pirate group turned out to be their farewell to Admiral Lei Long!

"hateful...I...I am too weak!"

"If I could be stronger and save the Tianlong people sooner, maybe General Lei Long would.....!"

In the Warring States period, Zefa was extremely regretful. He knelt on his knees, pounding the floor, and shed painful tears.

Every bit of the battle came to his mind.

If he had been stronger, he could have saved the Celestial Dragons from Lorne and Newgate.

Would it have been possible to avoid the fact that Admiral Leilong had one arm broken by Rocks because of distraction?

If both arms were intact, the ending of Admiral Leilong might not be like this.

Even the usually calm Crane unconsciously covered his mouth, leaning against a broken stone, his body shaking uncontrollably due to excessive sadness.

Tears fell silently from his cheeks.

Navy Admiral Leilong died in battle!

This news is undoubtedly a bombshell for the Navy, the World Government, and even the whole world!

When this news was passed back to the Navy Headquarters, the then Navy Marshal almost suspected that he was hallucinating!

Leilong, dead?

PS: The Thunder Fruit is already in hand, don't worry.

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